From the Records of the Genealogical Society of New Jersey
Transcribed by Bruce D. Sinclair
- A., C. (footstone)
- A., W.L. (footstone)
- ALLEN, Christian A. (see John C. Cratsley)
- ALLEN, David, d. March 29, 1856, aged 72.5.9; wife, Catharine ("widow"), d. September 3, 1860, aged 71.6.21; daughter, Mary E., b. February 25, 1822, d. April 11, 1872, aged 50.2.16
- ALLEN, Elisha ("Father"), b. May 28, 1825, d. February 26, 1893; wife, Mary Martin, b. April 30, 1828, d. January 9, 1907; daughter, Helen, February 21, 1857, d. March 2, 1857
- ALLEN, Mary E. (see David Allen)
- ALLEN, William L., b. May 15, 1814, d. April 5, 1856
- APGAR, Jacob P., ("Father; weep not for me my children dear..."), b. February 2, 1818, died December 30, 1896, aged 78.10.28; Elizabeth ("Mother"), d. January 30, 1890, aged 67.9.21
- BENNET, Phebe (see Joseph GANO)
- BLAIN, Jacob, d. February 15, 1890, aged 66.9.15 (GAR marker, Post 48)
- BOSENBERRY, Holloway W., d. April 30, 1882, aged 38.7.1
- BUNN, Andrew C. *; Mary C., daughter of Charles W. and Eura E. WILLOUER, d. April 13, 1882, aged 29.5.29
- CARMEN, Nora B. STAMETS, b. June 15, 1897, d. July 10, 1971
- CASE, Catharine M. (see John H. Case)
- CASE, Isaac B., b. January 19, 1836, d. August 31, 1909; wife, Rachel SMITH, b. May 19, 1839, d. May 16, 1910
- CASE, John H. ("Our Father"), b. November 8, 1807, d. August 13, 1869, aged 61.9.5; wife, Elizabeth ("Our Mother"), b. March 6, 1811, d. August 20, 1893, aged 82.5.14; daughter, Catharine M. ("weep not kindred dear..."), d. August 4, 1862, aged 22.8.29
- CASE, Phebe (see Joseph A. HART)
- CHAMBERLIN, Mary (see Joseph P. SMITH)
- CRATSLEY, John C., 1848-1927; wife, Christian A. ALLEN, 1853 - 1935
- DALRYMPLE, James (?) *; wife Hattie S. *; daughter, Elsie L., d. July 3, 1891, aged 7 months and 7 days
- DUCKWORTH, John, d. November 7, 1874, aged 74 years and 4 months
- EGBERT, Emeline (see Andrew STREETER)
- FISHER, Martha ("Aunt") ("Farewell dear Aunt"), d. November 29, 1890, aged 73 years (Identical to adjoining stones for Jacob APGAR and wife. Behind the stone is a base marked only "Mother" but does not match stone)
- GANO, Jos. *; wife, Alice *; son Floyd R., 1882-1883; son George W., 1892-1892; son, Miller A., 1895-1895 (All on one stone)
- GANO, Joseph ("Father"), b. March 2, 1817, d. December 16, 1889, aged 72.9.14; wife, Phebe BENNET ("Mother"), b. March 18, 1818, d. April 28, 1901, aged 83.1.10
- GANO, Leonora S. (see Nathan B. GANO)
- GANO, Nathan B., 1843-1930; same stone, no relation shown, Leonora S., 1855-1928; adjoining stone, no relation shown, Charles S., 1883-1900
- GODOWN, Abigail, d. June 20, 1873, aged 63.3.18
- GODOWN, Jacob, d. June 28, 1888, aged 61.1.10
- GODOWN, Jacob *; wife, Caroline L. *; daughter Emma Sorabell, d. December 14, 1863, aged 7 months and 22 days
- H., S., (footstone)
- HARDY, Mary Jane, d. March 21, 1889, aged 83.8.21
- HARDY, Peter, d. March 8, 1861, aged 81.2.2; wife, Hannah, d. July 13, 1869, aged 87.11.3
- HARDY, William J. ("My Husband") ("Calmly fell asleep"), d. September 12, 1861, aged 24 years and 6 months
- HARRISON, Chas. W. *; wife, Mary F *; daughter, Sarah E., b. January 27, 1876, d. March 26, 1876; son, Walter, b. March 2, 1879, d. October 22, 1881
- HART, Joseph A., b. June 29, 1835, d. March 19, 1881, aged 45.8.20 (GAR marker Post 48); wife, Phebe CASE, b. February 3, 1835, d. February 20, 1883, aged 48 years and 17 days
- HASELL, Isaac C. ("Brother"), b. December 13, 1883, d. August 31, 1901
- HOCKENBERRY, Peter *; wife, Sarah E., d. March 3, 1880, aged ?.?.4 (Stone broken, pieces missing)
- HOOPER, Ella F., 1882-1928
- HOPPOCK, Isaac, 1798-1869; wife, Mary, 1812-1900; son Benjamin H., 1844-1864
- HOUSELL, John S., b. February 9, 1857, d. February 13, 1894 (Masonic emblem on stone)
- HUMMER, John S. ("Father"), b. February 9, 1845, d. February 5, 1903
- HUMMER, Johnson, d. June 20, 1883, aged 65.10.26; wife, Eunis, ("She was a tender mother here..."), d. November 25, 1876, aged 54.9.2; daughter, Nancy, d. April 14, 1864, aged 5.2.21; infant son, no dates; daughter, Mary Catharine, d. September 9, 1851, aged 4 months and 12 days; son, George, d. September 8, 1851, aged 3 years and 7 days (On Nancy's stone she is a daughter of Johnston and Eunice; on the other children's stones the parent's names are spelled Johnson and Eunice)
- KELS, John H. ("Father"), 1846-1906; wife, Olieva ("Mother"), 1951-1936; adjoining small stones, no dates, John H.; Horace B
- McCREA, Catharine R. (see Mathias McCREA)
- McCREA, Fletcher L., b. April 9, 1864, d. September 16, 1890; wife, Ella *; daughter Maud, b. January 2, 1889, d. July 21, 1890 (On the reverse side of Mathias McCREA mon.)
