NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

John Albright, MD
Morris Co. Up

Biographical and Genealogical History of Morris County New Jersey. Illustrated. Vol. II., Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1899.

During the greater part of his long and useful life Dr. ALBRIGHT resided in Madison, his native city. He was born in the year 1816 and passed his earlier years as a clerk in his father's store, which stood near the site of the old Session house recently demolished; but preferring professional to commercial life, he went to New York when a young man and entered upon the study of medicine under the direction of Dr. PARKER, a physician of extensive practice and wide repute. Later he returned to Madison, where he was associated in practice with Dr. GREEN, a physician of pronounced ability then living in Madison.

In his chosen calling Dr. ALBRIGHT met with good success. In 1836, at the solicitation of John I. BLAIR, he went to Blairstown, Warren county, where he practiced his profession with diligence until 1855, when failing health compelled him to put aside the arduous duties which were so taxing his strength. He prospered in his profession, and continually gained advancement therein, for he studied closely and made marked improvement. His skill was therefore rewarded by a liberal patronage, and he was doing a very extensive business when forced by ill health to retire. Returning then to Madison, he continued to make his home there until called to his final rest. In 1855, he resumed mercantile efforts in New York, where he carried out business for twenty years, first in connection with the firm of Charles Durrent & Company, while later he was with Chapman, Lyon & Smith, a large jobbing and commission house.

In 1840, while practicing medicine in Blairstown, Dr. ALBRIGHT was united in marriage to Miss Nancy Lock SIMPSON, a relative of General U.S. Grant. They traveled life’s journey together for nearly fifty-eight years, sharing the joys and sorrows, the adversity and prosperity which checker the careers of all. His affection for his family was one of the most marked traits of his character. It seemed that he could not do too much for his wife and children, and he counted no personal sacrifice too great if it would enhance their welfare or happiness. The death of his only daughter, in 1895, was the greatest sorrow of his life, and he never recovered from the blow, which left him in poor health. He had two sons, Mayor James P. ALBRIGHT and R.C., who was formerly postmaster of Madison.

Dr. ALBRIGHT was a man of scholarly tastes and studious habits and after his retirement from business he found his greatest pleasure in his library, which contained all the standard works of ancient and modern times. He was familiar with all, and his favorite authors were to him as dear friends. His broad literary culture made him a very companionable gentleman to the intellectual portion of the community, and he found great delight in social intercourse with men of strong mental caliber. The integrity of his heart, the purity of his life and the wide scope of his attainments were acknowledged by all with whom he came into contact. Active duty, charity, truth and a sincere love for his fellow men were among his marked characteristics and won him the highest regard. He died April 2, 1898, in the eighty-second year of his age, and thus a long useful and honorable career was ended, but his memory remains as a blessed benediction to all who knew him.

Transcribed by Christopher Cresta

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