NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Elmer Wilson Romine
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

Elmer Wilson ROMINE, former deputy county clerk for Morris county, New Jersey, was born on Mountain road, Morristown, New Jersey, November 14, 1887, son of Daniel E. and Phebe A. (WILSON) ROMINE.

David ROMINE, the first of the line here under consideration of whom there is information, was a resident of Parsippany, New Jersey, where he was the owner of considerable land. He married, December 20, 1802, Anna DOREMUS, and among their children was David Andrew, of whom further.

David Andrew ROMINE was born in New Jersey, probably in Parsippany, January 15, 1834. He was connected with the iron foundries of Boonton, New Jersey, and later retired to his farm on the Parsippany road. He married Louisa VAN ORDGEN, and among their children was Daniel E., of whom further.

Daniel E. ROMINE was born in Boonton, New Jersey, February 8, 1863, and is now (1913) living in Morristown, where he is engaged in the real estate and insurance business. On January 1, 1914, he was appointed building commissioner for the town of Morristown. He married Phebe A. WILSON, born in Sussex county, New Jersey, also living at the present time. She is the daughter of Stewart WILSON and Amanda (STITES) WILSON, residents of Parsippany, New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. WILSON celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on January 9, 1914. He was a farmer and carpenter, now retired from active pursuits; and remembers distinctly the log cabin in which his parents lived when he was a boy and in which he was born. She is the descendent of the MOORES, who came of a distinguished English family. Sir Thomas MOORE, a wealthy shipbuilder of London, left three sons, one of whom came to this country and took service on the American side in the Revolutionary War. Mr. and Mrs. ROMINE had four children, one of whom,

  • Charles, died November 29, 1911.
  • The three living are:
  • Elmer WILSON, of whom further;
  • Mildred, living with parents;
  • Harry L., employed as paymaster by the Morris County Traction Company.

Elmer Wilson ROMINE was educated in the public schools of Morristown, and after completing the course began the study of law, entering for that purpose in September, 1905, the offices of Vreeland, King, Wilson & Lindabury. He was admitted to the bar in the June term, 1910, but at the outset of his career as a practitioner was appointed deputy county clerk, in which capacity he served until March 1, 1913, when he resigned to devote his attention to the practice of his profession. Mr. ROMINE pursued a course of study in osteopathy, and on May 2, 1913, he graduated from the American College of Chicago, Illinois, receiving a degree as Doctor of M. T. He has given considerable attention to art, having spent upwards of two years at the National Academy of Designs in New York City. He is a member of the real estate firm of D. E. Romine & Company. He has also established a branch real estate, insurance and law office at No. 607 Main street, Boonton, New Jersey. He organized in May, 1913, the Morris County Mercantile Agency, of which he is the attorney. He is self-educated, and has through his own unaided efforts attained the position he holds in the legal, mercantile, and social world. He has acquired a fund of knowledge in various lines, literature, art, science, all by persistent effort and diligent application. During the performance of his duties as deputy county clerk he edited and published a book, "Schedule of Deeds and Mortgages" for Morris county, New Jersey, for the benefit of lawyers and others interested in search work. He has also written many short stories and plots some of which are being produced in moving pictures. He is a frequent contributor to magazines, and his work has been very acceptable. Although at the age when most young men are thinking of making a beginning, he has already advanced to a position of prominence, being well known not only in Morris county but throughout a large portion of that section of the State. He has been engaged in many important cases in the Morris county courts, and although a young practitioner displays exceptional ability as a trial lawyer and pleader. On January 30, 1914, he was appointed clerk of the road committee of the board of freeholders of Morris county, and on the day following he was appointed counsel for the township of Mendham. He has in his possession a gun that is over a hundred years old, a bag pouch of the same age, an old family Bible of the same age, and other carefully treasured relics of the long ago. He is a member of the South Street Presbyterian Church, of the F. and A.M., of the I. O. O. F. and Y.M.C.A. He is affiliated with the Republican party.

Mr. ROMINE married at Boonton, New Jersey, March 31, 1909, Lillian E. ESTLER, born August 16, 1887, daughter of George A. and Mary A. (STICKLE) ESTLER, of Boonton, the former named one of the freeholders of Morris county at the present time (1913). Mr. and Mrs. ROMINE have one child,

  • Berton Elmer, born December 30, 1909.

This biography was transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003).

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