Andrew J. Slingerland

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

One of the progressive and representative farmers of Pompton Plains, Morris county, New Jersey, is Andrew J. SLINGERLAND, whose family came to America prior to the Revolution. The first of the SLINGERLANDs, Nicholas, to make his home in New Jersey, is said to have come from up the North river. He became connected with the ROOME family by marrying Catalyntje, a daughter of Peter and Anna (BERRY) ROOME, the ROOMs being another old family.

His son, Samuel, was born at Pompton Plains, was a farmer, married and had a family among whom was: Jacob, father of Andrew J. SLINGERLAND, born in Pompton Plains, New Jersey, was a farmer and also a carpenter by occupation. He died on the family homestead when about seventy years of age. He married Aletha BERRY and had children:

  • Elizabeth;
  • Emily, deceased;
  • Andrew J., whose name heads this sketch;
  • Ellen, married C. M. MEADE;
  • Jacob A., who owns and cultivates a farm in Pompton Plains, married Emma S. BOND, and has one child, Lillie M.;
  • Marietta;
  • Samuel, deceased, married Mary MARTIN and had two children.

Andrew J. SLINGERLAND was born in Pompton Plains, Morris county, New Jersey, 1840, on the SLINGERLAND homestead. He acquired a substantial education in the public schools of his district, and then for a time assisted his father in the cultivation of the home farm. Subsequently he went to Rye, Westchester county, New York, and spent three years, then returning to his home. His next move was to Newark, New Jersey, where he was engaged in the grocery business for a time. During the Civil War he was a member of the Pioneer Corps of the United States army, and was engaged in construction work, building of bridges, etc. He spent one winter on Missionary Ridge, then returned to his home. There he purchased the farm of more than 100 acres on which he is located at the present time, and in the cultivation of which he has been very successful. It was formerly known as the old Major-Colonel MANDAVILLE Home. In political matters he is a Republican, and has held office as treasurer of the township, and has also been a member of the county committee. His religious connection is with the Reformed church.

Mr. SLINGERLAND married Sarah JACOBUS, of Cedar Grove, Essex county, New Jersey, who died February 12, 1904, and they had children:

  • Child, died in infancy;
  • Carrie E., married John C. AUSTEN, of Brooklyn, New York and has five children:
  • Aletha B., and
  • Emil A., living with their father.

Mr. SLINGERLAND is a loyal and disinterested citizen who gives his support to all measures for the public good. He has the warm regard of all with whom he comes in contact by reason of his honorable, upright life, and his consideration for the rights of others.

This biography was transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003).

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