NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Herman Viedt
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

This well know resident of Morristown is a man whom to know is to honor, as he is a man of business integrity and high character, advancement being his watchword, and during the years he has resided in this city the progress of his business has been marked and steady, thus indicating that he is a man of progressive ideas and methods. He is a native of Brunswick, Germany, born June 15, 1866, son of Christian F. and Marie (WILKIE) VIEDT, both of whom were born and died in Germany.

Herman VIEDT was reared and educated in Germany, and served in the German army, as is the custom, under the present Emperor; was mustered out a corporal. His grandfather also served in the army. After completing his studies in the public schools, he accepted a clerkship in one of the business houses in the vicinity of his home, performing his tasks with alacrity and precision. In 1888 he emigrated to this country, locating in Paterson, New Jersey, where after a time he engaged in the confectionery and ice cream business, but did not achieve the success which his well directed efforts deserved, and in May, 1900, removed to Morristown, New Jersey, and during the intervening years has firmly established himself in business, becoming one of the substantial men of the place, one to be relied upon for aid if the occasion demanded it. He at once set up an establishment for the sale of confectionery and ice cream at No. 20 Park Place, which is well patronized by the better element of the city, it being conducted in a manner to suit the most fastidious, everything pertaining to it being of the best and modern construction, cool, and comfortable during the summer months and warm and well lighted during the winter months, thus insuring a comfortable place for all seasons of the year. He manufactures his own candy and ice cream, disposing of the latter commodity by wholesale, thus considerably increasing the proceeds from his business. In 1908 he installed a complete plant for the manufacture of ice cream by machinery, using his own patent, the Iceless Method, and at the present time (1913) has a capacity of two thousand quarts daily. His plant is modern in every respect, cleanliness being the main feature, this being absolutely essential to the manufacture of anything for man’s consumption. The plant is a five ton outfit, and in its operation requires the service of several people; fifteen are required to operate the plant and store combined, it being a veritable bee hive for activity. The business proved successful from the beginning, owing to the purity of the products and the efficiency of the service, and has steadily increased from year to year, and in 1912 he disposed of two hundred thousand quarts of ice cream, this amount being largely increased during the present year, which fact clearly demonstrates that he has kept up the high standard of his products, increasing rather than diminishing the quality. His business is one of the largest of its kind in that section of the State, as the public, recognizing his ability and skill in the manufacture of sweet things to eat, have therefore given him a liberal patronage. Mr. VIEDT is a director in the American Trust Company, and holds membership in the B. P. O. E., K. P. R. A. and M. W. A., also the Topkaow club.

Mr. VIEDT married, February 1, 1891, in Paterson, New Jersey, Frances ISENHARDT, a native of Germany, born December 29, 1870, daughter of Gotlieb and Mina ISENHARDT. Children:

  • Herman Jr., assistant to the father;
  • Harold B., a student at Cornell University, engineering department;
  • Fay R. A., serving as bookkeeper in his father’s store;
  • Stewart and
  • one son who died in infancy.

Mr. and Mrs. VIEDT are members of the South Street Presbyterian Church, active in the work of its various societies, and take a keen interest in community affairs, winning and retaining the regard of all.

This biography was transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003).

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