NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Robert Richards
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

Among the essentially representative citizens of the younger generation in Dover, Robert RICHARDS is here given recognition as one whose life has been exemplary in all respects and whose business methods have ever been above board and on the level.

A native of Morris county, New Jersey, Robert RICHARDS was born in the city of Dover, June 8, 1877, son of Robert and Mary J. (WIGGINS) RICHARDS, both of whom are now deceased. The father was born and reared in Pennsylvania and the mother was a native of Morris county, this State. He was a mining contractor and during his lifetime won considerable renown and success in that line of business in Morris county and other sections of New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. RICHARDS had one son and two daughters, namely: Robert, of this notice; Anna, married Frederick MAYBERRY, of Dover, New Jersey; Jessie Elizabeth, wife of James SIMPSON Jr.

In his youth Robert RICHARDS attended the Prospect Street Academy conducted by the late Mrs. Lucy MAGIE and the common schools of Dover and for several terms he was a student at the Nazareth Military College, at Nazareth, Pennsylvania. He also completed a commercial course in Coleman’s Business College, at Newark. He has been engaged in commercial enterprises during the entire period of his active career and for the past eighteen years has been traveling salesman for Seeman Brothers, wholesale grocers in New York City. He takes an active part in all civic affairs and at the present time, 1913, is a valued member of the board of aldermen of Dover. His political allegiance is given to the Republican party, and he is affiliated with the local lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.

In 1897 Mr. RICHARDS married Nellie PIERSON born at Parryville, Pennsylvania, daughter of John and Martha (ANTHONY) PIERSON. Mrs. RICHARDS has one brother, Harry, who is living retired at Dover, New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. RICHARDS are the parents of three children: Helen, Dorothy, Robert, all of whom are attending the Dover public schools. The RICHARDS family are devout members of the Methodist Episcopal church, to whose good works they are liberal contributors of their time and means. The family home is a center of refinement and culture and is noted for its genial atmosphere and generous hospitality.

Transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003)

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