NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Frederick Taylor
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

For the past thirty years Frederick TAYLOR has been numbered among the useful citizenship of the town of Dover, where he has spent much of his time in mechanical trades and industries, and for the past twelve years has been one of the city’s force of mail carriers. He has always been a hard worker, has done more than pull his own weight, and by his industry has provided well for his immediate family.

Frederick TAYLOR was born at Dover, March 22, 1865, a son of Alfred and Susan (EDWARDS) TAYLOR. The paternal grandfather was named John TAYLOR. Both parents were natives of England, where they were married, and about 1856 emigrated to New York. After a few months they located in Dover, where the father was for many years a harness manufacturer. The children in their family were: Theophilus; Edward A.; Elizabeth; James W.; Martha, wife of John SPARGO; William, deceased; Frederick; John G.; Hattie, wife of Oscar PEER.

Frederick TAYLOR, who has spent all his years in Dover, attended the common schools while growing up, but was still a boy when he entered his father’s harness shop, and learned the trade in all its details. He spent about ten years in work with his father, and then joined his three brothers in the clothing business. The store was conducted with a fair degree of prosperity and he remained in that line for about eight years. However, he had never been completely satisfied with merchandising, and finally withdrew and started a harness shop of his own. After two and a half years in that occupation, he accepted a place with the local staff of mail carriers, and has given faithful and intelligent service in that position ever since.

Mr. TAYLOR on January 1, 1890, married Miss Mary FELVER, a native of Port Colden, New Jersey, in Warren county. Her parents, Joseph C. and Margaret (PETTY) FELVER, were both natives of New Jersey, and her father a blacksmith by trade, and also a building contractor. There were three children in the FELVER family, the two sons being Mark and Hiram. To Mr. and Mrs. TAYLOR have been born the following children: Edna Marguerite, Maud, Clarence, Helen, and Joseph A. In politics Mr. TAYLOR is Republican, and he gives his allegiances to Republican principles. He is affiliated with the R. A., and with his family attends the First Methodist Episcopal Church at Dover.

Transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003)

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