NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Dorastus L Bryant
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. II., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899.

Westmoreland Hotel

Mr. Bryant, the proprietor of the Westmoreland Hotel at the landing on Lake Hopatcong, and one of the leading business men of Morris county. New Jersey, is a native of the county and a descendant of ancestors long resident here. His father was born in 1808, at Ironia, on the original Bryant tract, now owned and occupied by his son as a farm residence.

Dorastus L. Bryant was born April 1, 1840, at Succasunna, New Jersey, on premises where he now owns and operates a store and apple distillery. His father, Samuel C. Bryant, was reared a farmer and was engaged in agricultural pursuits until near middle life, when he turned his attention to merchandising, farming and distilling at Succasunna, continuing the same successfully until his death, that event occurring in 1866. He was a son of Elias Bryant, who also was born on the homestead farm, and whose father was one of the original settlers and a large property owner. Samuel C. Bryant married Phebe A. Garrison, daughter of L. B. Garrison, and two children were the fruit of their union, —Dorastus L. and Alonzo,— the latter now being deceased. Dorastus L. Bryant grew up in the business established by his father, receiving his education in that and the country schools, and at his father's death succeeded to the business, which he still continues. About 1870, at the height of the iron-mining boom, he discovered and operated the iron range between Ironia and Chester, in connection with the Bryant mines at Succasunna, and in 1873 he formed a partnership with Edmund Canfield in the store and lumber business at Ironia, that continued for three years. About six years ago he became associated in the construction of the Westmoreland Hotel, and since September, 1897, he has been the proprietor of the establishment, exercising the same good judgment in the management of its affairs that he has shown in his other business enterprises. Mr. Bryant is one of those men who seem to be able to take the right step at the right time, and succeeds where others fail.

Politically Mr. Bryant is a Democrat, as well as his father, and both have filled numerous places of trust and responsibility in the township.

Mr. Bryant was married in 1866 to Caroline B. Snelling, and they have the following children: Elizabeth M., wife of M. B. Carrel; Augustus S., who married Alice Coates and assists in the management of the hotel; Anna P., wife of H. H. Jowitt; Dora L., wife of Dolph DeHanne; Robert B. , dentist at Dover; J. Frederick C. , in charge of farm at Ironia; and Irving G. , who superintends the cider mill and distillery at Succasunna.

Transcribed by Brianne Kelly-Bly

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