NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Stephen F Briant
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. II., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899.


Among those successfully engaged in general farming in Morris county, is Stephen F. Briant, who was born on the old Briant homestead on the 7th of January, 1835. This property, located in Randolph township, has long been in possession of the family, having been the property of his grandfather, John Briant, who was born in Essex county. New Jersey, and wedded Mary Agnes, a native of Long Island, where her ancestors located at an early period in American history. The great-grandfather, Andrew Briant, was born in Essex county. New Jersey, about 1737, and was a son of Johannis Briant, who emigrated from Holland about the year 1690 and settled at Springfield, where he was living at the time of the battle at that place. The Briant family is probably of Holland and French extraction.

Lewis Briant, the father of our subject, was born on the old homestead in Morris county, and married Phoebe Hedden, who was born November 8, 1 8 10, a daughter of Thomas Hedden, whose birth occurred near Chester, Morris county. His wife bore the maiden name of Phoebe Briant. To the parents of our subject were born the following children: William O.; Mary A., deceased; Sarah A., who was born November 20, 1832, and is the wife of George Cummins, of Newark; Nancy T., who was born June 13, 1837, and is the wife of Mahlon Shipman, a resident of Dover, New Jersey; Thomas E., who died in childhood; and Phoebe E., who was born August 12, 1843, and is the wife of George W. Skillborn, of Scranton, Pennsylvania. The father of this family died October 14, 1879, and the mother's death occurred September 14, 1888, their remains being interred in the Mt. Freedom cemetery. They held membership in the Presbyterian church of Mt. Freedom, worshiping there for years.

Stephen Ferdinand Briant, whose name introduces this review', was reared on the farm and pursued his education in the Center Grove school. He early became familiar with all the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist, and continued his labors on the home farm until the breaking out of the Civil war, when he went to New York and worked with his brother-in-law, George W. Cummins. He was engaged in ship-building on Long Island, aided in the construction of the Galena, an ironclad, and also in building the first monitor. He also worked on another monitor, and after it was completed returned home to take charge of the farmstead, and care for his father and sisters. After the death of his father he purchased the interests of the other heirs to the property and has since carried on agricultural pursuits. He has a good dwelling, barns and outbuildings, which stand as monuments to his thrift and industry, and the well tilled fields and neat appearance of the place indicate his careful supervision.

Mr. Briant was married December 7, 1862, to Miss Amelia Bailey, of Franklin, Morris county, who was born November i, 1842, a daughter of Charles and Mary (Hintzley) Bailey. Four children grace this union,—a son and three daughters: Mary E., wife of Ernest Lawrence, of Dover; Henry A., who assists his father in the operation of the farm; Matilda F. , wife of Jefferson Corby, a resident of Dover; and Emma L., wife of Frank Pool, of Dover. There are now five grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Briant are members of the Mt. Freedom Presbyterian church, and are people whose many sterling qualities and social kindness have gained them a large circle of friends. In his political views Mr. Briant is a Republican.


This biography was contributed by Brianne Kelly-Bly.

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