NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

William Lum
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. II., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899.

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When "Finis" closes the book of life of any individual it is customary for his friends and acquaintances to glance in review over the pages of its history and ponder over the lessons it contains, treasuring, up the good as an example of conduct that may well be followed. A study of the life record of Mr. LUM shows much to admire and emulate. While intensely devoted to business, and a man of very decided views and strong convictions, he was by nature of a gentle and affectionate disposition. His moral standard was high and he lived up to it. His genial companionship, his tenacious regard for the simple truth, his unostentatious generosity and large-hearted Christian benevolence were among the qualities that greatly endeared him to his friends.

Born in Morris county in 1808, he was a son of Stephen LUM, a native of Chatham. In the county of his nativity he was reared, and early in life learned the mason's trade. For some years he followed that business, thus gaining his start in commercial pursuits, and later turned his attention to real-estate dealing. He made judicious investments in realty and became a large property owner. He carried on that enterprise for many years in Newark, his name becoming synonymous with the trade in that city. He was not only one of the oldest, but also one of the best known and most conservative, men in the business. For many years he was active in the handling of Newark properties, and his word was taken without question as that of an authority in all matters of values and wisdom of investment. His judicious investments, his capable management of his interests and his wise judgment secured to him a handsome fortune. He was associated with the Franklin Building & Loan Association, and through this channel enabled many to secure homes for themselves, thus adding to the general welfare and prosperity of the city.

Mr. LUM was married in 1834 to Miss Cedenier PICKETT, a native of Petersburg, Virginia, and a daughter of Thomas PICKETT, who was born in the Old Dominion and was of English descent. By this union there were born fourteen children, namely:

  • Uzzarella H., now Mrs. HAYWARD, of Rochester, New York;
  • Henrietta, of Madison;
  • David O., deceased;
  • Cedenier E., now Mrs. DENMAN, of Elizabeth, New Jersey;
  • W. B., who died in infancy;
  • Anna, E., now Mrs. GRIFFIN, of Los Angeles, California;
  • W. P., of Colorado;
  • Frank E., of Madison, New Jersey;
  • Charles E., deceased;
  • Arthur R., of Madison, Virginia, deceased;
  • May Dodd, deceased;
  • Howard, of Newark, and
  • Catherine P., wife of Harvey B. FROST, of Brooklyn, New York.

Mr. LUM, while residing in Newark, served for some years as collector of arrears, was commissioner of deeds and also judge of elections. He could be trusted implicitly whether in office or out of it, and his word was ever as good as his bond. His political support was given to the Whig party in early life, but after the organization of the Republican party he espoused its principles and maintained them to the time of his death. He and his wife held membership in the First Reformed church of Newark and afterward in the Presbyterian church in Madison. They returned to Madison in 1882 and here Mr. LUM lived a retired life until called to his final rest. His days were passed in quiet amid friends and neighbors, surrounded by comforts that his former labor had made possible. His estimable wife and loved companion, with whom he had traveled life's journey for sixty years, passed away on the 19th of June, 1894, at the age of seventy-six years, and in less than a year he, too, passed to the world beyond, closing his eyes in death March 11, 1895, after a long useful and honorable life of eighty-six years.

This biography was scanned and contributed by Catherine Smith DeMayo.

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