NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Frank Estler
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

A prominent factor in the business life of Boonton, Morris county, New Jersey, Frank ESTLER belongs to that class of progressive enterprising citizen to whom is attributable the commercial prosperity and activity of a community. He is a man of strong determination and resolute purpose, and these elements have been essential factors in his business career. James A. ESTLER, his father, was born near Boonton, New Jersey, and spent his entire life in that vicinity. Until his death he was engaged in the milk business and in trucking. He married Augusta COOK, now deceased, of Denville, Morris county, and had seven sons, and three daughters.

Frank ESTLER was born in the locality in which he is residing, in 1866, and was educated in the public schools of the township. For a time he worked for his grandfather in the milk business, and after his death was engaged in it alone for a period of two years. In 1891 he sold this business, and in the same year he established himself in the ice business, with which he has since that time been successfully identified. He constructed the pond on his place, known as Spring Lake, and his concern is known as the Spring Lake Ice Company. They have two wagons constantly in use and supply Boonton and the surrounding country. He takes a deep interest public affairs, is a member of the Republican party, has served as township clerk, and has now been in office as township treasurer for a period of five years. His excellent business qualifications are highly appreciated by his fellow citizens, and he has been treasurer and trustee of the Rockaway Valley Cemetery Association for a long time. His farm consists of fifty acres, and he keeps this in a fine state of cultivation. He has been a member of the Royal Arcanum for the past twenty-eight years, and he and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. ESTLER married Eva MULLER, of Boonton, and has children: Clinton, Alice, Mildred and Frank.

Transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003)

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