NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Albert Bunn
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. II., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899.

Though well known as a successful and progressive farmer of Parker, Mr. BUNN has a still wider acquaintance in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in which society he is a most active and valued worker. He was born in Washington township, Morris county, on the 19th of July, 1851, and is a son of the late George W. BUNN, one of the leading citizens of that locality, a representative agriculturist and an estimable gentleman. He was, a native of the same locality, and received only such educational advantages as were afforded by the country schools of that time, but this was sufficient to enable a man of his native ability to conquer ordinary obstacles and carve out for himself a prosperous and honorable career. He was a. leader in local Democratic politics and filled nearly all the offices in his township. After a busy and useful life he was called to his final rest January 6, 1880. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Malinda EICK, was a daughter of William and Mary (CRATER) EICK. By her marriage she had three children, two of whom are still living:

  • Albert and
  • Mary E., wife of Elias WACK, of Milltown, New Jersey.
  • Theodore, the eldest, died in early childhood.

Albert BUNN spent his boyhood days in Parker, and enjoyed such educational privileges as the common schools extended. At the age of sixteen he ceased to be a student, so far as actual attendance upon the daily sessions of the school was concerned, and took up the occupation of farming, having been familiar with this throughout his life. He was married on the 17th of September, 1873, to Miss Amy C. PITNEY, a daughter of Robert D. PITNEY, and located upon the farm which he now owns and cultivates. Three children came to bless their home, but

  • Charles P., the eldest, is now deceased. The others are
  • Grace A. and
  • John D.

In his farming operations Mr. BUNN has met with gratifying success. He is an indefatigable worker and his careful supervision of his place has made it one of the most thrifty and desirable farm properties in the locality.

Mr. BUNN has followed in the political footsteps of his father and has taken an active part in the management of Democratic affairs in his town-ship. He was elected a member of the board of freeholders in 1888, and during his incumbency of that office was chairman of the committee on miscellaneous business. He has been a member of the county Democratic committee and is generally a delegate to the county and other conventions of his party. He was instrumental in securing the location of the postoffice at Parker, and has been a member of the board of education for some years, being an ardent advocate of the public-school system, which is one of the chief bulwarks of this nation.

Mr. BUNN is a very enthusiastic and consistent Odd Fellow, and exemplifies in his life the benevolent spirit of that fraternity. He joined the order on the 5th of March, 1883, at High Bridge, and after about four years withdrew from the lodge at that place and organized the Chester lodge, serving as its first noble grand. He was elected the same fall to represent that lodge in the grand lodge. He was chosen recording secretary of the Chester lodge the same fall, and later was elected treasurer, which position he is still filling. He joined Clinton encampment at Clinton, New Jersey, in 1888, and immediately afterward withdrew and established the German Valley encampment, of which he was a charter member and the first chief patriarch. He was elected its representative to the grand encampment and was appointed sentinel, and the second year in the grand lodge he was a candidate for the office of grand junior warden. In 1892 he was elected to that office and thereafter passed all the chairs through the grand encampment and retired on the 16th of November 1896, as grand chief patriarch. He has frequently made public addresses on Odd Fellowship in different parts of the state, and is regarded as one of the most zealous and exemplary members of the fraternity in New Jersey, being widely known among the brethren throughout the state. He is the first and only grand patriarch of the grand encampment of New Jersey from Morris county. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias fraternity, having joined Fidelity Lodge, of Califon, on the 16th of February, 1891.


This biography was scanned and contributed by Catherine Smith DeMayo.

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