The Town of Plaistow lies in the southern part of the county, and is bounded as follows: On the north by Hampstead and Kingston, on the east by Kingston, Newton, and the State of Massachusetts, on the south by Massachusetts, and on the west by Massachusetts, Atkinson, and Hampstead. The surface of the town is rolling and the soil fertile, consisting of black loam, clay, and gravel. Population, 1,173.
Plaistow was originally a part of Haverhill, Mass.,
and was included in the Indian purchase of 1642. It subsequently became annexed
to New Hampshire, and was chartered as a separate parish February 28, 1749. The
following is a copy of the petition for incorporation as a town or parish:
To His Excellency Benning Wentworth Esqr. Governour and Commander in Chief in and over his Majesty's Province of New Hampre and the honble his Majestys Council for said Province.
Humbly Shew Your Petitioners Inhabitants in the westerly part of Haverhill District.
That your Petitioners live at a Great Distance from any place where the Publick worship is maintained. That Our Situation is such as is Convenient for a Township or Parish But cannot conveniently be joyned with any other.
That there are already Sixty or Seventy families here setled and more daily Setling who must be under very great Disadvantages with Regard to the Publick worship of God unless we can obtain to have it Setled among Ourselves.
We therefore pray your Excellency & Honours that we may be Incorporated into a town or Parrish as you shall Judge most proper by the following Bounds Beginning at the westerly corner of Jonathan Stevens' land by the Islandy Pond and from thence to the Northwesterly Corner of Thomas Hales farm and from thence Southerly to the Province line so as to make this line half way between Mr. Cushing's Meeting house and John Watt's at Providence Brook or as near to half way as may be tho't Reasonable, from thence westerly by ye Province line to the head of the District then Northerly so far as that an East line passing from the end of this Northerly line to the first mentioned Bounds shall Include all the Land to the Southward of Islandy Pond.
And your petitioners as in Duty Bound shall ever pray &c.
John Watts
Seth Pattee
Richard Patee
Michah Amey
Obediah Duston
Caleb Duston
Obediah Eastman
Alexander Gordon
John Watts Junr
Caleb Heath
Joseph Palmer
James Heath
Samuel Duston
Moses Belknap
Philip Nelson
Edward Carlton
Joseph Little Junr
John Currier
George Little
Samuel Watts
Wyman Wise
Thomas Cross
Benjamin Wheeler
Stephen Wheeler
Richard Heath
John Duston
Philip Hite
Thomas Duston
William Morrison
We the Subscribers Consent to the Lines mentioned in the petition of Daniel Little & others anything mentioned herein to ye contrary notwithstanding.
John Pecker
John Watts
His Excelency Bennen Wintworth Esqr. Capt. General and Governor in chief in and
over the Province of New Hampshire, and to the Honble Councill of the same.
The Humble Petition of us the Subscribers in our own behalf and others,
belonging to the Westerly Part of Haverhill District that now belongeth To the
Rev. Mr. James Cushings Parrish Humbly Sheweth, that it is our Desier and Prayer
that we may not be separated in to any other Town or Parrish (from the Easterly
Part) of the District but that we may all be Incorporated in to a Town or
Parrish (Excepting what has bin voted off by the District To Timber lane) so
that we may Injoy our Privilege and Proprties for us and our children that we
may have our meeting House and our Minister that we have bin at Great Cost and
charges for building Seteling and maintaining for near Twenty years last Past
and if your Excellency and the Honle Councill think it proper to mak us a town
with the Easterly Part of the District we Shall Leave that to your Honrs Wisdom,
other ways Pray that we may abide as we are and In fullfilling our Desier and
Humble Petition you will Greatly oblig your Sarvants.
Who as in Duty bound shall Ever Pray.
Haverhill District December ye 29th 1749
Benjm Richards
Jonathan Page
John Dow
Timothy Page
Caleb Page
James Noyes
John French
Samuel Little
Jonathan Page
Joshua Knight
Ebenezer Knight
Joseph Noyes
John Knight
Nathaniel Knight Jun.
Joseph Page
Moses Belknap
Joseph Little Junr.
