Till Family Generation 10
Morris County, New Jersey

Morris Co. Up

Cresseveur Family Tree
Chronological History of Till Family in Morris County, New Jersey

Filename: Till Chronological History                                                                                                     Revised: 03/23/01
Contact: John Cresseveur (1949-2003)

Generation #10: Peter & Ruth Jane Till

Verified Information: Peter Till

Relationship…………………… paternal great, great, great-grandfather
Date of birth…………………... 1742(?)
Place of birth………………….. Germany (per death certificate of Phillip Till)
Date of first marriage………….
Place of first marriage…………
Maiden name of first wife…….. Ruth Jane (maiden name unknown)
Date of second marriage……….
Place of second marriage………
Maiden name of second wife…..
Date of death…………………... February 3, 1824
Place of death………………….. Randolph, Morris County, NJ
Cause of death………………….
Where buried…………………...

Verified Information: Ruth Jane Till

Relationship…………………… paternal great, great, great-grandmother
Maiden name…………………..
Date of birth…………………... 1750(?)
Place of birth…………………..
Date of first marriage………….
Place of first marriage…………
Date of second marriage……….
Name of second husband………
Date of second marriage……….
Place of second marriage….……
Date of death…………………...
Place of death…………………..
Cause of death………………….
Where buried…………………...

(1) Children (Name Date of birth Date of death)

Nathan Till
John Till (3) 1778(?) January, 1868 (89 yrs)
Samuel Till (4) 1783(?) February 11, 1870
Peter Till
Anna (Till) McCord (2) February, 1791(?) November 20, 1852 (61 yrs, 9 mths)
Philip Till (2) 1790(?) November 9, 1878 (88 yrs) (5)
Rebecca (Till) Smith (1) July, 1888

  1. Date of death from "The Records of the Millbrook & Walnut Grove (Mt. Freedom) Methodist
    Episcopal Churches of Randolph Township, Morris County, NJ, Morristown Public Library,
    Morristown, NJ
  2. Date of death from tombstone at Walnut Grove Cemetery, Mt. Freedom, NJ
  3. Date of death based on obituary in the "True Democratic Banner" , February 1, 1868, page #2
    Located at the Morristown Public Library, Morristown, NJ
  4. Date of death – copy of death certificate
  5. Date of death – copy of death certificate


Peter Till fought in Revolutionary War. Lived in Middlesex County, NJ, moved to Randolph, Morris County NJ, in 1804. Source: "Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War" by Stuyker, page #299. Also listed on page #785 as Third Battalion, Gloucester County, a "John Till", Captain, First Battalion, Salem County. Copy in Hackensack, NJ, Public Library

Contents of the pension file for Peter Till (File S-33803) a copy of which was obtained from the National Archives, Washington, DC.

State of New Jersey, County of Morris

Personally came before me, Lewis Condich, one of the judges of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas,

In and for the said County of Morris, Peter Till, who being duly sworn ___?___ and saith that he served as a private soldier in the Revolutionary War, on the continental establishment. That he enlisted sometime in the spring of the year (as near as he recollects) seventeen hundred and eighty near (Samptown(?) in the County of Gloucester in the State of New Jersey (West Jersey) in the Company of Captain Baldwin, of Colonel Shreves’ Regiment of the New Jersey Line, that he joined the said Company at Woodberry and the Regiment at Amboy. That he continued in the same for the full term of nine months at which time he was discharged near Burlington in the State of New Jersey. That he afterwards enlisted in the five month service in Captain Sparks (Spanks?) Company, in Major Shirtz Battalion of another Regiment, that he was discharged from the same after having served five months at Mile (Mill?) Stone in the County of Somerset, in the State of New Jersey.

This despondent further saith that he resides near Morristown in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, that he is upwards of seventy-five years of age, is quit infirm and considerably deaf. That from his reduced circumstances in life he stands in need of assistance from his Country for support, that he has never heretofore received any pension from the United States, and prays now to have his name placed in the pension lists.

Sworn & subscribed before me Peter Till

This 3rd of April, A.D. 1818

Lewis Condich

The above named despondent further saith that owing to the remoteness of the place where he enlisted from his present place of residence, and there being no person now living who served in the same Regiment with himself, he is unable to obtain the testimony of any person.

