NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Timothy F. Driscoll
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. II., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899.

As a young man of progressive ideas, enterprising spirit and laudable ambition, Mr. DRISCOLL is, accordingly, a valued addition to the business circles of Madison, where he is engaged in general merchandising. His birth occurred in this place on the 22d of May, 1866, his parents being William and Catherine DRISCOLL, both of whom were natives of county Clare, Ireland. Bidding adieu to friends and home, they crossed the ocean to America in 1863, taking up their residence in Madison. The father was a gardener by occupation and engaged in that line of business up to the time of his death, which occurred December 30, 1896. The mother is still living. In their family were the following named:

  • Timothy F.,
  • William,
  • Michael,
  • Catherine,
  • Thomas and
  • Daniel.

In his youth Mr. DRISCOLL was surrounded by good home influences and was trained to habits which fitted him for life's duties. He was educated in St. Vincent's parochial school, where he was graduated in 1880, and on the completion of the course he entered the employ of Paulman Brothers, in the capacity of clerk, continuing in their service for twelve years. In this time he completely mastered the principles and practices of mercantile life, and on the expiration of that period he entered into partnership with John J. Flaugher, under the firm name of Driscoll & Flaugher, a connection that was continued for three years, when Mr. DRISCOLL bought out his partner's interest and has since been alone in business. He not alone carries a large, complete and well-assorted stock of general merchandise, but also deals in hay and grain. He has built up a good business and is a thorough going, reliable business man, fully deserving of the liberal patronage he receives. He is also a director in the Central New Jersey Building & Loan Association.

Mr. DRISCOLL was married October 22, 1897, to Miss Susan C. O'DONNELL, a native of Madison and a daughter of John O'DONNELL. Socially, he is a member of the Independent Order of Foresters, the Catholic Benevolent League and the Young Men's Catholic Club. He also belongs to Hose Company No. 1, of the Madison fire department; and is a young man whose deep interest in the welfare of his town is manifest in the liberal support which he gives to all measures for the public good.

This biography was scanned and contributed by Catherine Smith DeMayo.

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