NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Frank L. Kelley
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

One of the most enterprising arid energetic business men of Chatham, Morris county, New Jersey, is to be found in the person of Frank L. KELLEY, an all-around good business man. Re has climbed the ladder of success arid gathered the fruits of earnest, honorable toil, and his name is inseparably connected with the commercial interests of the town. The salient points in his business career are resolute purpose, unflagging industry and unabating zeal. He has also served his community for many years in a public capacity. He is a son of Nelson and Lydia J. (WONDERLEY) KELLEY, whose only other child, a daughter Caroline, died in infancy.

Frank L. KELLEY was born in Chatham, Morris county, New Jersey, May 5, 1858, and the common schools of the township afforded him his early educational advantages, and subsequently he became a student at Bryant & Stratton's Business College in Newark, from which he was graduated in the class of 1878. Shortly afterward he entered upon his business career, becoming junior partner in the firm of N. Kelley & Son, conducting a bakery. He was progressive in his ideas and possessed of great foresight, and in 1882 established himself in the grocery business, to which he added a department for the handling of men's furnishings, boots anL shoes, and this department earned such favor, that it has since become the largest in the town. As above stated, he is progressive in his business methods, but he tempers this progressiveness with a sufficient amount of conservatism to render his manner of conducting his business, not alone attractive to those with newer ideas but as well to those who entertain older ones, which enables him to remain on a safe plane.

Mr. KELLEY has always given his staunch support to the interests of the Republican party, and he has served it in various local offices. Before the new form of government was introduced he was in office as a village trustee for a period of three years, and also as village treasurer. When the government was changed, he was elected a member of the first city council, served six years, and was then honored by election as mayor, in which office he served eleven years. He has erected a number of fine residences in the town, which have added greatly to its beauty, and has been a leading spirit in a number of other improvements. For many years he has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and has served as trustee and as secretary of the board of trustees. His fraternal affiliation is with Madison Lodge, No.93, A. F. and A. M., and Chatham Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. His social membership is with the Chatham Fish and Game Association and the Chatham Bicycle Club.

Mr. KELLEY married, October 15, 1884, Lucy V., a daughter of William and Mary Jane (DAY) LEAR, born and resident in Madison, New Jersey, where he was a mason by trade. Mr. and Mrs. KELLEY have had children:

  • Rowland W., was graduated from the Summit High School;
  • Frank S., was graduated Irom the Summit High School and Williams College;
  • Marjory, also was graduated from the Summit High School;
  • Nelson, a pupil at the Summit High School;
  • Bessie J., died at the age of six years.

The life of Mr. KELLEY has been an honorable and upright one, and in his business career. as in his public and private life, he commands the respect and confidence of all with whom he is associated.

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