NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

George E. Lum
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. I., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899.

A carpenter and builder of Summit, whose identification with the industrial interests of this locality has been of material benefit to the neighborhood, Mr. LUM was born on the old family homestead, in Chatham township, Jul 9, 1854, and is the seventh son of Charles LUM. In his early youth he attended school and assisted his father in the work of the farm, but when he had reached the age of seventeen years he resolved to turn his attention to some other pursuit than that of agriculture, and learned the carpenter's trade under the direction of his brother I.D. LUM, serving a three year apprenticeship, after which he worked with him as a journeyman for two years. On the expiration of that period he engaged in the butchering business in Chatham, continuing in that line for five years. He next went to Summit, where he resumed work at the carpenter's trade in connection with S.R. MULLEN. In 1889 he was admitted to a full partnership with Mr. MULLEN, and in May, 1894, bought out his employer. He has since continued alone in business and has met with gratifying success in his work. He has erected many of the finest residences in Summit, which stand as monuments to the thrift and enterprise of the builder and are evidences of his skill and handiwork. He lives up faithfully to the terms of every contract; and his well directed efforts, his honorable dealings and his enterprise have brought to him a liberal patronage and secured to him a comfortable competence.

In 1878 Mr. LUM was united in marriage to Miss Addie B. GENUNG, a daughter of Isaac and Harriet (SPENCER) GENUNG, early settlers of Chatham township. By this union have been born ten children, eight of whom are still living, namely: Irving M., George V., Edner S., Alfred C., Harold D., Dudley F., Marion Genung and Wallace Burton. Those who have passed away are Florence M., who died March 3 1881, at the age of two years; and Eleanor, who died May 28 1893, at the age of eighteen months.

Mr. LUM is a member of Summit Council, No. 163, A. F. & A.M., and Summit Court Independent Order of Foresters. He and his wife are faithful and consistent members of the Presbyterian church of Chatham, and in his political views he is a Republican, but has never demanded or sought public office in return for his service. His life is a busy, useful and honorable one and his worth commends him to all with whom

Transcribed by Ida King

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