NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Jacob H. Kanouse
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

The KANOUSE family has been resident in Morris county, New Jersey, for several generations, and Jacob H. KANOUSE, proprietor of the City Hotel, at Boonton, is one of the ablest representatives. Henry KANOUSE, his father, was born in Morris county, New Jersey, and gave up his life in the war while defending the rights and liberties of his country. He left six children.

Jacob H. KANOUSE, the eldest of these children, was born in Morris county, New Jersey, in 1849, and at an early age was obliged to work in order to assist in the support of the family. He left school at the age of eleven years and was engaged in farm work until he was fifteen years of age, when he found employment as a team driver. From that occupation it was an easy step to coaching in the employ of Mr. Bob RICHARD, of Dover, New Jersey, and when he left this position he became the driver of a beer wagon. He had also for a time been again engaged in farm work, but he felt that he was able to attend to affairs which required more mental ability, and accordingly opened the hotel now conducted by Mr. Lemuel KAYHART, which he conducted four years. In 1903 he removed to Boonton and opened the City Hotel, of which he has continued the proprietor and personal manager up to the present time. The hotel has nineteen sleeping apartments, comfortably furnished, a number of public rooms, and it is equipped throughout in a very attractive and complete manner. The service is excellent and it enjoys a popularity second to none of its size in the country. Mr. KANOUSE married Mary Ann TUCKER, and they have children:

  • William, a farmer, married;
  • Harry, assists his father in the conduct of the hotel.

Mr. KANOUSE is a staunch supporter of Republican principles.

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