Pop.: 599.
Area: 16.4 square miles.
County: Sullivan.
Town Offices: town hall, 835-2389. Selectmen meet Mon. 7
p.m., Oct.-May; first, third and fifth Mon. 7 p.m., rest
of year; selectmen’s secretary, Mon.-Tues., 10 a.m. to
noon; town clerk, Tues. 10 a.m.-noon, 3-6 p.m. ok
Tax Rate: $30.86, ratio of assessment 85.5 percent.
Registered Voters: 420
Fire Dept.: chief, Gregory Chaffee; (home) 835-6418, 911
or 352-1100.
Police Dept.: chief, Raymond L’Abbe; (home) 835-6192,
Selectmen: John Revilla, Clarence Koss, Fred P. Roentsch.
Town Clerk: Jennifer L. Doyle
Tax Collector: Linda Campbell, 835-6036.
Moderator: Robert Cunniff.
Planning Board: J. Pat Bresland, chairman.
Zoning Board of Adjustment: Carroll “Dave” French,
Road Agent: Roger L. Pelton.
Recycling Center: Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 1:30-4:30
p.m., Wed. 1:30-4:30 p.m.
School Board: Fall Mountain Regional district
representatives, Kenneth Hart Jr.
State Representatives: Brenda L. Ferland, D-Charlestown;
James G. Phinizy, D-Acworth.
State Senator: Bob Odell, R-Lempster.
Schools: Sarah Porter Elementary (K-4), Alstead Primary
(5), Vilas Middle School in Alstead (6-8), Fall Mountain
Regional High (9-12).
Library: Shedd-Porter Library in Alstead, 835-6661, Wed.
noon-4 and 6-8 p.m.; Thur., Fri. noon-6 p.m.
Churches: Congregational Church (open on occasion).
Major Businesses: WHM Industries, Noise Reduction
Products Inc., Bascom’s Sugar House, Hubbard Farms.
Background: This town was formed from parts of Walpole
and Charlestown and incorporated in 1787. It is named
for N.H. Gov. John Langdon, who served in the
Continental Congress and as a senator.
An agricultural town, it has been noted for its large,
handsome cattle and fine farms. Rev. Abner Kneeland, who
was ordained at the Universalist Church here in 1805,
was one of the leading men of that denomination in New
England, and the church here was one of the largest in
the state by 1853. |