Sworn & subscribed before me Peter Till

This 3rd of April, A.D. 1818

Lewis Condich

I, Lewis Condich, a Judge of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, for the County of Morris in the State of New Jersey, do hereby certify that it appears to my satisfaction that the said Peter Till did serve in the Revolutionary War, as stated in the foregoing deposition, against the common enemy and I now transmit the proceedings and testimony heard and taken before me to the Secretary for the Department of War pursuant to the directions of the Act of Congress of the 10th March, A.D. 1818.

Morris Town, N. Jersey Lewis Condich

April 3rd, 1818



State of New Jersey, County of Morris

I, Robert h. M’Carter, Clerk of the said County of Morris, do certify that Lewis Condich, Esquire, before whom the foregoing affidavits are made, is and was at the doing thereof duly enrolled one of the Judges of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Morris and that full faith and credit is due and ought to be given to his official acts as such.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed

My name and affixed the seal of said County of

Morris, the second day of May, Eighteen

Hundred and Eighteen

Robert H. M’Carter, Clerk of the

Court for the County of Morris

State of New Jersey, County of Morris, on this 13th day of July, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Eighteen, personally came before me Lewis Condich, one of the Judges of the Inferior Court of Common Please in and for the said County of Morris, Peter Till, who being by me first duly sworn according to law deposeth and saith that as before stated by him, he is upwards of 75 and nearly 76 years of age. That he now resides nearly one hundred miles from the place where he enlisted to wit in the County of Gloucester, that he knows no person now living at that place who will be able to testify to the facts set forth by him in his foregoing affidavit, he therefore knows not to whom to address a letter – and being so very unwell, deaf, and infirm, as well as being in such very reduced circumstances – so very poor – that he has no possible way or means of getting to the place himself or of procuring any person to go for him. This deponent further saith that he must, from his poor state of health and total inability to support himself, become a town charge unless he receives the assistance of his Country and he hopes his Country will allow him for the few remaining months of his life, the pension lately granted by Congress to which he feels himself justly entitled.

Sworn & subscribed before me Peter Till

The 13th day of July, A.D., 1818

Lewis Condich

Morris Town, N. Jersey, July 20th, 1818

George Boys Esqr.


I return to your office herewith, the applications of Dave Cockrum & Peter Till. The former has after much difficulty, obtained the testimony of two persons both belonging to the same company of Artillery in the N. York line. The latter has merely stated under oath, his entire inability to perform the journey to the place of his enlistment, where possibly he might get further evidence. Knowing myself, his good character for integrity & honestly, I feel perfectly assured of his service in the manner he has testified.

I presume the immense number of cases has hitherto prevented your attention from the others transmitted by me. Whenever their turn and hour comes, you will greatly oblige the veterans by noticing their papers.

I troubled you some past with the discharge of Benj. Losce(?) & a notification for a land warrant for Dave Laig, requesting you would deposit them in the proper office to obtain their patents. Whenever you shall favor me with a line updating the pension papers, please inform me whether or not they were received.

I have the honor to be very respectfully, your very ____?___ Lewis Condich



On this 10th day of July, 1820, personally appeared in open Court, before the Judges of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, holden at Morris-Town, in and for the County of Morris, in the term of July, in the year aforesaid. (The said court being a "COURT OF RECORD" possessing a seal, proceeding according to the course of common law, having a jurisdiction unlimited in point of amount, keeping records of its proceedings, and its Judgements being removable by writ of error only.)

Peter Till, age 78 years, resident in the township of Randolph, in said county, who being duly sworn according to the law doth on his oath declare that he served nearly six years in the American Army in the Revolutionary War in the Regiments under Colonels Maxwell Shreve & Shultz or Shoots (his memory being impaired) he speaks doubtfully of the names except Col. Maxwell, in Capt Spaldings or Baldwins’ company in the New Jersey Line, that his declaration for a pension was made on or about the 3rd April, 1818 & his pension certificate is No. 1970.