- McCREA, Mathias ("Father"), b. October 24, 1825, d. December 23, 1898; wife, Sarah A ("Mother"), b. April 5, 1829, d. February 5, 1881; same stone, no relation shown, Catharine R, b. April 7, 1854, d. September 12, 1892
- McILROY, William ("a friend and benefactor of the Congregation"), b. May 22, 1784, d. August 7, 1860 (On the stone the name appears William McILROY, G.)
- MARTIN, Mary (see Elisha R. Allen)
- MERREL, Henry ("Father"), b. November 15, 1819, d. May 15, 1900; wife Kesiah ("Mother"), b. September 20, 1822, d. May 14, 1893; son, William H., b. February 4, 1859, d. January 14, 1879
- MILLER, A.S., "Co. G, 143rd PA Infantry", Government stone
- MOORE, Sarah C., "nee EBNER", b. December 11, 1850, d. June 8, 1894
- RIDDLE, John H. *; wife, Virginia F. *; son, Joseph N., d. September 22, 1873, aged 1 month and 24 days
- ROBBINS, Caroline L. GODOWN, 1840-1925. Stone adjoins one for Emma Sorabell, daughter of Jacob and Caroline L. GODOWN
- RODENBAUGH, Hobson C., 1898-(not cut); wife, Hannah S., 1900-1977
- ROSEBERRY, William E. *; wife, Sarah L. *; son, Royal, b. December 21, 1885, d. February 27, 1886
- RUPELL, Joseph, d. October 19, 1878, aged 32 years
- RUPELL, Mary E., b. September 20, 1844, d. June 16, 1912
- RUPELL, Samuel, d. November 6, 1854, aged 44.3.2
- RUPELL, Susan A., d. April 11, 1891, aged 72 years
- SHIVE, Henry *; wife, Elizabeth *; daughter Nellie B., b. February 10, 1884, d. April 26, 1885
- SINCLAIR, Firman V. *; wife, Mary C. *; daughter, Mary L., b. July 16, 1875, d. April 30, 1876
- SINE, Nicholas, d. July 21, 1874, aged 67 years and 6 days; wife, Frances YOUNG, d. May 10, 1886, aged 78.5.13
- SMITH, Joseph P., d. December 24, 1878, aged 74.9.3, wife, Mary CHAMBERLIN, d. September 28, 1871, aged 60.9.3
- SMITH, Rachel (see Isaac B. CASE)
- STAMETS, Harold F. ("New Jersey PFC, 12 INF. 4 INF Div. WWII"), b. July 16, 1912, d. June 13, 1944. (On reverse side of the American Legion marker is inscribed: "Viola M. STAMETS Gold Star Mother." Herbert Cawley Unit 188)
- STAMETS, Richard W., d. January 18, 1912, aged 45 years and 6 months
- STAMETS, Theodore S., 1878-1952
- STAMETS, William S., 1842-1920; wife, Mary Ann, 1844-1933
- STREETER, Aaron ("Our Father"), d. March 4, 1875, aged 73.6.19; wife, Susan ("Our Mother"), d. January 13, 1896, aged 73.6.19
- STREETER, Andrew ("Father"), b. August 18, 1829, d. February 15, 1900; wife, Emeline EGBERT, b. May 10, 1837, d. July 16, 1905; daughter, Ophelia C., b. November 21, 1859, d. September 17, 1938
- STREETER, Naphtali *; wife, Elizabeth, d. March 24, 1873, aged 97.2.28
- STREETER, Ophelia C. (see Andrew STREETER)
- STREETER, William ("dearest husband thou hast left me"), d. February 26, 1862, aged 58.5.13; wife, Hannah M., b. June 27, 1811, d. February 13, 1871, aged 59.7.20
- WARNER, Charles M. ("Father"), 1843-1975. Veteran marker on grave
- WILLOUER, Mary C. (see Andrew C. BUNN)
- WOLVERTON, Jennie Rounsaville, 1846-1933
- WOLVERTON, John A. *; wife, Jennie *; son, O. Elsworth, 1876-1885
- YOUNG, Frances (see Nicholas SINE)
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