NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

William L. McCormack
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. II., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899.

A successful florist of Chatham, Mr. McCORMACK was, born in Chatham township, Morris county, in March, 1867, and is a son of John and Bridget (SKELLEY) McCORMACK, both of whom were natives of Ireland. Emigrating to America in the '50s, they took up their residence in Morris county, where they spent their remaining days. They had a large family of children, as follows :

  • Anna,
  • John,
  • Elizabeth,
  • William L.,
  • Mary (deceased),
  • Julia,
  • Marcellus (also deceased),
  • Theresa,
  • Johanna,
  • James and
  • Thomas.

Under the parental roof Mr. McCORMACK was reared to manhood and in the public schools near his home acquired his education. Entering upon his business career, he served an apprenticeship under Mr. LITTLEJOHN, a florist, and in 1890 purchased his present place in Chatham, where he has since carried on operations on his own account. His energy, well-directed efforts and capable management have brought to him success and he is now one of the prosperous florists of his section of the county, having ten thousand eight hundred square feet under glass. He raises every variety of rose, and his greenhouses are marvels of beauty. New York furnishes him an excellent market for his flowers and his sales are very extensive. He has made a close and careful study of rose-growing and understands all the needs and requirements of his flowers, so that his care of them is most conducive to the healthy growth and bearing.

Mr. McCORMACK is a member of the Madison Rose Growing Association and is one of the progressive men of the town. His political support has been given the Democracy previous to 1896, when, becoming convinced that the platform of the Republican party contained the measures most adapted to the welfare of the progress of the nation, he espoused its cause, and was made a member of the Republican executive committee. In the spring of 1897 he was elected a member of the first council of Chatham and his active support and co-operation are given to all measures for the public good. He holds membership in the Catholic church and is a liberal contributor to its support.

This biography was scanned and contributed by Catherine Smith DeMayo.

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