If you would like the surnames you are researching added to the list, the surname must have a connection to Mercer County, New Jersey. Then send an email to the County Coordinator, put "MERCER SURNAME LIST" in the subject line, include the surname(s) and your name in the message. This surname list also serves as an index to the Mercer County Queries. Clicking on the "hot-linked" [query in brackets] will take you to the query for that surname.
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Mercer County Surname | Researcher & Address |
ABBOTT [query] | Dorothy M. Kraemer - Dmkraemer@aol.com |
ABBOTT [query] | Elsie Smith - treelady@accessus.net |
ABBOTT [query] | William Collins - WilliamCollins@unforgettable.com |
ABEL [query] | Leah Barnicle - barnicle@infonline.net |
ABRAHAMS [query] | Daniel C.
Stevenson - DCSAPNET@webtv.net |
ACHILLES | Virginia H. Korns - 73160.3031@compuserve.com |
ACKORS [query] | Brad Walton
- dnotlaw@bellatlantic.net |
ACKORS [query] | Donna
Ackors Pflaum - topoftexas@juno.com |
ACQUAVIVA | Dean Acquaviva - mackimouse@geocities.com |
ACQUISTO | Sandi S. Forman - r24man@aol.com |
ADAMS [query] | Beth Knittle
- beth_knittle@yahoo.com or bknittle@capecod.net |
ADAMS [query] | Bill Adams
- WLAarizona@gmail.com |
ADAMS [query] | Dottie Harris
- dharris122@yahoo.com |
ADAMS [query] | Joyce Sharpley
- joycesharpley@comcast.net |
ADAMS [query] | Kelly Adams
- Adamskm@aol.com |
ADAMS [query] | Nelson Swiger - SwiNel@MSN.COM |
ADAMS [query] | Robert E.
Jacob - robert.jacob01@comcast.net |
ADDIS [query] | Joyce Sharpley
- TASJCS@AOL.com |
AKERS [query] | Wilma Miller
- wmiller01@snet.net |
ALBERT [query] | Emily Tremoureux - emtrem@yahoo.com |
ALBERT | Pat Peck - patpeck2@verizon.net |
ALEXANDER [query] | Randy
Alexander - Randex58@aol.com |
ALFONSE | Anna Cotter - Anna.Cotter@ca.com |
ALFONSI | Anna Cotter - Anna.Cotter@ca.com |
ALLABAUGH [query] | Michael Allabaugh - Allabaugh_M@opd.state.nj.us |
ALLAR | Scott Fell - sdfell@home.com |
ALLEN [query] | Margaret Davis - margaret.davis@mci2000.com |
ALLEN [query] | Mildred Teixeira - deedeetnana@aol.com |
ALLEN [query] | Ronald H. Allen - w3or@delanet.com |
ALLFATHER | Maryann Binder - mbinder@embarqmail.com |
ALLOWAY | Barbara Kirkman - kirkmanb@bellsouth.net |
ALMACK [query] | Carol
Fedder - scottfedder@aol.com |
ALPHONSE | Anna Cotter - Anna.Cotter@ca.com |
ALSTON [query] | Kim M.
Alston-Moore - moorek@acq.osd.mil |
ALZENSKI | Linda Lohrum - lohrum@hotmail.com or
lohrum@solve.net |
AMATI | Loretta A. Brickner - rise37@comcast.net |
AMSTOCK | Bill & Ruby Barg - hemi392@nefcom.net |
ANDERSON [query] | Harold Bratsko - bhbrat24@msn.com |
ANDERSON [query] | Karin Simpson - karin.simpson@earthlink.net |
ANDERSON [query] | Liz Jones - jonese@wellsfargo.com |
ANDERSON [query] | Margaret Davis - margaret.davis@mci2000.com |
ANDERSON [query] | Marilyn (Stevens) Partee - bobparte@ix.netcom.com |
ANDERSON | Mrsmark - Mrsmark22294@aol.com |
ANDERSON [query] [query] | Robert H. Shaw - ShawRH@Optonline.net |
ANDERSON | Vicki Dabronzo - almostheaven_w_v@hotmail.com |
ANDREAS | Charles Schwartz - fathchuck@aol.com |
ANGARONE [query] | Nicholas
Angarone - angarone@eden.rutgers.edu |
ANGSTMAN | Carolyn B Schumaker - mschu@nb.net |
ANSILIN / ANCELIN / ANCLIN / ANCLLIN [query] | Pam Saba - pamsaba@juno.com |
ANTHONY [query] | Walter
Anthony - dwanthny@triad.rr.com |
APPLEGATE [query] | Joyce Brown - jt1161@earthlink.net |
APPLEGATE [query] | Kathie King - knetpicker@aol.com |
APPLEGATE [query] | Kimberly M. Reichard - kmgr@comcast.net |
APPLEGATE [query] | Maretta Edwards Krista - mkrista@optonline.net |
APPLEGATE | Mike Fabian - aff.stanthony@comcast.net |
APPLEGATE [query] | Ralph Applegate - rapplegate48@gmail.com |
APPLEGATE [query] | Ruth Cavanaugh - RCINNYC@prodigy.net |
APPLEGATE | Samantha Lutz - sjlutz@wideopenwest.com |
APPLEGET [query] | Zaki and Elizabeth Hosny - liz.hosny@verizon.net |
APPLESTEIN | Greg Applestein - steinway5@adelphia.net |
APPLETON [query] | George W. Ingenbrandt - geoingbrdt@aol.com |
APPLETON [query] | Ralph W. Pusheck - pushecks@msn.com |
APPLETON [query] | Wendy Simpson - rhettjr1@msn.com |
ARATA [query] | Paul F.
Arata - paulfa@worldnet.att.net |
ARCHER [query] | Beth - BSmith7439@aol.com |
AREY | Helen Wiederkehr - myhouseminis@interlync.com |
ARNOLD | Rich Arnold - arnoldr@interactivenw.com |
ARRISON | Beth Klingensmith - bahorton@aol.com |
ASAY | Ryan Curtis - ddcurtis1010@cs.com |
ASAY [query] | Tamra Asay - twasay@comcast.net |
ASAY | Terri Clark - terriclrk@yahoo.com |
ASBURY [query] | Joan Dahlstrom - JoanDahlstrom@msn.com |
ASHMORE [query] | Charles
Robert Ashmore - crashmore@prodigy.net |
ASHWORTH | Gary Steiner - gary2001@randarak.com |
ATCHLEY | Geri Beaver - beaver450@cox.net |
ATKINSON | Ruthie Adkinson - rowa@rof.net |
ATWOOD [query] | Carla Smith - priscilla@centurytel.net |
ATTWOOD | Mary Ellen (Hirst) Devlin - auntym22@comcast.net |
AUNGST | Timothy Chase - tchase2988@juno.com |
AYRER | Jerry Hofmann - jerryhof@home.com |
AYRES [query] | Pat Duncan -
p.duncan@worldnet.att.net |