NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Additional Thompson Family Information
Morris Co. Up

The following information was contributed to the Morris County NJGenWeb site by Paul Ryan.

Mendham, New Jersey                                                                                                                           April 10, 1879

Letter from Robert Thompson to (cousin) Charles Thompson, Ypsilanti, Michigan .

Dear Cousin,

I received your letter on the 8th of April 1879 and in answering it I have written a Family record as I found it in a Family Bible. In reading and writing the names found in that Book my thoughts returned to the generations that were on the Earth before the Flood came. I ---- them all and however many years they were permitted to live, they all passed way from the Earth. As we think of our Forefathers and Mothers who have passed into the unseen world before us, the thought comes to us with a serious and solemn reality that we must sooner or later follow them. If you should come to Mendham and go into our church on the Sabbath Day, you would see few faces that you knew when you lived in Mendham. All of those men and women that lived then have died or they have moved away. The character of the People has changed. There is a large class of People who are known as the Floating Population, these are not the best material to make useful industrious Citizens. We have 4 churches: 2 Presbyterian 1 Methodist 1 Roman Catholic. The 2 Presbyterian churches came out of the 1 Presbyterian Church. At the time of its formation it was called a Secession Church------and the character of the formation of that Church was an exact counterpart of the Southern Secession, the leading men who organized and completed that movement are Dead. They were not members of the Church but they wanted to rule the Church. Their idea rule or ruin. The consequences of that unhappy Church quarrel we are experiencing now and the effect will not be lost til another generation has passed away

My father died the -day of June 1859. In June 1860 my Brother George moved from his home near---------to our home which is still called the Stone House. My Brother George and My Sister Nancy and myself and 2 of my Brother's children are living in this house as one family. Brother George has 6 Children and he has 9 Grand Children . 4 of his Children live in Mendham Township, one of them is in Ohio, one is in Oregon. Mescander(sp?) the one living in Oregon has been twice married; he has two Children.

There is little business doing in Mendham. We are a farming community and Farming in this part of the Country is not a Money making business. A number of farms are Mortgaged for nearly as much as they are worth and some are under Tenancy, which reduces their value year by year. 10 or 12 years past, there was a Land Speculation fever ___in Mendham and in other parts of the State. A number of Speculaters bought up several Farms with the idea that a Rail Road was coming to Mendham and everybody was to be Rich because they thought they would like to be rich. Those Speculaters who bought Farms then would be glad to sell them now for ¼ (or ¾) of what they gave for them. No one now wants to buy land at any price. The price of grain is low and to Farm for profit is out of the question. If the Farmers can live and make ends meet at the end of the year they think they are well off. I have little else to add to this letter. My Sister also will send a Family Record that will have more of the particulars than this one

Farewell. And I remain Your Cousin,                                     Robert Thompson /S/

Taken from Family Bible 

Joseph Thompson died July 1749 
Lydia, his wife died March 24, 1749

Their Children

  • Phebe b. August 29, 1718 d. April 1749 
  • Stephen b. June 13, 1720 d. July 1750 
  • Hannah b. December 3, 1721 d. April 1749             1749 deaths attributed to the "long fever" 
  • Mary b. November 27,1723 d. 1799 
  • Aaron b. December 7, 1725 d. April 1749 
  • Daniel b. December 7, 1727 d. April 1749 
  • Desire b. November 4, 1731 d. July 1777 
  • Rachel b. March 10, 1734 d. April 1749 
  • David b. October 4, 1737 d. December 28, 1824


  • David Thompson b. October 4, 1737 d. December 28, 1824 
  • Rachel Bonnel b. October 15, 1737 d. March 27, 1766

Their Children

  • Joseph Thompson b. June 20, 1759 d. May 6, 1773 
  • Lydia Thompson b. July 29, 1761 d. March 1, 1791 
  • Lois Thompson b. March 2, 1763 d. July 30, 1808 
  • Phebe Thompson b. December 29, 1764 d. October 7, 1773

David Thompson Married (after death of 1st wife Rachel) on August 11, 1766 
Hannah Carey (or Cary) b. April 26, 1747 d. November 19, 1831

Their Children

  • Mary Thompson b. October 17, 1767 
  • Daniel b. June 28, 1769 d. April 3, 1857 (buried in Mendham, Morris County, NJ 
  • Rachel Thompson b. February 8, 1771 
  • Aaron b. March 3, 1773 d. March 19, 1802 
  • Stephen b. January 15, 1775 d. June 6, 1859 
  • Able b. August 12, 1777 d. November 20, 1808 
  • Martha Thompson b. October 20, 1779 d. (by a stroke of lightning in Pres, Church) May 15, 1813 
  • David Thompson b. December 10, 1782 d. December 20, 1831 
  • Rufus Thompson b. March 29, 1785 d. November 18, 1818 
  • Nancy Thompson b. June 7, 1788 d. January 1, 1799 
  • Phebe Thompson b. October 11, 1790


  • Stephen Thompson b. January 15, 1775 
  • Susan Hams b. May 15, 1776

Their Children

  • George Hams Thompson b. October 9, 1803- had six children 
  • Nancy(?) Isabella Thompson b. April 10, 1806 
  • David b. October 26, 1808 lived at Newton, Sussex County 
  • Robert Thompson b. April 22, 1811----(AUTHOR OF THIS FAMILY RECORD AND LETTER) 
  • Mescander Thompson b. February 6, 1815

the end.