Eldad Ingalls
Edmund Page
Nathl Knight
Abiel Knight
Robert Greenough
Humphrey Noyes
Thomas Hale
Timothy Ladd
Caleb Page
John Webster
Daniel Poor
Jonathan Nelson
Israel Webster
Jonathan Clements
Moses Page
To his Excellency Bening Wentworth Esqr. Governor and Commander in Cheaf in and over his Majesties province of New hampshear in New England and to the Honourable his Majesties Council &c. We the Subscribers being inhabitance in the South west part of Haverhill District and Included within the Boundarys of the Last Petition brought forward by Capt. John Pecker and Mr. John Watts Considering the small number of Inhabitance and the Low Sircumstances that many of them Labours under it is our Humble opinion that we are no ways able to supporte the Gos pell amongst ourselves at present therefore we Desier your Excellency and Honors to take our case under your wise Consideration and not incorporate us into a town or Distinct parrish according to the prayer of the above sd Petition till we are better abell to bare the Charges for we are obliged by Contract to the Rev. Mr. Cushen and are not as yet set of from his Parish. Dated Haverhill District July ye 24th 1749
Benj Richards
Caleb Page
Daniel Poor
Joseph Noyes J
ohn Webster
Jonathan Nelson
Joseph Page
Jonathan Page
Daniel Flood
John Corrier
Thomas Little
Thomas Noyse Jr
Eldad Ingalls
Edmund Page
To his Excelency Bennin Wintworth Esqr. and Honrable Counsel.
We your humble Pertisioners take Leave to Let you know part of our Greavies Coused by Mr. Richard Hazzen Pertisions and plan if he obtains will Cut and Carve our Land & privelage all to pieces who were Orderly Settled on Kingstown Property & have a Petition Lodg with the Select men of our town in order to be set of as a parish. We pray that we may have the opertunity to Let your Excelency and Honrable Counsel know what the town does for us who are Lawful Setlars who' can have now privelage in that Regard unless we have part of what is in his Plan.
subscribe ourselves yoor Humble Pertisinors.
Kingst September 16th 1740.
James Huse
Orlando Colby
Joseph Dow
Jacob Gordy
Tucker ?
Reuben Clough
Mesac Gordy
James Graves
John Straw
Jonathan Colby
John Hog
John Bond
Isrel Huse
Daniel Kid
Israel Huse Junr.
William Straw
John Straw Jun.
Philep Wells
Jacob Wells
Jacob Tucker
To His Excelency Bening Wintworth Esqr. Goviner and Commander in cheaf in and over his Majesties Province of New Hampshire in New England and to the Honourable His Majesties Council &c.
The Humble Petition of the Inhabitance in Haverhill Destrict and Province afore sd Humbly sheweth, that we are so Remote from the Place of the Publick worship of God that we cannot attend on it unless with Greate Difficulty and our other charges No Less Difficult. May it therefore Please your Excelency and Honours to take our case under your wise Consideration and Incorporate us and all that Do or shall Inhabit with us and a sufficient Parcell of Land into a town or Distinct Parrish so that we may sit up and maintain the worship of God amongst us and Carry on Such business as shall be Nessesary with the following Boundaries. Beginning at the Stake which stands in the Province Line near Jonathan Clements Dwelling House thence Running noth notheast till it strikes Haverhill norwest Line thence by sd Line till it Comes to the angle pond thence westerly to the wash Pond and so by the Wash pond brook to the Islande pond and so westerly to London Dary Line thence by sd London dary Line till it comes to Methuen Line thence South easterly by Methuen Line till it comes to the province Line thence by the Province Line to the first Bounds mentioned and you will Gratly oblige your Humble Petitioners and we shal as in Duty bound for ever Pray &c.
Peter Pattee, Richard Heath, Joseph Little, Thomas Little, Moses Page, Samuel Watts, Stephen Dole, Paul Duston, John Dustin, Alexander Gordon, Richard Patee, John Ingalls, Thomas Pope, Benja Rawlings, Caleb Page, Benja Richards, John Dow, Edmund Page, Jonathan Page, Joseph Page, Wyman Wise, Daniel Whitaker, Gershom Pike, Nathan Morss, Timothy Lad, John Corour, Henry Sargent, Abraham Annes, Timothy Page, Thomas Dustin, Obadiah Dustin, Obadiah Eastman, Jonathan Wheeler, Benjamin Wheeler, Stephen Wheeler, Abner Wheeler, Jonathan Wheeler junr, John Corrier Junr, John Watts Jun, Nathaniel Watts, Daniel Poor, Moses Belknap, Joseph Gile, John Clement, Daniel Flood, Jonathan Hutchins, Nathaniel Knight, George Little, John Watts, Joseph Noyes, Ebenezer Knight, Joshua Knight, James Noyes, Humphrey Noyes, Thomas Noyes, John Knight, Nathaniel Knight Jun, Seth Patee, Benjamin Heath.
