NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

William C. Salmon
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

William C. SALMON, president of the Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank of Boonton, also owner and proprietor of Henry Salmon & Sons, one of the leading industrial enterprises of Boonton, is a lineal descendent in the ninth generation of the old and honored SALMON family, who can trace their ancestry in Scotland and England back to the year 1315, and whose coat-of-arms is a crest above three fishes, and a hand with an uplifted sword in it guarding the crown bonnet. A full account of the family will be found in the sketch of Hon. Joshua R. SALMON, which appears elsewhere in this work.

Henry SALMON, father of William C. SALMON, was born October 4, 1836, and at the present time (1913) is a resident of Boonton, leading a retired life, having given up business pursuits after amassing a competence for his declining years, the result of years of active and unceasing toil. He established a lumber, coal and wood and building materials business, which he conducted under his own name for some time, later admitting his son to partnership, and he is now conducting the same under the new style of Henry SALMON & Son. He married (first) Alma BARTLEY, who died in 1868, and (second) Elizabeth SALMON, of Mt. Olive, New Jersey. By his first marriage he had William C., of whom further, and by his second Henry B., a resident of Newark, New Jersey, a dealer in coal, wood and building materials.

William C. SALMON was born in Bartley, Morris county, New Jersey, July 30, 1864. He obtained his education in the common schools of the neighborhood, and he began his active business life in the employ of his father, a dealer in lumber, coal and wood and building materials of all kinds, hardware, oil, paints, etc., and in due course of time became thoroughly proficient, proving of considerable value to his father, who subsequently admitted him to partnership, changing the name from Henry SALMON to Henry Salmon & Son., which still obtains, William C. SALMON being now the owner and proprietor of the same, giving steady employment to about twenty-five men, thus adding to the general prosperity and growth of the city. The volume of the business conducted by the firm materially increased under the capable management of the junior partner, who is a man of sound judgement, possessing excellent executive and business ability, combined with a restless energy and resolute purpose. The possessions of these characteristics led to his appointment as president of the Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank of Boonton upon its organization, January 2, 1912, and the success which it has since attained clearly demonstrates the wisdom of the directors in their choice of president. The cashier of the bank is Marvin D. HAYWARD, and the directors are: Frank H. COE; James V. BEAM and J. Wesley MUTCHLER. At the close of business, August 9, 1913, its resources amounted to $217,211.67. Mr. SALMON is a member of Arcania Lodge, No. 60, F. A. M., Boonton; Chapter No. 21, R. A. M.; the Consistory, Accepter Scottish Rite, of Jersey City; and Salaam Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, of Newark. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian church, in which they take an active interest, he serving for many years as one of the board of trustees.

Mr. SALMON married, December 31, 1889, Nellis SHAW, a native of Boonton,, daughter of Martin S. and Anne L. (SERVICE) SHAW, who were the parents of two other daughters: Ada B., deceased, was the wife of Earl C. GREENMAN; and Grace B., wife of Charles W. HAWK. Mr. SHAW was an iron manufacturer of Boonton during the early part of his active career, and later was associated with the Inman Line, now known as the American Steamship Company. Children of Mr. and Mrs. SALMON: Earl Byron and Ada Bartley.

Transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003)

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