NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Jairus J. Langdon
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. II., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899.

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The amount of activity in commercial circles indicates the prosperity of a town, the character of' its inhabitants and the possibilities of its future growth and greatness. The thriving little village of Port Oram has a number of well equipped business houses, conducted by men of enterprise, energy and marked ability, and to this class belongs Mr. LANGDON, who is now successfully engaged in general merchandising there. He is one of the native sons of Morris county, his birth having occurred on the old LANGDON home-stead on the 18th of November, 1849.

As nearly as can be ascertained, the LANGDON family is of English origin, and the first to locate in this vicinity was Phobus LANGDON, the grandfather of our subject. He was born in Connecticut, and while a young man removed to Morris county, taking an active part in its early development and progress.

His son, Jesse S. LANGDON, was born in Morris county, and during the greater part of his active life followed farming. He married Miss Sarah MARTIN, a daughter of John and Elizabeth MARTIN. John MARTIN rendered valiant service as a soldier in the war of 1812, and his wife also went to the front with him and performed a noble and faithful service for her country by her able care of the sick and wounded. She was a daughter of a Mr. BISHOP, of a prominent New Jersey family. The father of our subject was originally an old-line Whig in his political views and adherency, and later became a stalwart supporter of the Republican party. He held membership in the Presbyterian church and died in that faith in 1894. His wife, Sarah (MARTIN) LANGDON, who still survives him, is also a member of that church, and is a consistent Christian woman, possessing those lovable traits of character which endear her to those with whom she comes in contact.

Their second son, Jairus J. LANGDON, spent his youth at Mt. Pleasant, Morris county, and acquired his education in Rockaway Seminary. On laying aside his text-books he entered the employ of the Mt. Hope Mining Company, with which he was connected for four years. On the expiration of that time he went to Passaic county, New Jersey, where he formed a partnership with Edward G. COURSEN, under the firm name of COURSEN & LANGDON, dealers in general merchandise. This association was continued until 1876, when the business was closed out and Mr. LANGDON removed to Mt. Pleasant. Here he established a store and has since continued the enterprise with good success. He also opened a branch store at Hopatcong, under the firm name of LANGDON & VAN DERBEEK, and after a short time he purchased the interest of his partner and has since conducted the business individually, the establishment being in charge of his brother-in-law, Mr. BURKHART. He also is engaged in farming, and stands forward as one of the representative citizens and business men of the county. Wide-awake and enterprising, he has studied the popular taste, and in his purchases keeps in mind the wishes of his patrons. His straightforward dealing and his manifest desire to please his customers have naturally brought to him a good business, from which he derives a fair income.

In 1874 Mr. LANGDON was united in marriage to Miss Mary E. DENTON, of Verona, Sussex county, a daughter of Richard S. DENTON. They now have one daughter,

  • Elizabeth Denton LANGDON.

Mr. and Mrs. LANGDON are members of the First Presbyterian church of Dover, and fraternally he is a member of Randolph Lodge, No. 130, I.O.O.F., and of Hope Council, Golden Star. He is a member of the Republican executive committee of the borough of Port Oram, of which he was appointed chairman, and he formerly served as a member of the school board.

Mr. LANGDON's interest in the affairs of the town is of that practical character that prompts him to put forth every effort for the good of the community and for the adoption of measures which will lead to its upbuilding substantial improvement. In his business course he is ever honorable reliable, and his success is the well merited reward of his own efforts. His sterling worth commends him to the confidence of all, and his neighbors and friends entertain for him high regard.

This biography was scanned and contributed by Catherine Smith DeMayo.

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