P.S. Italicized/bold items are taken from an accompanying letter from Robert's sister, Nancy Thompson written on April 12, 1879.

There is also a letter from Mary to her brother Charles dated March 14, 1870 which is basically indecipherable.

Also a brief note from Daniel Thompson to Charles dated Newark, October 24, 1854. He says:

"Charles, I received your letter in five days after it was written. You informed me that you have five children for whom you are accountable. You want to know if any of the family has fallen a victim to the ______ (I presume he means the fever of 1849). None but John he died in August. We have all been sick. Rebecca was one week without eating, three days without hope of life and 12 hours without any_____. She is recovering. Mary and George(?) stayed over one week Night . I have much to say but my head will not tell it on paper. /s/ Daniel Thompson"

Transcribed from the hand written original in my files
Paul Ryan 
Mamaroneck, NY 
August 20, 2002


The following information was contributed to the Morris County NJGenWeb site by Paul Ryan.

Extracted from DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY, VOLUME XXIII, CALENDAR OF NEW JERSEY WILLS, VOLUME I, 1670-1730; Paterson NJ, 1901 ( Libers 1, 2, etc. are of West Jersey Wills. Those as Libers A, B, etc., are of East Jersey Wills)

THOMPSON, beginning page 458:

1694-5 Feb. 4. Thompson, Aaron, of Elizabeth Town; will of. NJ Archives, XXI, pp. 227, 242..

1711 Sept. 17. Thompson, Alexander, of Piscattaway Township, Middlesex Co., yeoman; will of. Children - Cissell, Margarett, James, John, Alexander. Real and personal estate. Executor - son Alexander, with Adam Hude and Gawen Lockhart as overseers. Witnesses - Stephen Wilson, Isaac Stelle, Jno. Borrow. Proved November 28, 1711. Lib. 1, p. 368.

1694 29th d. 10th m. (Dec.). Thompson, Andrew, of Elsenburgh, Salem Co. husbandman; will of. Children - William, Andrew, Elizabeth, wife of Isaac Smart, John. Real and personal estate. Executors - brother John Thompson, Richard Darkin and son-in-law Isaac Smart. Witnesses - Richard Darkin and Isaac Smart. Recorded November 9, 1696. 1696 30th d. 8th m. (Oct.). Inventory of the personal estate, £178.18.3; made by Richard Darkin, Tho. Thompson and Rothoriff Morris. Salem Wills, A, p. 198.

[page 459] 1727 4th d. 7th m. (Sept.). Thompson, Andrew, Junior, of Elsenburrow, Salem Co., yeoman; will of . Wife Grace. Children - Andrew, Joshua, Hannah Cook, Thomas, Sarah and Abrahaml; brother John mentioned. Real and personal estate. Executors - the wife, Nathan Smart and Lewis Morris. Witnesses - Jean Morris, Jane Thompson, John Jones. Proved Oct. 14, 1727. Lib. 2, p. 460. 1727 Oct. 6. Inventory of the personal estate, £601.12.6, incl. bonds, bills and book debts £218.18, old books, £4, a clock --------, a negro woman £28; made by Abell Nicholson and Jno. Goodwin. 1727 Oct. 9. Inventory of the personal estate, £16; made by Abell Nicholson and Jno. Goodwin. 1727 Oct. 14. Bond of John Cook of Duck Creek, Kent Co., as administrator of the estate. Nathan Smart and Lewis Morris, both of Elsenburrow, yeomen, fellow bondsmen.

1712 1st d. 3d m. (April). Thompson, James, of Elsingborrough Precinct, Salem Co. Inventory of the personal estate of, £150.15.10 ½, new currency; made by John Mason and Richard Woodnutt.

1715 24th d. 6th m. (Aug.). Thompson, John, of elsonborrow, Salem Co., yeoman; will of. Wife Sarah. Grandchildren - John, James and daughters, children of son James, Sarah and other daughters of son Thomas, children of son(-in-law) Richard and Mary Woodnut. Mulatto servant Kate freed. Real and personal estate. Executors - Richard Woodnut, kinsman Andrew Thompson and John Goodwin. Witnesses - Nathan Smart, William Waldin, Grace Thompson. Proved January 27, 1715-6. 1715-6, 31st d. 11th m. (Jan.). Inventory of the personal estate £436.11.2, incl. a servant man, called Satterick Moor, £7.-, a negro man £15; made by John Mason and Bartholomew Wyatte.

