NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Albert Victor Rudolph Wulff
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

One of the thoroughgoing business men of Morristown, New Jersey, who has attained success in his business career through years of honorable and earnest toil, is Albert V. R WULFF, whose name is prominently connected with the business interests of the city where he resides. The salient points in his career are resolute purpose, unflagging industry and unabating zeal and to these are attributable the prosperity which has crowned his well directed efforts.

Heinrich WULFF, father of Albert V. R. WULFF, was a native of Germany, where he spent the early years of his life, attending its private and public schools, and later learned the trade of watchmaker, which he successfully pursued for the remainder of his days. He resided in Birmingham, England, for some time, and also in the United States, his death occurring in Morris county, New Jersey, at the age of sixty-five years. His wife, Alice WULFF, born in England, now residing in Morristown, New Jersey, bore him eight children as follows :

  • Harry,
  • Carl,
  • Alice, deceased;
  • Millie,
  • Albert V. R.,
  • Florence,
  • Fay,
  • May, deceased.

Mr. and Mrs. WULFF united with the South Street Presbyterian Church, in which Mrs. WULFF now holds membership.

Albert V. R. WULFF was born in Birmingham, England, November 1, 1883. When about four years of age he accompanied his parents to the United States, they locating in Morristown, New Jersey, where he gained a practical education by attendance at the public schools. His first employment was in a confectionery store, serving there for a period of four years, and the two years following this he was employed in another store of the same kind. He then secured work in an entirely different line, that of stationery, serving for two and a half years with Mr. W. K. Muchmore, the leading stationer in Morristown, and then again changed the nature of his work, entering the employ of Mr. O. Jensens proprietor of a cleaning and dyeing establishment, with whom he remained five years, and for the following eighteen months was employed in New York City, with Barrett & Company, cleaners and dyers, and with other concerns engaged in the same line, thus perfecting himself in all branches of the business. In June, 1905, he established a cleaning and dyeing business in Morristown, locating at No. 134 South street, where he remained for two years, and then removed to his present quarters in the Barker building on South street, where he has his offices, which are thoroughly equipped and modern in every respect, also his shipping room, which is supplied with everything needful for the transaction of business, his cleaning plant being located at No. 32 Wood-land avenue. The main building is fifty by sixty feet in dimension, consisting of two floors, equipped with all modern machinery, and is considered one of the best plants in that section of the state. He gives employment to about twenty-five people, and thus ranks as one of the representative industries of Morristown, and he has established branch offices at Dover and Summit, which are also well patronized, his fame in his line of work having extended beyond the confines of his home town. He keeps in touch with the men interested in the same line as himself by membership in the National Association of Cleaners and Dyers, and he is a member of the Improved Order of Heptasophs, and of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, holding the office of esquire. He holds membership in the South Street Presbyterian Church, and gives his political allegiance to the Republican party.

Mr. WULFF married, September, 1907, Sadie Walker COOPER, born in Newark, New Jersey, daughter of Charles COOPER. Children:

  • Albert and
  • Carl

Mr. WULFF is a man of pleasing personality, kindhearted and hospitable, devoted to his home and family, and in all respects has performed well the duties which have devolved upon him, as son, employer, husband, father, and friend.

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