NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Jacob W. Welsh
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

Jacob W. WELSH, who has figured conspicuously and with marked credit in the mercantile life of the section of New Jersey wherein he has resided for many years, also an active and prominent leader in political life, having served in the capacity of senator, is a man whom to know is to respect. His character has always been one of great firmness and sincerity, his integrity has become proverbial, and his sterling worth commends him to public confidence.

John C. WELSH, father of Jacob W. WELSH, was born in Morris county, New Jersey, son of Jacob WELSH. He devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits, in which he was highly successful, owing to his progressive ideas and methods, and he was also prominent in banking circles, serving for more than forty years as a member of the directorate of the Hackettstown Bank, and as president of the same for fifteen years, having the confidence and esteem of all whom he had business relations. He became the owner of considerable property in Middle Valley, which greatly appreciated in value and from which he derived large profits. He was firm in his advocacy of the principles of the Republican party, and was chosen from their ranks to fill the offices of town assessor and collector, in which capacities he served faithfully and efficiently. He married Elizabeth A. TRIMMER, who bore him two sons: Matthias Trimmer, one of the leading business men of German Valley, and Jacob W., of whom further. Mr. WELSH died November 9, 1890, and his wife died November 9, 1893.

Jacob W. WELSH was born in Middle Valley, New Jersey, March 19, 1853. He attended a private school in Middle Valley and there laid the foundation upon which to build his subsequent successful career. When eighteen years of age he engaged in mercantile business at Middle Valley and continued the same for twenty years, achieving a fair degree of success and experience in business methods which profited him considerably in subsequent years. He then removed to German Valley, his present place of residence, and opened an auto garage, which he still conducts in a successful manner, and in addition to this is the owner of a dairy farm and creamery, shipping about seventy cans of milk daily to Plainfield, where he conducts a store for the sales of milk, buttermilk, butter and cheese, his products being of such superior quality that they sell rapidly, making of this a most profitable enterprise. On April 1, 1898, he purchased the Dorland Flouring Mills at German Valley, and this he successfully operates with the assistance of his son, John C., who is in partnership with him. Mr. WELSH is also the owner of several valuable pieces of real estate in various sections of New Jersey, including Plainfield, Hackettstown, and Newark. On August 2, 1892, Mr. WELSH was elected director in the Clinton National Bank, at Clinton, New Jersey, and at the present time (1913) is serving as vice president of the same, and during his connection with the institution has accomplished much towards the promotion of its prestige and the increase of the business.

Mr. WELSH gives his political allegiance to the Republican party, and has held several offices of public trust. He was a member of the township committee for six years, was elected to the office of assemblyman in 1898-99-1900, was elected senator from his district, serving during the years 1902-03-04, and was chairman of the county committee for two years. In the discharge of his various duties he exhibited an intelligence, effectiveness and fidelity that entitled him to the commendation of all concerned. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, and in the spring of 1898 inaugurated the movement for the erection of a new parsonage, his brother and he contributing one-half of the amount required for the purpose. He is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, at Dover, of the Free and Accepted Masons, at Chester, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at German Valley, and the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, at Hackettstown.

Mr. WELSH married, in December, 1874, Emma LATOURETTE, a native of German Valley, daughter of Obadiah LATOURETTE, who was a miller of Morris county, and who was the father of two other children: George Henry and Louise, wife of a Mr. HAYCOCK. Children of Mr. and Mrs. WELSH: John C., married Gertrude KOLEGROVE, and has two children: Mildred and Elizabeth; Elizabeth Ann, wife of Dr. C. L. CRIST, a dentist practicing his profession at Plainfield, New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. WELSH occupy one of the attractive houses of the community, and they are noted for their hospitality and geniality, they being the center of a wide circle of friends.

Transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003)

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