And I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States, on the 18th day of March, 1818; And that I have not, since that time, by gift, sale, or in any manner, disposed of my property or any part thereof , with intent so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an Act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary War" and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, any properties or securities, contracts, or debts due to me; nor have I any income, other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed, and by me subscribed. That I am by occupation a tailor but have been prevented from following it for several years, in consequence of the failure of my eye sight, the trembling of my hands from age, being seventy-eight years of age. My family consists, besides myself, my wife Ruthe, aged seventy years, about as healthy as is common at her age, & one grandson, William Cummins, aged 18 years, who is able to labor. I have five sons & two daughters, all living from home & one of them a cripple, having lost the use of one arm by a white swelling. Some of my children are very poor & occasionally, if I have any bread to spare, they partake with me to relieve the pressing demands of nature.

Sworn to & declared the 10th Peter Till

Day of July, 1820 before me

Gab. H. Ford


One wooden dwelling house, built in 1808 or 1800, with two small rooms, totally unfinished, having no ceiling, LT, plastering done to the inside of the dwelling.

10 acres of land on the Mountain cleared and partly fenced, 20 acres of land, the timber mostly cut-off, but the land is unimproved, being without fence, very rocky and mountainous and entirely incapable of tillage.

One cow and calf, one small pig, three old tables, one chest of drawers, one old cupboard, two pots, one teakettle, one griddle, one dressers, 5 old chairs, one barrel, one pair irons for the fire, 1 cutting box, one shovel & tongs, two pails, 1 spider, 1 tub, 6 pewter plates, 2 pewter dishes, 1 tea pot, 4 earthen cups & saucers, 4 old knives and forks, 4 pewter spoons.

This deponent holds one note of hand for fifty dollars given by his son Peter Till, who is a cripple from the loss of his arm as before stated & who this deponent knows to be very poor & he thinks utterly unable to pay for it. He has no other notes or bonds or other securities for money & is justly indebted to other individuals about thirty dollars which he is bound for & expected to pay should he be able.

Sworn to & declared the 10th day of July, 1820 before me Peter Till

Gab. H. Ford

State of New Jersey, County of Morris

I, Robert H. M’Carter, Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Please in and for the said County of Morris, do hereby certify that the foregoing oath and the schedule thereto annexed, are truly copied from the record of the said Court; and I do hereby certify that it is the opinion of the said Court, that the total amount in value of the property included in the aforesaid schedule, is two hundred and ninety six dollars - $296.00

In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed

My name and affixed the seal of said Court, this

Fifteenth day, in the year of our Lord, eighteen

Hundred and twenty.

Robert H. M’Carter, Clerk of the

Court for the County of Morris


Applicant aged 78 years

Failure of eye sight

wife "about 70 years old"

grandson living with applicant, age 18 yrs.

7 children living from home – see statement of their circumstances ___?___ in the schedule

says that some of his children are very poor

small dwelling house, 2 tracts of land (10 & 20 acres)

whole amount in schedule is $296

says he served nearly six years


August 2, 1821


Lewis Condich

Morristown, NJ

(file #)

New Jersey

Peter Till private New Jersey Line in the Army of the United States during the Revolutionary War

Capt Baldwin

Inscribed on the Roll of New Jersey at the rate of 8 dollars per month, to commence on the 3rd of April, 1818

Certificate of Pension issued the 27th of July, 1818 and sent to Lewis Condich, Esqr., Morristown, New Jersey

Arrears to 4th of Sept. 1818, 5 mths(?) 2/30(?) - $40.53, Revolutionary claim, Act 18th March, 1818


Morristown, Morris County



Peter Till died intestate (without a will) on February 3, 1824. The following list of possessions exists in the Morris County Courthouse on microfilm. (? = unable to read)

Peter Till

Inventory and appraisement of the Goods, Chattels, and credits which were of Peter Till, late of the Township of Randolph in the County of Morris, deceased, made by us, Miller Johnson, Isaac Blackford, appraisers, who promise hereto subscribed this 27th of January A.D. 1824

