Samuel Carruth Haven M.D.

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

The HAVEN family, from which is descended Dr. Samuel C. HAVEN, of Morristown, who is successfully engaged in the general practice of medicine there, is an old and honored New England family, early members of which were active participants in the Revolutionary War, and members in the later generations have been active and prominent in the affairs of the town of Athol, Massachusetts, where they resided for many years.

The first member of the family of whom we have definite information was Captain John HAVEN who came to ATHOL about 1753; was member of the first town board, served on same for eleven years. His son John HAVEN Jr. was the father of Jotham HAVEN, referred to below.

Jotham and Hannah (TAFT) HAVEN, natives of Massachusetts, resided on a farm in the town of Athol, which Mr. Haven cultivated, worked, and improved, obtaining therefrom a goodly livelihood. They were the parents of a number of children among whom was William LeRoy, of whom further.

William LeRoy HAVEN was born in Athol, Massachusetts on his father’s farm, May 24, 1835, died at his home on Elm street, Morristown, New Jersey, June 10, 1909. His early life was spent assisting his father with the duties of the farm and in attendance at the schools of Athol, and after a term in Athol High School and two terms in the Bernardsville Academy, he entered Williams College, graduating in the class of 1864, when twenty-nine years of age. In the meantime, in order to secure the necessary funds for his collegiate course, he devoted his attention to educational work, becoming a teacher at the age of twenty, serving in the district schools during the winter months, and during the spring and summer months working as a farm hand, thus not only did he gain pecuniarily but in health, and strength, essential factors in a successful career. Upon his graduation from Williams College he went west and taught school for one year in Beloit, Wisconsin, and one year in Stoughton, Wisconsin, and in this way gained a knowledge of that section of our great country. He then took up his residence in Plattsburg, New York, where he was connected with the schools for a period of three years, and in 1869 removed to Morristown, New Jersey, where he became the first superintendent of the schools, serving in that capacity until his death. When he located in Morristown there was only one school building in the town, and at the time of his death there were four large and well appointed schools, the result of his progressive methods and constant thought for the welfare of the children and youth of the town, and the standard of the schools was raised considerably during his tenure of office, a fact which clearly demonstrated his capability for the high office he filled. Being a man of strong mentality and ability of a high order, he was chosen for positions of importance, among them being that of president of the New Jersey Council of Education and president of the State Teachers’ Association, and he was also a member of the Morris County Board of Examiners and the State Board of Examiners, holding membership in the same until his death. He was a member of the South Street Presbyterian Church and a Republican in politics. He married (first) December 24, 1867, Florence A. WATSON, who died December 6, 1870. He married (second) December 23, 1873, Elizabeth S. TWEED, who bore him three children:

  • Samuel Carruth, of whom further;
  • Stuart LeRoy, deceased;
  • William LeRoy, who was educated in Morristown High School, Princeton College, from which he graduated with degree of Bachelor of Arts, class of 1908, Auburn Theological Seminary, Auburn, New York, which he attended three years, and the Union Theological Seminary, New York City, where he completed his course in 1912; he is now the pastor of the Congregational church at Dorset, Vermont.

Dr. Samuel C. HAVEN was born in Morristown, New Jersey, April 8, 1875. His education was acquired in the Morristown High School, Amherst College, from which he graduated with the degree of bachelor of Arts, class of 1896, and his preparation for his professional career was obtained in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York City, from which he graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine, class of 1901. He served as an intern in Roosevelt Hospital, New York City, from 1902 to 1904, and for three months in the latter named year in the same capacity in the New York Post-Graduate Hospital. He then located in Morristown, his present residence, and entered upon a general practice of medicine, which he has followed until the present time (1913), and in addition to this is attending physician in the Morristown Memorial and All Souls Hospitals. He has been a close, earnest and discriminating student of his profession, and his skill and ability are widely recognized and have received the public endorsement of an extensive and steadily increasing patronage. He keeps in touch with his professional brethren by membership in the New Jersey State Medical Association, the American Medical Association, the Morris County Medical Society, the Morristown Medical Club, the Clinical Club of Morristown, and the Phi Delta Theta, a college fraternity. He is a member of the Presbyterian church.

Dr. HAVEN married, December 28, 1904, Helen, daughter of Dr. H. M. and Abbie HUMPHREY, of Athol, Massachusetts, one of the old families of that section of the State. Children:

  • Elizabeth Humphry, born November 3, 1905;
  • John Stuart, born September 7, 1907.

This biography was transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003).

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