Ablepsy -
American Plague - Yellow fever
Aphonia - Laryngitis
Apoplexy - Paralysis due to stroke
Ascites - Cancer of the ovaries
Bad Blood - Syphilis
Bilious Fever - Over production of bile by the
liver; Characterized by indigestion, nausea, dullness, dizziness, or
other disorders
Black Plague/Black Death - Bubonic plague
Fever - Acute infection with high temperature and dark red skin lesions
and high mortality rate
Black Pox - Black Small pox
Black Vomit -
Vomiting old black blood due to ulcers or yellow fever.
Fever - Dark urine associated with high temperature
Bladder in Throat
- Diphtheria
Bone Shave - Sciatica
Brain Fever - Meningitis
Bright's Disease - Chronic inflammatory disease of kidneys
- Inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes, characterized by a
Bronze John - Yellow fever
Bule - Boil, tumor or swelling
Camp fever - Typhus, Camp diarrhea
Catalepsy - Seizures/Trances
Cerebritis - Inflammation of cerebrum or lead poisoning
Child Bed
Fever - Infection following birth of a child
Chin Cough - Whooping
Cholera - Acute severe contagious diarrhea with intestinal
lining sloughing
Chorea - Disease characterized by convulsions,
contortions and dancing
Cold Plague - Disease characterized by
convulsions, contortions and dancing
Colic - An abdominal pain and
Congestion - Too much blood gathering in one part of the
Congestive Chills - Malaria
Congestive Fever - Malaria
Consumption - Tuberculosis
Convulsions - Spasms;
Involuntary contracting & relaxing of the muscles
Corruption -
Cramp Colic - Appendicitis
Crop Sickness - Overextended
Croup - Laryngitis, diphtheria, or strep throat
Day Fever
- Fever lasting one day, sweating sickness
Debility - Lack of
movement or staying in bed
Decrepitude - Feebleness due to old age
Dentition - Teething
Diptheria - Contagious disease of the throat
Distemper - Usually animal disease with malaise, discharge from nose and
throat, anorexia
Dock Fever - Yellow fever
Dropsy -
Edema/Swelling, often caused by kidney or heart disease
Dropsy of the
Brain - Encephalitis
Dry Bellyache - Lead poisoning
Dysentery -
Inflammation of colon with frequent passage of mucous and blood
Ecstasy - A form of catalepsy characterized by loss of reason
Edema -
Nephrosis, swelling of tissues
Edema of Lungs - Congestive heart
failure, a form of dropsy
Elephantiasis - A form of leprosy
Encephalitis - Swelling of brain, aka sleeping sickness
Enteric Fever
- Typhoid fever
Enteriitis - An inflammation of the small or large
intestine characterized by diarrhea, cramps, loss of appetite, and loss
of weight; caused by food poisoning, typhoid, or dysentery
Epilepsy -
A chronic nervous disease whose attacks cause convulsions & sometimes
Falling Sickness - Epilepsy
Fits - Sudden attack
or seizure of muscle activity
Flux - An excessive flow or discharge
of fluid like hemorrhage or diarrhea
French Pox - Syphilis
Gathering - A collection of pus
Gravel - A small hard substance
formed in the bladder & kidneys
Great pox - Syphilis
Green Fever -
Grocer's Itch - Skin disease caused by mites in sugar or flour
Heart Sickness - Condition caused by loss of salt from body
Stroke - Body temperature elevates because of surrounding environment
temperature and body does not perspire to reduce temperature. Coma and
death result if not reversed
Hepatitus - An inflammation of the liver
caused by a virus or poor sanitation
Hives - Characterized by itchy
(& red patches) skin
Horrors - Delirium tremens
Hydrocephalus -
Enlarged head, water on the brain
Hydrophobia - Rabies
- Dropsy in chest
Hypertrophic - Enlargement of organ, like the heart
Impetigo - Contagious skin disease characterized by pustules
Inanition - Weakness from a lack of food
Infantile Paralysis - Polio
Jail Fever - Typhus
Jaundice - Condition caused by blockage of
intestines; causes yellowness of the skin, eyes, & body fluids, &
disturbed vision
King's Evil - Tuberculosis of neck and lymph glands
Kruchhusten - Whooping cough
Lagrippe - Influenza
Lockjaw -
Tetanus or infectious disease affecting the muscles of the neck and jaw.