A lot of hay $ 2.00 Coarse and fine hatchet .20
A cow 10.50 3 forks .40
A lot of flax .30 A lot of old tine .25
??????? .30 A churn and two pails 1.13
A lot of pewter 2.50 4 pails .50
A lot of crockery 1.00 A pair of smooth iron .30
Three ???? 1.00 A lot of candle sticks, candle, holders,
A lot of chairs 1.00 hammer tummel .40
A close cupboard .25 A griddle spider & skillet 1.25
Two trunks 1.50 One iron pot .50
A pair of ????? 1.00 One pot, one tea kettle, toasting iron .75
A cash one bag and of meat 1.00 Two tubs ???????? 1.86
A bed and bedding 7.00 A lot of potatoes 1.00
A chest of drawers .20 A table .06
A lot of lumber .60 Hand iron for house and tongs 1.00
A lot of harness .50 One barrel .50
A lot of old iron .50 Bedstand bedding 1.50
A lot of augers, one saw, Ax and hoe .50
One chainknife .30 ???? and goose .50
One big wheel, one little wheel 3.00 A chest and close (clothes) 3.00 $50.05

Proved before me this Feb. 5, 1824 by the oath of Miller Johnson one of the appraisers and by the oath of Phillip Till the administrator

NOTE: Not yet resolved – Inventory taken on January 27, 1824 and filed on February 5, 1824.

Peter Till’s death is listed as being February 3, 1824. An affidavit of bondage was also

Filed on February 5, 1824 showing that Phillip Till, John Till, and Miller Johnson were

Bound to Isaac H. Williamson after the death of Peter Till.

LAND TRANSFERS: Source for all land transfers – deed books located at the Morris County Surrogate vault In the Morris County Courthouse, Morristown, NJ

April 10, 1804: Deed book: H, page #498

Grantor: William Halbert of the Township of Mendham, Morris County, NJ

Grantee: Peter Till of the Township of Piscataway, Middlesex County, NJ

55 acres of land in Mendham, NJ, for $600

March 13, 1805: Deed book: L, page #373

Grantor: Benjamin Blackford and his wife Nancy of the Township of Mendham

Grantee: Peter Till of the Township of Mendham

15 acres of land in Randolph, NJ, for 80 pounds sterling

April 13, 1807: Deed book: O, page #230

Grantor: Peter Till and his wife Ruth of the Township of Randolph

Grantee: Henry Parsons, also of Randolph

0.5 acre of land in Randolph for $30

March 7, 1810: Deed book T, page #32

Grantor: Peter Till and his wife Ruth of Randolph

Grantee: Peter Till Jr. also of Randolph

10.7 acres of and for $160.50 in Randolph

February 15, 1816: Deed book CC, page #38

Grantor: Peter Till Jr. and his wife Nancy of Randolph

Grantee: Peter Till of Randolph

0.5 acres previously purchased from Henry Parsons

1 acre previously purchased from Daniel Aber for a total of $300

November 25, 1816: Deed book DD, page #387

Grantor: Peter Till and his wife Ruth of Randolph

Grantee: Peter Till Jr. of Randolph

1.5 acres of land in Randolph for $300

May 9, 1817: Deed book EE, page #351

Grantor: Peter Till and his wife Ruth of Randolph

Grantee: Peter Till Jr. of Randolph

11.07 acres of land in Randolph for $250

August 22, 1818: Deed book GG, page #523

Grantor: Peter Till and his wife Ruth of Randolph

Grantee: Peter Till Jr. of Randolph

5.2 acres of land in Randolph for $100

February 2, 1822: Deed book MM, page #38

Grantor: Peter Till and his wife Ruth of Randolph

Grantee: Joseph McCord of Randolph (husband of Anna (Till) McCord, daughter of Peter/Ruth Till)

4 acres of land in Randolph for $80

February 21, 1824: Deed book: PP, page #6

Grantor: Nathan Till, John Till, Samuel Till, Peter Till, Joseph McCord (husband of Anna Till), Philip Till, and Anna (Till) McCord.