1726 April 20. Thompson, Ledia, Lydia, of Esinburgh, Salem Co. Inventory of the personal estate, £67.-.5; made by Richard Smith and Joseph Darkin. 1726 May 9. Bond of Thomas Taylor of Salem, yeoman, as administrator of the estate. James Wiggins of the same place, cordwainer, fellow bondsman. Lib. 2, p. 362.

1720 May 23. Thompson, Sarah, of Elsenburgh, Salem Co., widow; will of. Divides "worldly estate" between kinsmen Henry Leonard of Cape May and Thomas Leonard of East Jersey (Thomas to dispose of his share "according as he shall think fit amongst my Relations there away"), granddaughter - Lydia, daughter of Thomas Thompson, and Mary Thompson, Henry, son of Samuel Stubbins, John, Jane, Ann, Elizabeth and James, children of [page 460] James Thompson, Rachel Tylor, daughter of Thomas Thompson, children of brother James Leonard. William Hancock and wife Sarah residuary legatees and executors. Witnesses - Peter Hannum, Ann Luker, Josephy Elly. Proved October 25, 1721. Lib. 2, p. 172. 1721 24th d. 8th m. (Oct.). Inventory of the personal estate, £131.11.7; made by John Mason and Andrew Thompson.

1713-4 12th d. 1st m. (March). Thompson, Thomas, of Ansgrove, Salem Co.; will of. Wife Sarah. Daughters - Sarah, Rachel, Ledieth, Mary, the last three under 18, an expected child. Real and personal estate. Executors - father John Thompson, cousin Andrew Thompson and Bartholomew Wiat. Witnesses - John Paine, Ann Thompson, Margret Welling, Richard Darkin, Nathan Smart. Proved May 31, 1714. Lib. 1, p. 466. 1714 March 30. Inventory of the personal estate, £337.14.7, incl. a servant man £10.-; made by John Mason and George Abbott.

1729-30 March 9. Thomson, James, of Burlington, cordwainer; will of. Wife Elizabeth, sole heiress and executrix of real and personal estate, to bring up the children, whose names are not given. Witnesses - Sam'l Smith, Abra. Heulings, Is. de Cow. Jurat of proof not date nor signed.

TOMSON, page 467:

1727 Aug. 14. Tomson, Cornelius, of Freehold, Monmouth Co., yeoman; will of. Wife Mary. Children - John, Lewis, Thomas, Cornelius, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Ellison, Eleanor, Rebekah and Ghertie, all under age, except Lewis and Elizabeth. Real and personal estate. House farm with a meadow, bought of John Hampton, farm in Freehold, bought of Tunis Covert. Executors - the wife, son John and John CampbelEsq're. Witnesses - John Morris, Rachel Job, Wm Madlock. Proved December 21, 1727. Lib. 2, p. 487.

1675 Nov. 20. Thomson, Thomas, of Elizabethtown; will of. NJ Archives, XXI, p. 39.

The following names appear in the INDEX of this volume, the references being as persons mentioned in wills, such as recipients, trustees, witnesses, etc., but not wills of:

THOMPSON - Aaron, Abraham, Alexander, Andrew, Ann, Aron, Benjamin, Cissell, Elizabeth, Geo., Grace, James, Jane, Jno., John, John junior, Jo'n, Jospeh, Joshua, Ledieth, Lydia, Margarett, Mary, Rachel, Sam'l, Sarah, Tho., Thomas, Thos., William, William junior, Wm., Wm. jun., Wooley. THOMSON - Alexander, Andrew, Aron, Cornelius, Elizabeth, Hur, James, John, Mary, Samuel, Thomas, William, Wm., Wooley THOMSONE - William THOMASIN - Cornelius TOMASON - Mary TOMPSON - Aaron, Cornelius, Hur, James TOMSON - Cornelius, Elizabeth, Elleanor, Ghertie, James, John, Lewis, Mary, Moses, Rebekah, Samuel, Thomas.

Extracted from DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE COLONIAL HISTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY, VOLUME XXX, CALENDAR OF NEW JERSEY WILLS, VOLUME II, 1730-1750; Paterson NJ, 1918 ( Libers 1, 2, etc. are of West Jersey Wills. Those as Libers A, B, etc., are of East Jersey Wills)

THOMPSON, beginning page 477:

1749, April 18. Thompson, Aaron, of Mendam Township, Morris Co. Int. Adm'x, Mary Thompson, widow. Bondsman - Ebenezer Byram, of same place. 1749, 15 Aug. Inventory (£99.10.10) includes 3 Bibles, 6 other books, and debtors; Capt. Bobbet, Joseph Dod, John Cary, Stephen Dod, Perkins Lovel, Malici Hallowy. Appraisers - Henry Clark, Ezekiel Lyon. Lib. E, p. 298.

