NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

John W. Hurd
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. I., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899.

One of the oldest farms in New Jersey, the HURD homestead in Dover, whereon our subject now resides, has long been in possession of representatives of the name. While British and Colonial troops battled, the one for the subjection, the other for the independence, of the colonies, and awakened the echoes of the neighboring hills, when the work of formulating the new republic was being carried on, and though the latter-day progress and development, the HURDS have borne their part in sustaining the interests of America, and have ever been representative of her best citizenship. 

The family originated in England and was founded in the New World in 1631 by John HURD, who emigrated from Somerset county and took up his residence in Dorchester, Massachusetts. The great-grandfather of our subject was Josiah HURD, who lived upon the property of John W. HURD. His son Moses HURD was there born, as well as the father of our subject, Jacob HURD, whose birth occurred in 1798. He also carried on agricultural pursuits and for many years was proprietor of a hotel, which was known as the Hurd House and which was a prominent landmark of eastern New Jersey. He served as a freeholder for some years and died in 1870. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Mary HOAGLAND, was a daughter of Peter G. and Elizabeth (HURD) HOAGLAND. Jacob and Mary (HOAGLAND) HURD became the parents of three children, Elizabeth, Carrie and John W. 

The gentleman whose name introduces this review was born in Dover, August 12, 1827, and spent his early youth in the usual manner of boys of the period, conning his lessons in the public schools, and assisting his father in the hotel. Later he took charge of the old homestead, which had been left him by his father, and throughout his active business career he carried on agricultural pursuits, but is now living retired, enjoying a rest which he has truly earned and richly deserves. His interests were well managed, and his business methods were above question, his dealings being characterized by the utmost fairness. 

On the 16th day of July, 1855, Mr. HURD was united in marriage to Miss Hester A. HAWLEY, a native of Connecticut and a daughter of Harmon and Emma HAWLEY. Her death occurred December 14, 1856. By this marriage there was one son Jacob H. HURD, who died young. Mr. HURD was again married, his second union being with Miss Margaret S. KING, a daughter of James and Charity KING. She was born in Morristown, and by her marriage became the mother of four children, but the two sons died in infancy. Carrie V., who died at the age of twenty-two years, was a young woman of beautiful character and high accomplishments, gaining and retaining the love of all with whom she came in contact. Of a buoyant and happy nature, unselfish and ever ready to do a kindly act, she was a leader among the young people in the church and social circles of Dover, and was at all times deeply appreciative of the friendships which came to her, as the Kenyon's school, at Plainfield, New Jersey, and was accomplished musician and artist, her distinctive love of nature making her particularly felicitous in painting, in which line her art productions show unmistakable talent. Her untimely death was deeply mourned by her large circle of admiring friends. Mary, wife of Rev. W.W CASSELBERRY, died in May, 1897, at her home in Haddonfield. From an obituary in the Dover Iron Era we quote the following: 

Mrs. CASSELBERRY was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. HURD and was born in the old homestead on West Blackwell street twenty-three years ago. She was well known in Dover and the news of her death plunged her large circle of friends in mourning. The remains were brought to this city on Thursday and taken to the home of her parents, where the funeral will be held this afternoon. The Rev. W.W. HALLOWAY Jr., who was her pastor for many years and who officiated at her marriage, will conduct the services. 

The death of Mrs. CASSELBERRY was a great shock to her friend in the community, even though not unexpected, because of her known illness. But it seemed as if she was so young and fair that even death would be constrained to spare her. Only a few months ago, October 20, 1896, she was married to the Rev. W.W. CASSELBERRY, and at that time she was the center of brightest hopes and surrounded by all of life's pleasantest possessions. But she was really an invalid even then, although she would not acknowledge it. Taking up her home in Haddonfield she made a brave fight for her life, and never gave up her cheerfulness or hope. She joined the Presbyterian church of Dover, by confession, in 1890, and had been a faithful and earnest Christian young woman. Her class in Sunday school loved her. As chairman of the social committee of the Endeavor Society three years ago, she gave new life to the feature of the society, and by her personality made every entertainment a success. There was a power about her which drew all to her in affection and admiration. If she had lived and had possessed health her new position as a minister's wife would have given her an opportunity which she would have gladly seized to become useful to a marked degree. Death has cut off her youth and beauty, but in fairer clime and under better auspices her work will be completed and her character perfected. 

Her loss was an almost unbearable blow to her parents, who received hundreds of letters of condolence from her school friends and teachers. Both Mr. and Mrs. HURD are consistent and faithful members of the First Presbyterian church of Dover, and their many excellencies of character have gained them high regard. Mr. HURD is a modest, unassuming man, but his reliability in business transactions, his fidelity to the duties of citizenship, and his honor in all the walks of life have gained him the respect of all with whom he has been brought in contact.

Transcribed by Ida King

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