NJGenWeb ~ Morris County, New Jersey

John A. Anthony
Morris Co. Up

Source: History Morris County New Jersey, Volume II, Lewis Publishing Co., 1914

A well-known figure in the business circles of Morristown, John A. ANTONY is not a native of New Jersey, but was born January 2, 1866, in Richmond, Virginia. He is of foreign extraction, his father, Andrew ANTHONY, having been born on the island of Corsica, made famous as the birthplace of Napolean. Andrew ANTHONY was brought to this country when he was four years old and acquired his early education in Philadelphia, in which city his parents had settled. At the age of twenty years he went to Richmond and there went into the confectionery business. He enlisted in the Confederate army at the breaking out of the Civil War and served as a corporal in the home guard throughout the entire period of hostilities with the Richmond Light Infantry Blues, the second oldest company in America, he being the only living member of that company. He married Kate M. DREW, born in Brooklyn, New York, died in 1875 at the age of thirty-three years. They had six children of whom one, named

  • Mary, died in childhood. These now living besides John A. ANTONY are:
  • Andrew (2),
  • Katie,
  • Alice,
  • Marguerite,
  • John A. being the second living child.
  • Andrew ANTONY is now living retired at the age of eighty-four years (1913).

Though born in Richmond, John A. ANTONY was educated in New York City. At an early age he entered Hegeman’s drug store and there held a position for a year. This experience was followed by a course in the Baltimore College of Pharmacy from which he was graduated in 1890. His practical experience at this period of his life included six years in Richard Hudnut’s, also six months of work at Riker’s drug store in New York, thence to Van Horn & Ellison on Fifth avenue four and a half years. In 1902 he decided to come to Morristown and for a time held a position in the Johnson drug store, the predecessor of the establishment of which he is at present the owner. After two years as a subordinate he bought out the business in 1904 and since that time he has been at the head of a successful and constantly growing business. It is located in the Babbitt building, and to this flourishing store Mr. ANTONY devotes a very energetic and able personality. He is a man with strongly marked social characteristics and talents, and is a member of the Elks and of the Heptasophs. In his political beliefs he subscribes to the principles of the Republican party. He is a member of All Souls Church.

Mr. ANTONY married in Morristown, 1902, Julia LINDABURY, a niece of Judge LINDABURY, of Newark. Her father, Isaac LINDABURY, is living retired at Monroe and her mother is dead. They have two children:

  • Theodore J., born January 11, 1903, and now a student in the public school;
  • Anna C., born 1908.

This biography was transcribed by John Cresseveur (1949-2003).

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