NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

L.F. & D.F. Sturgis
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

Lewis Francis and Daniel Farrand STURGIS, of the well known firm of Sturgis Brothers, Builders and Contractors, of Morristown, New Jersey, the fourth generation of the family to carry on this line of business in Morris county, are recognized as men of strong individual character, keen discernment, unflagging enterprise and energy and of unquestioned reliability in all of their business relations.

They descend from the sturdy New England family of the same name, the men of which were upright, industrious, frugal, God fearing and law abiding, who did their share toward the upbuilding of that section of America while it was yet a wild, unconquered country. Their progenitor in America was Edward STURGIS, of a branch of a distinguished English family. He came to America a few years after the Mayflower made her eventful and historic voyage, and settled in the colony of Massachusetts. Records of that day prove that he was in Charleston, Massachusetts in 1634. His son, Edward STURGIS, Jr. was born in England, April 10, 1624, and came to Yarmouth, Massachusetts, with his father, while yet a small boy, making the trip across the Atlantic in one of the tiny sailing vessels that infrequently visited American shores. Edward STURGIS married Temperance GORHAM, born May 5, 1646, in Marshfield, Massachusetts, daughter of Captain John GORHAM and his wife, Desire (HOWLAND) GORHAM. Desire HOWLAND was the daughter of Captain John HOWLAND and his wife Elizabeth (TILLEY) HOWLAND. Elizabeth TILLEY was the daughter of John TILLEY and his wife, Bridget (VAN DE VELDE) TILLEY. John HOWLAND and wife and John TILLEY and wife being Mayflower Pilgrims. Bridget VAN DE VELDE married John TILLEY while he, with other English exiles, was sojourning in Delfthaven, Holland. Edward STURGIS died December 8, 1678. To cement the Sturgis alliance with Mayflower descendants, Jonathan STURGIS of Barnstable, Massachusetts, married Temperance GORHAM, a daughter of Ebenezer GORHAM, of the fourth generation. Jonathan STURGIS was a Revolutionary soldier, and enlisted in April, 1775, in Captain Hart WILLIAM’S company, Thirty first Regiment, commanded by Colonel Edmund PHINNEY. The Sturgis family of New Jersey, as well as that of New England and other parts of the United States, are thus qualified to become members of the Mayflower Society, Colonial societies and the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution. A more recent ancestor, filled with the keen, restless spirit that made pioneers in the early days of the seventeenth century, left Massachusetts and finally located in New Jersey. His descendants eventually drifted to Morris county and there settled, where they have remained for generations, admittedly among its most respected citizens.

Walter STURGIS, grandfather of the Sturgis Brothers, was the second generation of the Morris county builders of the name. He was an honorable upright man.

Lewis Robert STURGIS, father of the Sturgis Brothers, was born in the Sturgis homestead in Green Village, Morris county, New Jersey, May 10, 1816. He received his education in the village schools, and on leaving them he entered with his father into the building business, making the third generation to select the occupation. At the death of his father he succeeded to the business and soon made for himself a name in the building world. While making his home in Green Village he established himself in Morristown, and during the years that he was in business he erected forty houses in Morristown. He was of the firm of L. R. & E. B. Sturgis. He died March 17, 1885, at Green Village, much regretted by his large circle of friends and acquaintances. In the life and character of Mr. STURGIS is demonstrated the possibility of achieving an honorable and gratifying success through well directed and unremitting efforts in legitimate channels. His life exemplified success. He was a supporter of the principles of Democracy all of his life, as were his forefathers, and was honored by his constituency on many occasions with county offices. He served as freeholder twice. He married Susan COCHRAN, like himself a descendant of an old New England family. She was born in Green Village, August 4, 1820, died February 7, 1882. They were the parents of six children, one of whom died in infancy, the remainder reaching the adult age. Of the five growing to maturity only two are now living, the two brothers.

  • Maria C. became the wife of Norwood GENUNG, passing away October, 1890;
  • Mary A. married John B. AMMERAN, dying July 17, 1879;
  • Watson C., also deceased.

Lewis Francis STURGIS, senior member of the firm of Sturgis Brothers, Builders and Contractors, of Morristown, New Jersey, was born at the comfortable old homestead of the Sturgis family in Green Village, Morris county, New Jersey, August 31, 1853. He attended the school in the village of his birth, and on leaving it, while yet a mere youth, became engaged with his father in his present occupation. As one of New Jersey’s native sons she has cause to be proud of him, not only for the great success he has achieved as a member of the firm of the fourth generation but also on account of his high integrity in personal matters, and his great sense of justice. Like his forebears he is a Democrat, supporting the ticket, State and nations. His church affiliations are with St. Peter’s Protestant Episcopal, attended by himself and family. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum, and has been connected with the fire department since 1886. He married, November 10, 1884, Lettie BONNELL, a member of a substantial New Jersey family. They are the parents of two children, of whom,

  • Wallace, died at the age of five; and
  • Raymond F., born November 1, 1887.

Daniel Farrand STURGIS, junior member of the firm, was born in the Sturgis homestead, Green Village, July 27, 1857. He was partially educated in the public school in Green Village, and afterward attended the high school in Newark, New Jersey. Like his brother he stands for high business probity in Morristown, and like him commands the respect and admiration of his fellow citizens. They are both public spirited always advocating the measures that they believe will be beneficial to their town, county and State. He is a Democrat, working for and voting with the party on all occasions, but has never held any public office. He is a bright member of the Royal Arcanum, and is also a member of the local fire brigade, and has been since 1886. He with his family is connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church of Morristown. He married, May 13, 1885, Julia C. LINDSLEY, a descendant of an old distinguished family of Morris county living at Spring Valley, which has made many bright and heroic pages in the history of the county. Of their six fine children they have lost only one

  • Madeline, who died in infancy The others are:
  • Oscar L., born June 6, 1886;
  • Lewis Robert, September 13, 1887;
  • Carl J., February 24, 1890;
  • Alice, October 5, 1892;
  • Sarah, July 16, 1896.

Transcribed by E.J.Carlson.

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