Untreated, it is fatal in 8 days
Long Sickness - Tuberculosis
Disease - Syphilis
Lumbago - Back pain
Lung Fever - Pneumonia
Lung Sickness - Tuberculosis
Malaria - Characterized by periodic
chills followed by fever & sweating
Malignant Sore Throat/Membranous
Croup - Diphtheria
Mania - Insanity
Measles - An infectious
disease characterized by a bad cold, fever, & a breaking out of small
red spots on the skin
Meningitis - Inflation of brain or spinal cord
Milk Fever - Disease from drinking contaminated milk, like undulant
fever or brucellosis
Milk Leg - Post partum thrombophlebitis
sickness - Disease from milk of cattle which had eaten poisonous weeds
Mormal - Gangrene
Mortification - Gangrene of necrotic tissue
Necrosis - Mortification of bones or tissue
Nephrosis - Kidney
Nepritis - Inflammation of kidneys
Palsy - Paralysis
or uncontrolled movement of controlled muscles
Paroxysm - Convulsion
Pemphigus - Skin disease of watery blisters
Pericarditis -
Inflammation of heart
Peritonotis - Inflammation of abdominal area
Phthiriasis - Lice infestation
Plague - An acute febrile highly
infectious disease with a high fatality rate
Pleurisy - Any pain in
the chest area with each breath
Pneumonia - Sickness resulting in the
inflammation of the lungs
Poliomyelitis - PolioPotter's asthma -
Fibroid pthisis
Pott's Disease - Tuberculosis of spine
Fever - Fever related to childbirth
Puking Fever - Milk sickness
Putrid Fever - Diphtheria
Quinsy - Tonsillitis
Remittent Fever -
Fever that lessens at intervals
Remitting Fever - Malaria
Rheumatism - Any disorder associated with pain in joints
Rickets -
Disease of skeletal system
Rose Cold - Hay fever or nasal symptoms of
an allergy
Rubeola - German measles
Scarlatina - Scarlet fever
Scarlet Fever - A disease characterized by red rash
Scarlet Rash -
Sciatica - Rheumatism in the hips
Screws - Rheumatism
Scrofula - Tuberculosis of neck lymph glands. Progresses slowly with
abscesses and pistulas develop. Young person's disease.
Scurvy - Lack
of vitamin C. Symptoms of weakness, spongy gums and hemorrhages under
Septicemia - Blood poisoning
Shakes - Delirium tremers
Shingles - Viral disease with skin blisters
Ship Fever - Typhus
Siriasis- - Inflammation of the brain due to sun exposure
Sloes -
Milk sickness
Small Pox - Contagious disease with fever and blisters
Spanish Influenza - Epidemic influenza
Spasms - Sudden involuntary
contraction of muscle or group of muscles, like a convulsion
Bifida - Deformity of spine
Spotted Fever - Either typhus or
Sprue - Tropical disease characterized by intestinal
disorders and sore throat
St Anthony's - Also erysipelas, but named
so because of affected skin areas are bright red in appearance
Vitas Dance - Ceaseless occurrence of rapid complex jerking movements
performed involuntary
Stomatitis - Inflammation of the mouth
Stranger's Fever - Yellow fever
Summer Complaint - Diarrhea, usually
in infants caused by spoiled milk
Sunstroke - Uncontrolled elevation
of body temperature due to environment heat. Lack of sodium in the body
is a predisposing cause
Swamp Sickness - Could be malaria, typhoid or
Sweating Sickness - Infectious and fatal disease common
to UK in 15th century
Syphilis - A contagious venereal disease
Tetanus - Infectious fever characterized by high fever, headache and
Thrombosis - Blood clot inside blood vessel
Thrush -
Childhood disease characterized by spots on mouth, lips and throat
Tick Fever - Rocky mountain spotted fever
Trench Mouth - Painful
ulcers found along gum line, Caused by poor nutrition and poor hygiene
Tussis Convulsiva - Whooping cough
Typhoid - Fever with intestinal
inflammation, caused by a germ taken into the body with food or drink
Typhus - Infectious fever characterized high fever, headache, and
Variola - Smallpox
Viper's Dance - St. Vitus Dance
Water on Brain - Enlarged head
White Swelling - Tuberculosis of the
Whooping Cough - Coughing fits that end with a loud, gasping
Winter Fever - Pneumonia
Womb Fever - Infection of the
Worm - A disease caused by worms in the body
Worm Fit -
Convulsions associated with teething, worms elevated temperature or
Yellowjacket - Yellow fever
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If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:
Coordinator - Rebecca Maloney
State Coordinator: Denise Wells
Asst. State Coordinator: MaryAlice Schwanke
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Indiana and do not have access to additional records.