Grantee: Rebecca (Till) Smith

Whereas Peter Till, late of the Township of Randolph, died intestate and at the time of his death was lawfully seized and possessed of several lots of land situated in the Township of Randolph aforesaid and the said land and real estate late of the said Peter Till deceased, did descend to the said Rebecca Smith, Nathan Till, John Till, Samuel Till, Peter Till, Anna (Till) McCord, and Philip Till, his children and heirs at law. And they have divided said land and real estate among themselves so that each can hold their part or share of said land in severalty. Now this indenture witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for, and in consideration of the said Rebecca Smith, releasing to each one of them their part or share of said land and real estate and also for and in consideration for the sum of $1.00 to them in hand paid by the said Rebecca Smith at and before the sealing and delivery of those present the receipt whereby is here acknowledged and the said parties of the first part are herewith fully satisfied, contented, and paid, hath given, granted, bargained, and sold, released, and quitclaimed the parcel of land now described.

February 21, 1824: Deed book: QQ, page #477

Grantor: Rebecca (Till) Smith, Samuel Till, John Till, Peter Till, Joseph McCord, Anna (Till) McCord of Randolph

Grantee: Philip Till of Randolph

Distribution of land of the late Peter Till for $1.00

Information on descendents of Peter and Ruth Till:

The following information was obtained from tombstones located at the Walnut Grove Cemetery, West Hanover Street (approximately a quarter mile off the Sussex Turnpike) in Randolph (formerly Mount Freedom), NJ. Verification of some stones was obtained through reading the "Records of Millbrook and Walnut Grove (Mt. Freedom) Methodist Episcopal Church of Randolph Township, Morris County, NJ, Book #1, beginning 1872, located at the Morristown Library, Morristown, NJ.

Listing of tombstones for Till family, spouses, and children:

Phillip Till (son of Peter & Ruth) Anna Till (wife of Phillip)

Died: November 9, 1878 Died: May 30, 1867

Age: 88 years Age: 66 years, 10 mths


Caroline (Till) Abers (wife of Peter Abers) My husband and my children all

Born: December 20, 1826 A mother from you Christ has called

Died: June 6, 1918 Weep not for me (illegible)

To call me to your sight again

Sara Till (daughter of Phillip & Anna Till) Phebe A. Till

Died: August 31, 1866 Born: December 5, 1832

Died: March 30, 1896

Peter K. Abers Isaac Steelman (husband of Mary Till)

Co. B 27th NJ Volunteers (Civil War) Co. K 7th Reg. NJ Volunteers (Civil War)

Died: August 10, 1908 Died: September 30, 1891

Age: 71 years Age: 72 years

Harriet (Till) Lanterman Andrew Lanterman (husband of Harriet)

Born: June 9, 1838 Born: March 29, 1830

Died: September 9, 1916 Died: May 19, 1901

Julia (Till) Blanchard James McCord (son of Anna & Joseph McCord)

Daughter of Phillip & Anna Till Died: December 20, 1848

Died: October 22, 1867 Age: 29 yrs, 4 mths, 13 days

Age: 39 yrs, 2 mths, 2 days

Anna (Till) McCord (daughter of Peter & Ruth Till) Joseph McCord

Died: November 20, 1852 Died: April 10, 1854

Age: 61 yrs, 3 mths Age: 83 yrs

(2) Phillip Till: Death Certificate (Source: Copy of original death certificate received from New Jersey State Bureau of Vital Statistics, Trenton, NJ.)

Full name of deceased: Philip Till Age: 88 years
Color: White Occupation: Farmer
Birthplace: U.S. (balance illegible) Last place of residence: Mt Freedom, Morris County
How long resident in this state: 77 years Place of death: Mt. Freedom, Morris County, NJ
Father’s name: Peter Till Place of birth: Germany
Mother Name: Ruth Till Place of birth: illegible (may be "Not Known")
"I hereby certify that I viewed(?) Philip Till after he died and that he died on the 12 day of November, 1878 and (balance illegible).
Length of sickness: illegible Medical Attendant: illegible
Residence (attendant): Dover, Morris County, NJ Date: November 12, 1878

Anna (Syne) Till (wife of Philip Till): Death Certificate: (Source: Copy of original death certificate received from New Jersey State Archives, Trenton, NJ, Volume AL, page 515)

Return of Deaths in the Township of Randolph, County of Morris, State of New Jersey, from the 1st day of June, 1867 to the 1st day of June, 1868.

