NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Frank Leonard Schafer
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

There are few locations in the eastern part of the country which more strikingly display the almost magical rapidity of the change wrought by the European throughout this continent than the region about Lake Hopatcong. It is but a few years since this beautiful lake was known but dimly to the settlers of New Jersey as a mysterious water in the wilderness, the haunt and rendezvous of the Indians who inhabited the forest stretching away into the limitless west, and now it is the resort of pleasure-seekers, who appreciate the combination it offers of picturesque scenery and accessibility, its surface skimmed by countless pleasure-craft, from the canoe to the excursion steamer, and its margin dotted with every form of accommodation for the tourist, from the single tent to the most commodious hotel. Among those most largely responsible for this development are those whose business perspicacity led them some years ago to foresee the coming popularity of the lake and establish their business there. Among these men one of the most enterprising and successful is Frank Leonard SCHAFER, the proprietor of Schafer’s Hotel, Mount Arlington, New Jersey, and who has been in the hotel business on Lake Hoptacong for thirty years.

Mr. SCHAFER is of German extraction, his parents both being immigrants to America from the "Fatherland" in their youth. The father, Daniel SCHAFER, was born in Germany in 1826, came to America when twenty-two years of age, settling in New York City, where he engaged in his trade, the manufacture of shoes, and operated a shoe store until 1876. He was a member of the Fifth Regiment of Infantry, New York Volunteers, and reached the rank of first lieutenant. He served out his term of enlistment, and at the expiration thereof was given his honorable discharge. His death occurred at Carlsbad, Austria, July 4, 1892, during a visit he was making abroad. He was married to Augusta BUHLE, born in Germany in 1838, and to them were born five children, four sons and one daughter, as follows: Frank Leonard, our subject; Henry B., who is now in the hotel business in Westchester county, New York; William, an iron molder in Dover, New Jersey; Daniel, a manager of a garage in Westchester county, New York; Josephine, now a resident of Bloomfield, New Jersey.

Frank Leonard SCHAFER was born in New York City, June 9, 1861, but his father removing to Brooklyn while he was still a child, he obtained his education in the public schools of that city. He afterwards served an apprenticeship with his father, learning the trade of cutter, and later worked in that capacity in his father’s establishment for three years. In 1876 his father gave up the shoe business, in which he had so long prospered, and two years later entered the hotel business in Brooklyn, and in this venture he was joined by his son. With the Brooklyn business, Frank Leonard SCHAFER was identified for five years, and then the opportunities on Lake Hopatcong coming to his attention, he purchased property on the shores of the lake, and the following year removed to the new neighborhood and built the Mount Arlington Hotel in the location now occupied by the town hall of Mount Arlington. The new hotel was completed in 1884, and in 1898 it was destroyed by fire. After this misfortune Mr. SCHAFER, casting about for a new location in which to continue his business, hit upon his present building, which has been used prior to his purchase of it as a club house. Mr. SCHAFER has thus been a resident of Mount Arlington for upwards of thirty years and engaged in the hotel business there for a like period. He was one of the organizers of the present borough of Mount Arlington and has from its inception been prominent in its affairs, his hotel being one of the first in operation on the east side of the lake. He was the first tax collector of the newly incorporated borough and held that office six years. He has also occupied the office of borough assessor for the past twelve years, and served as councilman for two years. He is at present a member of the boards of education and health and holds as well the state office of state fire warden. He is a Republican in politics and is prominent in the councils of his party, being a member of the county board. Besides his political activities, Mr. SCHAFER is prominent in the fraternal circles in the community, and is a member of Muscognetcong Lodge, No. 151, F. and A. M., Stanhope, and a charter member of Dover Lodge, No. 782, B. P. O. E. He is also a member of the Redmen, Loft No. 188 ½. He is also a member of the Dover Lodge of Moose.

Mr. SCHAFER was married in 1886 to Maria HENNION, daughter of George HENNION, of Brooklyn, New York. To Mr. and Mrs. SCHAFER have been born two children as follows: Grace B., a graduate in the commercial course of the Dover High School, and now Mrs. Joseph JOHNSON, of New York; George A., a recent graduate of the Dover High School, and at present with the Evening News of Newark, New Jersey.

Mr. SCHAFER is a popular man in his community, and added to his popularity at the time of the building of the school, when he was a clerk of the board of education, a position he has held for ten years. He is an experienced hotel man and the Hotel SCHAFER is noted alike for its excellent service and the menu it offers to its guests. Its sterling good qualities and popularity are evidenced by the substantial success it has achieved in the fifteen years of its existence, and the thirty years of its proprietor’s enterprise.

Transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003)

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