NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Edward Kelly
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

The history of a nation is nothing more than a history of the individuals comprising it, and as they are characterized by loftier ideals, actuated by the spirit of ambition or indifference, so it is with a State, county, or town. Success along any line of endeavor would never be properly appreciated if it came with a single effort and unaccompanied by some hardships, for it is the knocks and bruises in life that make success taste so sweet. The failures accentuate the successes, thus making recollections of the former as dear as those of the latter for having been the steppingstones of achievement. The career of Edward KELLY but accentuates the fact that success is bound to come to those who join brains with ambition and are willing to work. He is a prominent official in many of the most important industrial enterprises located in Morris county and for the past four years has served his home community as alderman in the city council of Dover. He is purely a self-made man for no one assisted him in a financial way and in his youth he was but meagerly educated.

A native of Oxford, New Jersey, Edward KELLY was born October 15, 1858, son of Michael and Mary (ROCK) KELLY, both of whom were born and reared in the Emerald Isle, where was solemnized their marriage and whence they immigrated to the United States in the year 1840. Michael KELLY was a miner by trade and later in life he attained considerable success in the general mercantile business at Oxford. He and his wife are both deceased and their remains are interred at Oxford, New Jersey. They were the parents of five children: Edward, Hugh, Margaret, Mary, James.

After completing the curriculum of the public schools of Oxford, Edward KELLY, at the age of fifteen years, began to work for the Oxford Iron & Nail Company, continuing in the employ of that concern for the ensuing five years. At the age of twenty years he became timekeeper in the blast furnace department for the estate of J. Cooper LORD, of Boonton, New Jersey. One year later he became chief clerk for Tooke STRAKER, who was general manager for the iron interests of Joseph WHARTON in Morris county. In 1885 he was appointed assistant superintendent of the above iron interests and he served as such until 1891, in which year Tooke STRAKER died and he succeeded him as general manager of all of Mr. WHARTON’s interests in northern New Jersey. These interests consisted of three blast furnaces at Wharton. The best illustration of Mr. KELLY’s capability in managing his employer’s business interests is to be had in the fact that at the time of his death, Mr. WHARTON willed him the sum of $5,000 as a bonus for appreciation of excellent service rendered.

Mr. KELLY is now vice-president of the Dover Trust Company; president of the Hygeia Ice and Ice Cream Company, president of the General Contracting & Realty Company; treasurer of the New Jersey Hardwood Company and of the High Land Lakes Realty Company. He was formerly general manager of the Wharton Steel Company and general superintendent of the Wharton & Northern Railroad Company. In addition to the ice plant mentioned above a Charcoal furnace is soon to be opened for operation at Dover. The foregoing is ample illustration of Mr. KELLY’s dynamic energy and extraordinary ability as a business man of unusual power. Inasmuch as all his present affluence is the result of his own well directed efforts, his splendid success is the more gratifying to contemplate. He is a stalwart Republican in his political proclivities, and for the past four years he has served as a member of the Dover board of alderman. He is affiliated with the Dover Lodge of the B. P. O. E., the Railroad Club of New York, and the American Institute of Mining Engineers. His religious faith is in harmony with the tenets of the Roman Catholic church, of which he is a zealous communicant.

In October, 1894, Mr. KELLY was united in marriage to Mrs. Julia (FOLEY) CONLAN, widow of John CONLAN and daughter of John and Mary (FOLEY). By her first marriage Mrs. KELLY became the mother of four children: Mary, Elizabeth, Thomas, John. Mr. and Mrs. KELLY have one daughter, Helena. Mrs. KELLY is a woman of most gracious personality and she is deeply beloved by all who have come within the sphere of her gentle influence,.

Transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003)

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