NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Ellis Baldwin
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. II., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899, p405-406.

In the life and character of this gentleman is demonstrated the possibility of achieving an honorable and gratifying success through well-directed and unremitting effort in the legitimate channels of trade. He was for some years prominently connected with commercial transactions in Madison and won thereby a comfortable competence.

He first opened his eyes to the light of day in Chatham township, June 14, 1855, the sixth son to come to the home of Samuel and Mary Baldwin, honored residents of Morris county. The duties and pleasures of farm life were his portion in childhood, and continued to claim his attention until the age of seventeen years, when he left home to take up the mason's trade, serving a three-year apprenticeship. When this was ended he returned to the farm and again followed the plow for two years, after which he removed to Madison and accepted a position in a market, where he was employed for three years. He next formed a partnership with his brother, John M. Baldwin, in the ice business, under the firm name of J. M. & E. Baldwin, and continued in that line of trade for ten years. He then sold out and retired to his home in Chatham township with a comfortable competence that he had acquired by his energy, enterprise and careful management. He had worked up an excellent trade and the volume of his business steadily increased, so that the income derived therefrom was very gratifying. He is now again engaged in the ice business at Madison.

On the 23d of March, 1881, Mr. Baldwin was united in marriage to Miss Mary Elizabeth Dunnell, a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and a daughter of William and Susana (Campbell) Dunnell.  He was born in Maplewood and she in Millburn, and both of old families. Our subject and his wife now have an interesting family of five children: Clarence D. and Blanch P., twins; Susie, Raymond and Aggie. Elsie died when seven months old. Mrs. Baldwin is a member of the Episcopal church. Mr. Baldwin belongs to Madison Lodge, No. 93, A. F. & A. M., and in his political associations is a Democrat. Both are widely known and highly esteemed in the neighborhood, having a large circle of friends. The Baldwin family has long been one of prominence in the community, and the representatives who are mentioned in this sketch sustain the high reputation of the name.

Transcribed by Brianne Kelly-Bly

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