Old Look-Up Offers

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Rules for requesting a lookup:
- Please limit your request to a lookup for one surname ( family name or last name) per request.
- Please limit your request to a lookup in one title/reference per request.
- Please put MERCER COUNTY LOOKUP in the subject line of your request to insure the message is not overlooked or accidently deleted.
- In the first line of the message please put the name of the book, article or source you are requesting the lookup in.
- Be very specific with your request -- do not ask the volunteer to give you everything they have about a surname!
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Vital Statistics: Births, Deaths, and Marriages

Reference Book Lookup Volunteer & E-mail
Abstracts of the Deaths and Marriages in The Hightstown Gazette: 4 Jan. 1872 through 29 December 1881 Richard S. Hutchinson - RHutch295@aol.com
American Marriage Records Before 1699 by William Montgomery Clemens Irene Smith - Lilchubbet@aol.com
Deaths and Marriages from The Village Record and The Hightstown Gazette, 1849-1862 Richard S. Hutchinson - RHutch295@aol.com
Gloucester County, New Jersey, Marriage Records Gale M. LaRochelle - rlor@epix.net
Marriage Records of Hunterdon Co., NJ - 1795-1875; by Hiram E. Deats; 1918 Gale M. LaRochelle - rlor@epix.net
Ken Phillips - KPhil2470@aol.com
Mercer County Marriages, 1838-1848; by Lewis D. Cook; GMNJ; 1973 Faith - FMY51@optonline.net
Mercer County obituaries - at least the year and month of death must be known and included in the request Robert Shaw - shawrh@optonline.net
NJ Marriage Records, 1665-1800; Wm. Nelson, ed.; 1900 (Archives of the State of NJ, 1st Series, Vol XXII) Bill Malkin - snapper1@earthlink.net
New Jersey Marriage Index 1665-1800 by William Nelson Irene Smith - Lilchubbet@aol.com

Wills, Deed Books, Tax Lists, etc.

Reference Book or Article Lookup Volunteer & E-mail
Abstracts of Wills, NJ; 1670-1760, 5 vols.; State of NJ Bev - gabbieb1@gte.net. Irene Smith - Lilchubbet@aol.com.
Calendar of New Jersey Wills: Volume 1 1670-1730, Volume 2 1730-1750, Volume 3 1751-1760, Volume 4 1761-1770, Volume 5 1771-1780, Volume 11 1806-1809, and Volume 13 1814-1817. (All of these volumes are alpha indexed document abstracts) Irene Smith - Lilchubbet@aol.com
New Jersey Index of Wills, Inventories, Etc in the Office of the Secretary of State prior to 1901- an alpha index of surnames by county of documents microfilmed and available from Trenton archives Irene Smith - Lilchubbet@aol.com
New Jersey Patents and Deeds 1664-1703; edited by William Nelson. (Contains both East and West Jersey records) Irene Smith - Lilchubbet@aol.com
State of New Jersey Index of Wills, Inventories, Etc. in the Office of the Secretary of State Prior to 1901. (this is an index only, giving name and document number) Irene Smith - Lilchubbet@aol.com

Census Records

Record Title Lookup Volunteer & E-mail
Mercer County 1840 Federal Census Jill Novak - jnovak4@comcast.net
Mercer County 1850 Federal Census Jill Novak - jnovak4@comcast.net
Mercer County 1860 Federal Census Gary M. Nodes - NGS618@aol.com. Jill Novak - jnovak4@comcast.net
Mercer County 1870 Federal Census Jill Novak - jnovak4@comcast.net
Mercer County 1880 Federal Census Jim Humphrey - humph19@aol.com (Limit requests to Trenton and vicinity). Sherry Routhier - Briscoebch@metrocast.net. Jill Novak - jnovak4@comcast.net
Mercer County 1900 Federal Census Sherry Routhier - Briscoebch@metrocast.net. Jill Novak - jnovak4@comcast.net
Mercer County 1910 Federal Census Jill Novak - jnovak4@comcast.net
Mercer County 1920 Federal Census Jill Novak - jnovak4@comcast.net
Mercer County 1930 Federal Census Jill Novak - jnovak4@comcast.net
New Jersey in 1793- militia census males 18-45 Irene Smith - Lilchubbet@aol.com
New Jersey 1910 Federal Census head of household index on CD-ROM (Heritage Quest) Beth Klingensmith - bahorton@aol.com

City and County Directories

Reference Book Lookup Volunteer & E-mail
Fitzgerald Trenton City Directory 1936 Charles Updike - NJCru@aol.com
Mercer Co. telephone directories for years 1950, 1953, and 1955. Specify the town to search. Charles Updike - NJCru@aol.com