#24, Date of death: May 30, 1867 Name of deceased: Anna Till

Sex of deceased: Female Married or single: Married
Age: 66 years Occupation: Housewife
Place of death: Randolph Place of birth: Randolph
Name of Parents: Peter and Charity Syne Cause of death: Found dead in bed

Philip Till & Mary de Hart: Marriage Certificate: (Source: Copy of original marriage certificate received from New Jersey State Archives, Trenton, NJ, Volume BH, page 558)

Return of Marriages in the Township of Morris, County of Morris, State of New Jersey
#19, September 19, 1868 Ages: Male –73 years, Female – 49 years
Single or Widowed: both listed as widowed Married by: H.A. Butty
Residence: Morristown Official (Residence of): Morristown
Where married: Morristown Names of Parties: Philip Till, Nancy de Hart
Residence: Walnut Grove Names of parents: not listed
Occupation: farmer Time of making record: June 18, 1869

Anna (Till) McCord: Death Certificate: (Source: Copy of original death certificate received from New Jersey State Archives, Trenton, NJ, Volume Z, page 278)

Return of Deaths in the Township of Randolph, County of Morris, State of New Jersey from the 31st day May, 1852, to the 31st day of May, 1853.

Date of death: November 20, 1852 Name of deceased: Anna McCord
Sex of deceased: Female Married or Single: Married
Age: 63 years Occupation: not listed
Place of death: Walnut Grove Place of birth: Walnut Grove
Name of parents: Peter Till Cause of death: (illegible) Lungs

Source for the following: "A History of Randolph Township", edited by Richard Irwin 1976, Morristown Public Library, Morristown, NJ.

Page #42: Peter Kimball Aber, born September 7, 1838, son of Hezekiah Aber and Elizabeth (Pool) Aber married Caroline Till (daughter of Philip Till Generation #11)

Page #56: Peter Till, member of Continental Troops, New Jersey Line, Major Shirsts, Pension Application #S-33803, born 1742, tax ratable for 1806.

Page #104: Philip Till was persuaded to sell ¾ acre for a church upon the condition that the meeting House must be completed within two years, and the structure was begun in 1847, completed and dedicated in 1849 by the Rev. Burrows of Millbrook.

Page #141: Peter K. Abers was born in Mt. Freedom on September 7, 1838, where he worked as a Farmer. Aber enlisted as a wagoner at Newark in Company B, 27th NJ Volunteers and complained in his application about piles, lumbago, and deafness. He was described as having brown hair, blue eyes, and a light complexion while standing 5 feet 10 inches tall. Abers married Caroline Till in 1868 and had a pension of $12 per month when he died in Mt. Freedom on August 10, 1908. His widow, then had his pension continued until her death on May 4, 1916. (Note: Caroline’s tombstone shows June 6, 1918.)

Page #185: Philip Till came to an agreement with Absalom Steelman to build a Church for the Methodists on some of his land, located on the opposite side of the road (West Hanover Avenue). The Methodists originally obtained ¾ acre. The Church is still standing although services are no longer conducted there. (Note: A tombstone in the Church cemetery shows an Isaac Steelman, husband of Mary Till, who served in the Civil War and died on September 30, 1891, at the age of 72 years.)

Source: "Records of the Millbrook and Walnut Grove (Mt. Freedom) Methodist Episcopal Churches of Randolph Township, Morris County, NJ." Book #1 of Church records beginning 1872.

Page #149: Till, Nancy J., married, received on February 15, 1877, died at Port Morris, May 5, 1884.
(Note: This is Nancy Jane (Dehart) Till, second wife of Philip Till.)

1840 Census for Randolph Township, Morris County, NJ:

Till, Philip Till, John
1 male of 30 and under 40 1 male of 40 and under 50
3 females under 5 years of age 1 female of 10 and under 15
1 female of 5 and under 10 1 female of 30 and under 40
1 female of 30 and under 40

1860 Census for Morristown, NJ

John Till, 81 yrs, male
Rachael Till, 66 yrs, female
Osper M. Dalrumple, 9 yrs, male

(10) Robinson’s "Atlas of Morris County, NJ, 1887" lists the following land owners: (1) J. Till, Northwest Quarter of Morristown, Page #10, and (2) P. Till, District #5 of Randolph, page #19.



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