Simeon Dickerson Rose

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

Simeon Dickerson ROSE was for many years an honored citizen and representative business man of Dover. At the time of his demise in January, 1896, he left an indelible impress upon the civics and industrial annals of the city and upon his record there rests o shadow nor blemish. His strength was as the number of his days and not only did he accomplish much in connection with the practical affairs of life, but his nature, strong and kindly in tolerance, was everywhere a potent influence for good.

Mr. ROSE was born in Sussex county, New Jersey, in the village of Roseville, the date of his nativity being January 4, 1824. He was a son of Jacob and Electra (DICKERSON) ROSE, both members of pioneer families of Sussex county. They were the parents of the following children:

· Mary, wife of William GROFF;

· Simeon Dickerson, of this notice;

· Susan, wife of George HERRICK;

· John, a resident of Stanhope.

Simeon D. ROSE was educated in the private and public schools of Sussex county and his first employment was at carpentering and later assistant supervisor on the old Morris canal, this forming the major portion of his active career up to 1880, when he was elected one of the street commissioners of Dover and he served with the utmost efficiency in that capacity for the ensuing sixteen years. He was much interested in all that affected the welfare of his home city, giving freely of his aid and influence in support of all measures and enterprises projected for progress and improvement. His innate kindliness of spirit won to him the lasting friendship of all with whom he came in contact.

In 1852 Mr. Rose was united in marriage to Cornelia Canda HURD, born in Dover, Morris county, New Jersey, 1830, daughter of Ezekial Munson and Phoebe (HOAGLAND) HURD. The HURD family consisted of the following children:

· Mary, wife of Edward BENJAMIN;

· Cornelia Canda, married Simeon D. Rose, as already noted;

· Edwin R.;

· Andrew B.;

· William;

· Stephen, who died in infancy.

To Mr. and Mrs. ROSE was born one daughter:

· Mary Freeman,

who is now living on Mountain avenue, where she has erected a handsome residence. This residence is beautifully located and affords a fine view of the city of Dover. Mrs. ROSE died in the year 1908; she was a devout member of the Presbyterian church, in whose faith they reared their daughter. Miss ROSE is a young woman of most pleasing personality.

This biography was transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003).

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