NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

Joseph V. Baker
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

Joseph V. BAKER, who is now serving Dover, New Jersey, as city clerk, is a son of Jacob and Martha (WOLLIVER) BAKER, both natives of New Jersey. The father was a carpenter by trade and during the major portion of his active career he was manager of the car works for the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company, with headquarters at Dover. He is now living virtually retired in this city and here he is known as a man of sterling integrity of character and loyal and public-spirited citizenship. He and his wife became the parents of nine children as follows:

  • John,
  • Alfred,
  • Joseph V., of this sketch;
  • Jacob,
  • Elizabeth, deceased;
  • Margaret,
  • Mayme,
  • Lizzie, deceased;
  • Martha.

Jacob BAKER is a Republican in his political convictions, and in religious faith is a devout Methodist, as is also his wife.

At Dover, in Morris county, New Jersey, occurred the birth of Joseph V. BAKER, the date of his nativity being September 27, 1870. He received his rudimentary educational training in the common schools of Dover and subsequently pursued a commercial course in the New Jersey Business College, at Newark. He was a special student in the Stevens Institute, where he fitted himself for the work of mechanical draftsman. His first employment as such was with the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company, for which concern he worked for the ensuing eleven years, at the expiration of which, in 1902, he became assistant bookkeeper for the Wharton Steel Company, at Wharton, New Jersey. He held the latter position for seven years and then established his home in Dover, where he has since been the efficient incumbent of the office of city clerk. He is an old hand at the work connected with this office for he previously served as such for seven years, from 1892 to 1899. He is a hard and consistent worker and responds faithfully to the call of duty. In a fraternal way he is a valued and appreciative member of the B. P. O. E., being secretary of the Dover lodge of this organization. He has been a member of the city fire department for twenty-five years and during that period has met with some interesting experiences in quenching fires in this vicinity. He is connected with the Unique Club, a social organization of Dover, and his religious belief coincides with the tenets of the Methodist Episcopal church, in whose faith he was reared. Mr. BAKER is genial in his associations, affable in his address, generous in his judgment of his fellowmen, and courteous to all. As a citizen and enthusiast of his town, it is but just to say that communities will prosper and grow in proportion as they put a premium on men of his mould.

This biography was transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003).

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