NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Elbert H. Baldwin
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. II., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899, p378-379.

A representative of the banking interests of Dover, where he holds the position of cashier in the National Union Bank, Mr. Baldwin is a man whom to know is to respect. His character has always been one of great firmness and sincerity. Careful, painstaking, exact and conscientious, he has deservingly prospered from year to year, and his integrity has become proverbial. His sterling worth commends him to the public confidence and he well deserves mention among the leading citizens of Morris county, the record of whose lives forms the subject matter of these volumes.

Mr. Baldwin was born in Middlesex county, New Jersey, a son of Cyrus Baldwin. The latter was born in this state, a son of Joel Baldwin, and for many years he was connected with the manufacturing interests of Newark. He married Catherine Flagg, a daughter of Henry Flagg, who also was born in this state and belonged to one of the old Jersey families. Cyrus Baldwin died in Newark when our subject was only four years of age. The latter spent the greater part of his boyhood and youth in that city and acquired his education there, completing his studies in a private school conducted by Professor Theodore Ryerson, a very competent and thorough instructor. From the age of fourteen years he has provided for his own maintenance. His first experience in the business world came through a clerkship in a dry-goods store, and his labors in that direction were alternated with his attendance in school. In 1862 he entered the employ of K. T. B. Spader, of New Brunswick, with whom he remained for three years, and in 1865 he obtained a situation in the National Park Bank, of New York city. Later he was in the State Bank of New Brunswick, New Jersey, where he continued until 1866, when he accepted a position in the Ninth National Bank of New York, where he remained for twenty-seven years, filling the position of assistant cashier much of the time. In 1893 he accepted the position of cashier of the National Union Bank, of Dover. He is thoroughly conversant with the banking business in all its departments and is a most capable and trustworthy official. No higher testimonial to his ability and fidelity could be given than the fact of his long continued service with the Ninth National Bank of New York.

On the 11th of April, 1871, Mr. Baldwin was united in marriage to Miss Abbie A. Eagles, of Newark, New Jersey, a daughter of Israel Eagles, of that place. They now have one daughter, Berta. In politics Mr. Baldwin votes with the Republican party and is well informed on the issues of the day, but has never been an aspirant for political honors. He and his family attended the Presbyterian church, and theirs is one of the hospitable homes of Dover and is a favorate place of resort to their many friends.

Transcribed by Brianne Kelly-Bly

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