NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Victor A. Sarrailh
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

The finer institutions, larger educational facilities and the superior advantages of making a living, have attracted many foreigners to the shores of the United States. Prominent among those who have come to us from France to identify their interests with those of the American Republic, and to adapt their lives to the new and altered conditions, is Victor A. SARRAILH, a son of Louis and Bertha SARRAILH, the genial proprietor of the Stirling Hotel, in Stirling, Morris county, New Jersey.

Victor A. SARRAILH was born in the Pyrenees, Province of Bearn, France, January 2, 1873, and there attended the parochial schools. Subsequently he took a college course, remaining a student until the age of seventeen years. Thus thoroughly and practically equipped for the battle of life, he established himself in the grocery business in his native land, and was thus engaged until 1893, in which year he emigrated to America and arrived at the Port of New York. He spent four years in that city, in order to become well acquainted with business and social customs here before he established himself independently in business, a wise proceeding, which the success of his subsequent operations has fully justified. He then removed to Stirling, Morris county, New Jersey, where he purchased a hotel, and has been identified with that line of enterprise since that time. This Stirling Hotel, as it is conducted at the present time, would scarcely be recognized by its earlier patrons, for since it has come into the possession of Mr. SARRAILH so many improvements have been made as to change it entirely. Mr. SARRAILH has had hot water supply, steam heat and electric lighting installed, and manages the enterprise in the most up-to-date manner. Meals are served at all hours, in American or European style, as the quests prefer, and the cuisine and service are unexceptionable. Mr. SARRAILH looks after the comfort of his guests personally, and his genial manner and charming personality are not the least attraction of this hotel. He is a communicant of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Vincent de Paul, and a member of Valley Lodge, No. 257, I. O. O. F. Mr. SARRAILH married, in 1906, Mary ESCALLIER, and of their three children the following named are living at the present time: Victor L., and Emile J.

Transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003)

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