Church Records

Reference Book or Article Lookup Volunteer & E-mail
Church of the Holy Cross, Trenton, New Jersey, 1943 Year Book Susanne J. Walsh - susannejwalsh@yahoo.com
The Church Records of the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville, NJ; by Lida C. Gedney; 1941 Ashely - Ashely2@aol.com
Early Church Records of Burlington County; by Charlotte Meldrum, 1995 Beth Cranmer - ashely2@aol.com
History of the Presbyterian Church in Trenton; by John Hall; 1859 (1st ed.) [book has no index; be specific with the chronology/time frame of the people in your request] Candy Bennett - cbservices@monmouth.com
History of the Titusville Methodist Church; by Claire A. Vliet; 1959 Dee Snook - lookups4u@yahoo.com
The Old School Baptist Church of Hopewell N.J. From the book Town Records of Hopewell, New Jersey Michael Cook - mac18074@comcsat.net
Records of the Reformed Dutch Churches of Hackensack and Schraalenburgh, New Jersey, Part II Irene Smith - Lilchubbet@aol.com
Trenton First Baptist Church Records, 1805-1953 Alan Wildblood - alan_wildblood@yahoo.com

Cemetery Records

Reference Book or Article Lookup Volunteer & E-mail
Cedar Hill Cemetery inscriptions Richard S. Hutchinson - RHutch295@aol.com
Drake's Corner Road Burial Ground, Princeton Township; GMNJ; 1982 Paula Radwanski - ronrad@epix.net
East Windsor Cemetery (up to 1998) Vicki Kohanek - Vicki.kohanek@gmail.com
Groveville United Methodist Church Cemetery Gary - Gary401@aol.com
Harbourton Baptist Churchyard, Hopewell Township; GMNJ; 1987 Paula Radwanski - ronrad@epix.net
Highland Cemetery, Hopewell, gravestone inventory Mildred Van Nortwick - MPATHFINDERS@aol.com
Hightstown Baptist Church Cemetery Vicki Kohanek - Vicki.kohanek@gmail.com
Hunt Farm Burial Ground, Hopewell Township; GMNJ; 1994 Paula Radwanski - ronrad@epix.net
Johnson Family Burying Ground, Princeton Township; GMNJ; 1972 Paula Radwanski - ronrad@epix.net
Lawrenceville Presbyterian Churchyard; GMNJ; Paula Radwanski - ronrad@epix.net
Mercer Cemetery burial book records Judy L. Winkler - judy@jwinkler.com
Mercer County Tombstone Inscriptions; Ewing Presbyterian Church Yard Bill O'Neal - bill@williamgreenhouse.org
Old church yard on road to Titusville, Hopewell Township [Pennington Methodist Episcopal Church]; GMNJ; 1930 Susan Lynch - smauer@ibm.net
Pearson Memorial Methodist Churchyard Cemetery; GMNJ; vol.33 Paula Radwanski - ronrad@epix.net
Pennington Presbyterian Churchyard Cemetery; GMNJ; 1967 Paula Radwanski - ronrad@epix.net
Princessville Methodist Cemetery; GMNJ; Paula Radwanski - ronrad@epix.net
Schenk-Covenhoven Burial Ground, West Windsor Township; GMNJ; 1982 Paula Radwanski - ronrad@epix.net
Sexton Family Burying Ground, Hopewell Township; GMNJ; Paula Radwanski - ronrad@epix.net
Some Small Burial Grounds: Nixon Family, Hutchinson Family, Rogers Family, Phillips Family, Second Calvary Baptist Church, Golden Family, Parke-Larison Family; GMNJ; 1996 Paula Radwanski - ronrad@epix.net
Stout Burying Ground & Lane-Collings Burying Ground, Hopewell Township; GMNJ; 1933 Paula Radwanski - ronrad@epix.net
Titusville Methodist Episcopal Cemetery; GMNJ; 1975 Paula Radwanski - ronrad@epix.net
Titusville Presbyterian Cemetery; GMNJ; Paula Radwanski - ronrad@epix.net

City and County Histories, Atlases, etc.

Reference Book Lookup Volunteer & E-mail
Ewing Township, Mercer County, New Jersey: A History to the Year 1700; by Joseph J. Felcone; 1985 Bill O' Neal - bill@williamgreenhouse.org
Genealogical and Personal Memorial of Mercer County; by Francis B. Lee; 1907 Gale M. LaRochelle - rlor@epix.net
Ken Phillips - KPhil2470@aol.com
Historic Trenton; by Louise Hewitt; 1916 Tim R. Hewitt - thewitt55@hotmail.com
History of Burlington and Mercer Counties, New Jersey,...; by Woodward & Hageman; 1883 Roger Grabill - duckbill@netwiz.net
History of Hamilton Township, Mercer County; by Helen A. West; 1954 Bill Malkin - snapper1@earthlink.net
History of Hunterdon & Somerset Counties, NJ; by James P. Snell; 1881 Bill Morrow - mchief@hal-pc.org
Ken Phillips - KPhil2470@aol.com
A History of Land Ownership, Lawrence (Maidenhead) Township, NJ. Wayne Hunt - wdhunt@cox.net
Hopewell Valley Heritage; by Alice B. Lewis; 1973 Gail Faherty - gfaherty@sbcglobal.net
Land Along the Shabakunks; by Robert Reeder Green [includes Ewing Twp. families during the early 1900s] Pamela Sackett - psackett@pwcgov.org
Minutes of Lawrence (Maidenhead) Township, Mercer Co., NJ; Lawrence Hist. & Aesthetic Comm.; Vol. 1, 1976 Wayne Hunt - wdhunt@cox.net
Pioneers of Old Hopewell; by Ralph Ege, 1908 David Hoffman - dvh592341@hotmail.com
The Town Records of Hopewell, NJ; by Lida C. Gedney; 1931 Beth Cranmer - ashely2@aol.com

