NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Herbert D. Beaty
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

Herbert D. BEATY, who has conducted a general store at Chester, New Jersey, since 1901, and who is the owner of a finely improved farm of two hundred acres in Hunterdon and Morris counties, is one of the representative citizens of this section of the State. January 17, 1863, in Hunterdon, New Jersey, occurred his birth, son of William and Hannah (SLATER) BEATY, both of whom were likewise born and reared in Hunterdon county. The father was for many years engaged in the lumber business and he was the owner of many valuable farms in different sections of New Jersey. He was a Democrat in politics, and in religious faith he and his wife were Presbyterians. They became the parents of five children, three of whom died in infancy and two of whom are still living, namely:

  • Arthur B. and
  • Herbert D.

As a farmer’s son Herbert D. BEATY was reared to adult age amid rural surroundings, and he received his educational training in the public schools of Hunterdon county. At the age of nineteen years he began to farm on his own initiative and he likewise became interested in the saw mill business. For a number of years he manufactured peach baskets at Penville, and in 1899 he located at Naughright, where he purchased a general store, which he conducted with moderate success for one year, at the expiration of which time he removed to Lebanon, where he was engaged in the same line of enterprise for another year. The year 1901 marks his advent in Chester and here he owns and conducts a splendid general merchandise establishment. He carries a fine stock of goods and caters to the best trade in this city. He does not take an active part in civic affairs but supports Democratic principles, believing that the platform of the party contains the best elements of good government.

In 1895 was solemnized the marriage of Mr. BEATY to Margaret PETTY, a native of Pennsylvania, daughter of Mathias PETTY, for many years a prosperous farmer at Berwick. Mr. and Mrs. PETTY had the following children:

  • Samuel;
  • William;
  • Charles;
  • Hattie, wife of James E. SMITH;
  • Annie;
  • Margaret, wife of Mr. BEATY;
  • Mary;
  • Lulu, wife of Willard SMITH;
  • Edith;
  • Emily.

Mr. and Mrs. BEATY have no children. They are regular attendants in the Presbyterian church at Chester, and are accorded the unalloyed confidence and esteem of their fellow citizens for their exemplary lives.

This biography was transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003).

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