1748, April 9. Thompson, Catharine (alias Catharine Robison), of Middlesex Co.; will of. Children - John and Moses thompson. Real and personal estate. Executors - William Macdaniel and Mallielah (Malachi) Randolph. Witnesses - Jonathan FitzRandolph, Ebenezer Saltar. Proved May 24, 1749. Lib. E, p. 305. 1748, April 12. Inventory (£25.08.11) includes Dutch "Wheall" Made by Gershom Martin and William Sharp.

1732, July 10. Thompson, Henry, of Mansfield, Burlington Co.; will of. Sons - Thomas and John. Daughters - Rebecca Gurest and Dina Hopkins. Meadow adjoining Jacob DeCow and other lands. Executors - wife, Elizabeth, and friend John Tantum. Witnesses - Constantine Overton, Jno. Tantum, Jr., Elizabeth Tantum. Proved Dec. 2, 1735. Lib. 4, p. 46. 1735, Dec. 1. Inventory, £116.8; made by John Rockhill and David Rockhill. Includes negro girl, £8.

1740, Sept. 20. Thompson, Isaac, of Alloways Creek, Salem Co., weaver. Int. Adm'r, John Thompson, gent. Bondsman - John Hunt. All of said county. Witnesses - John Fitzpatrick, Danl. Mestayer. Lib. 4, p. 256. 1740, Sept. 20. Inventory (£6.2.6) includes loom and tackling. Appraisers - John Fitzpatrick, John Kelly.

[page 478] 1729-30, March 9. Thompson, James, of Town and Co. of Burlington, cordwainer; will of. Wife, Elizabeth, personal estate to bring up children, and sole executrix. Real estate. Witnesses - Sam'l Smith, Abra. Heulings, Is. DeCow. Proved ---------, 1733. Burlington Wills, 2027 C.

1732, June 24. Thompson, John, of New Brunswick, Middlesex Co., merchant; will of. Body to be buried in the church ground at Piscataway; funeral charges not to exceed £20. Wife, Mary, now in Dublin, Ireland. Son, Benjamin, in Ireland. Son, John, suit of black broad cloath and silk westcoat and breeches. Servant man, David Davies. Real and personal estate. Executors - Coll. John Hamilton of Perth Amboy, merchant, Mr. Robert King of Perth Amboy, collector, Mr. James Hude of New Brunswick, merchant, and son, John Thompson, now of New Brunswick, schoolmaster. Mr. Benjamin Price, of New Brunswick, attorney, and Mr. John Parker of Perth Amboy, attorney, to collect debts. Witnesses - Alexand'r Moore, Jno. Dally, Sam'll Belknap, David Davies. Proved Sept. 24, 1733. Lib. B, p. 468.

1739, Dec. 17. Thompson, Joseph, of Alloways Creek, Salem Co.; will of. Wife, Sarah, use of plantation during widowhood. Sons - William, 170 acres, part of the land I live on; Joseph, 50 acres, adjoining John Hilton, also that he be apprenticed. Daughters - Elizabeth, Jane, Martha, Sarah, Grace, Mary and Susannah, the two-thirds of my moveable estate. Executors - wife, and my son William. Affirmed 25 April, 1740. 1740, May 1. Letters granted to Sarah Thompson. Lib. 4, p. 231. 1739-40, 11 mo. (Jan.), 30 da. Inventory, £137.8.2; made by Benj. Holme, William Oakford.

1749, July 4. Thompson, Joseph, of Mendam, Morris Co.; will of. Sons - Stephen (eldest) the land where I dwell, bought of John Bullan except 10 acres on the north side of the road from Rocksitecos to Morristown, which I formerly gave to my son Aaron, deceased; David, 95 acres purchased of Josiah and David Ogden, Esqrs., together with meadow, 15 acres, purchased of Benjamin Lenard, deceased, and at 21 to have £150 out of the moveable estate, to be paid by my son Stephen. Daughter, Desire; grandson (not 21), son of my son Daniel, deceased, by Abegal Byram; the children of my son Stephen and my daughter Marey. Executors - son, Stephen, and Jeremiah Brown. Witnesses - Ezra Cary, Daniel Cary, Brice Riky. Proved 19 July 1749. Lib. E, p. 316.

1745-6, Jan 13. Thompson, Nathaniel, of the Borough of Elizabeth, Essex Co., yeoman. Int. Adm'r, Benjamin Thompson, uncle, Samuel Chandler and Timothy Thompson, fellow bondsmen. Lib. D, p. 357.


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