Miscellaneous Records

Book, Article, or Record Title Lookup Volunteer & E-mail
Cyclopedia of New Jersey Gale M. LaRochelle - rlor@epix.net
50 Years of Princeton the Class of 1877 Pam Hill - pamhill@yahoo.com
A Glance Back in Time: Life in Colonial NJ (1704-1770) as depicted in News Accounts of the Day; by Richard B. Marrin Bev - gabbieb1@gte.net
Hopewell Township Map, 1875 Ken Phillips - KPhil2470@aol.com
The Huguenots or The Early French in New Jersey; by Albert F. Koehler Bev - gabbieb1@gte.net
New Jersey First Citizens Gale M. LaRochelle - rlor@epix.net
Notices From New Jersey Newspapers - 1781-1790; by Thomas B. Wilson; 1988 Bev - gabbieb1@gte.net
Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War; by William S. Stryker; 1872. A searchable version also available online: Click here. Susanne Huff - Susanna039@aol.com
Settlers of the Forks of The Delaware, NJ an PA Gale M. LaRochelle - rlor@epix.net
Some Records of Hunterdon County 1701-1838 Vol.I; and More Records of Hunterdon County Vol. II; by Phyllis D"Aurtrechy Ken Phillips - KPhil2470@aol.com
Sportsmans Fish and Game Protective Association, Membership Book, 1911 Jim Humphrey - HUMPH19@aol.com
The Story of New Jersey Gale M. LaRochelle - rlor@epix.net

Naturalization and Citizenship Records

Record Title Lookup Volunteer & E-mail

Family Genealogies & Histories

Book or Article Lookup Volunteer & E-mail
Banks of the Delaware - The Life and Times of Frederick Banks, 1898-1964; by Ivy Jackson Banks; 1967; [mentions several Chambersburg area families] Holly Knott - HollyKnott@aol.com
Edward Howell & Desc.; by Emma Howell Ross; 1968 Brian Merges - SegremBP@aol.com
Family Genealogy of SUTTERLEY, ROBERTS, ECKHERT Gale M. LaRochelle - rlor@epix.net
Genealogical and Biographical Memorials of the Reading, Howell, Yerkes, Watts, Latham, and Elkins Families; Josiah Leach; 1898 Carol R. Morris - CarolM8606@AOL.com
Genealogical and Personal Memorial of Mercer County; by Francis B. Lee; 1907 Gale M. LaRochelle - rlor@epix.net
Genealogical Record of the Strycker (Stryker) Family; compiled by William S. Stryker; 1887 Eileen M. Disbrow - scc1710@tampabay.rr.com
Genealogies of New Jersey Families Vol 1 & 2 by Joseph Klett- compilation of articles from NJ Genealogical Magazine. Irene Smith - Lilchubbet@aol.com
Genealogy of Early Settlers in Trenton and Ewing; by Eli F. Cooley; 1883 Gale M. LaRochelle - rlor@epix.net
History and Genealogy of the EGE Family in the United States 1738-1911; by Rev. Thompson P. Ege Ken Phillips - KPhil2470@aol.com
Minutes of family reunions dating from 1919 to 1974; surnames: Stryker, Disbrow, Perrine, Snook, Imlay, Maple, Markley, McGuire Eileen M. Disbrow - scc1710@tampabay.rr.com
New Jersey Biographical and Genealogical Notes from the Volumes of the New Jersey Archives by William Nelson Irene Smith - Lilchubbet@aol.com
Phillips Genealogies; by Albert M. Phillips, 1885 Ken Phillips - KPhil2470@aol.com
Quick Family Genealogy; by Arthur Quick Ken Phillips - KPhil2470@aol.com
Smith Family of Bedford, NY, and Maidenhead, NJ; by Lewis D. Cook; GMNJ; 1971 Marsha Smith - msmith11511@charter.net
Stout & Allied Families; by Herald F. Stout, Third Edition, Volume I; 1986 Bill Morrow - mchief@hal-pc.org
Timothy Edwards and Rhoda Ogden Edwards and Their Decendants Pam Hill - pamhill@yahoo.com
The Wyckoff Family in America: A Geneal.; Wyckoff Assoc. in America; 3rd edition, vol. 1, 1980 Helen Kerr - HKerr23984@aol.com


Periodical Title Lookup Volunteer & E-mail
Mercer County Genealogical Quarterly; vol.1 (1992) to vol.6 (1997), and indexes to vols. 1-6 Beth Klingensmith - bklingen@comcast.net