Frank Barnes

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

Frank BARNES is an honored citizen of Butler, Morris county, New Jersey, and few men occupy a higher place in the esteem of their townsmen. Business, society and politics, all have their proper share in the distribution of his energies. His father, William E. BARNES, was born in Orange county, New York, where he was for many years a hotel proprietor and a horse dealer, and where his death occurred at the age of eighty years. He married Mary E. CASE, now also deceased, and had six children of whom four are now living.

Frank BARNES was born in Orange county, New York, in 1875, and was educated in the public schools of Warwick. After leaving school, he worked as the assistant of his father for eight years, then removed to Newton, Sussex county, New Jersey, where he conducted a hotel until February, 1913. At that time he purchased the Butler Hotel from Jesse HENDERSHOT, in Butler, and has conducted this very successfully since that time. The service is excellent, the cuisine all that can be desired, and the management up-to-date and systematic. He enjoys a large share of patronage. In political matters he is an Independent voter, and has the courage of his convictions. His fraternal affiliation is with the Improved Order of Red men. Mr. BARNES married Maude K. BLANCHARD, of Newton, whose brother is the largest milk dealer in that town. They have no children. He has never sought to figure personally before the public, but his influence has been felt as a strong, steady force in the social, moral, and industrial movements of the community, and he is an important factor in the life of Butler.

This biography was transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003).

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