Province of New Hampre: To his Excellency John Wentworth Esqr Governor the Honourable his Majesties Council and Representatives of said Province in General Court assembled. The Memorial of James White and others humbly sheweth Whereas by a late act of Law of this Province the Town of Plaistow is Divided and part of it become a New and Separate Parish, which Includes our Houses and Lands, we apprehend that our Situation and other Circumstances will render it very Difficult for us to become members of the said New Parish. And it being Just and reasonable to allow all men freedom and Liberty with respect to the choice of a society wherein to join in Public worhsip —
We therefore Pray that your Excellency and Honours will according to your wonted favours Enact and order that we with our Estates may be set off from said new Parish, be annex'd and belong to said Plaistow (old Parish) in the Same manner as heretofore. And we as in Duty bound Shall ever Pray.
Sepr 1767
James White, John Webster, Israel Webster, John Webster Jun., Jonathan Eatton, Moses Page, Jonathan Webster, William Webster, Daniel Whiticker, Daniel Poor, Daniel Poor Jun., Jonathan Page, Stephen Noyes, Humphrey Noyes, Robart Greenough.
Province of New Hampre: Plastow April ye 2, 1754. At the annuall town meeting this Day held by adjournment from ye Last Wensday of March Last the meeting being opened at time and place,
By vote of the town Mr. Saml Kimball is Except of to serve as Constable this year Ensuing In the Place of Mr. Benjamin Pettengel who was chosan Constabel at our Last meeting Past on the Last Wensday of March.
By vote of the town Mr. Moses Belknapp is chosen Constabel for the west part of ye town for the year Ensewing. Jonathan Page chosen tithingman Steven Dole Hogreaf. the meeting adjourn to the 8th of Aprill Instants at 2 of the clock in the after Noon the town Clark not present
Nicholas White, Moderator
At a Legal District meeting Holden at the old meeting House in said District on february ye 9th 1747, on the behalf of a Petition from Timberlane so called with their Desire to be set off into a Destinct Parish by themselves as followeth viz: Beginning at Jonathan Stevens South West corner bound near the Islande Pond then Running by the Easterly Side of Clements Land to his South Easterly Bound then Running by the Northerle side of Caleb Heaths and John Dustans Land to the Brook that runs from Emersons mill, then Running by the Southerly side of Capt. George Littles and Thomas Littles Land to his Easterly corner Bounds which is in Cloughs Medow, then Running to the Northwesterly corner of Thomas Hales Land and on the northerly side of said Hale's land and from the North Easterlycorner thereof to the nearest Place in Almesbury Line. The said Timber lane ware set of by a vote according to the Bounds above mentioned excepting Capt. George Little and his Son Thomas and Joseph and their Lands to be kept on the South of their Line.
A True Coppe Taken from the Book
Thomas Hale District Clerk
"There is 130 men's Heads above sixteen in the west end of the town of Plaistow. There is eighty-seven Famalys in the west of the Town of Plaistow." (Colonial Records, December 3, 1767.)
Number of People in Atkinson and Plaistow in 1767 or '68. — Plastow, 576 people; rateable heads, 142; rateable land, 421 acres. Atkinson, 476 people; rateable heads, 118; rateable land, 401 acres.
List of Baptists in Plaistow in 1768 (Supposed). — Those that Profess themselves of ye Baptist Perswation which in all Parrish afairs have appeared against ye Peace & welfair of our minister and his society are as follows:
Joseph Flint, Daniel Emerson, Nehemiah Heath, Abner Plummer, Job Eatton, Bartholomew Heath, Joseph Harriman, Joseph Harriman Jr, James Bly. Joseph Smith, Jonathan Smith, John Pollard, Daniel Ayer, Simon Follansbe, Edmond Pilsbury, Joseph Welch, John Copp, Moses Orway, Enoch Johnson, John Stevens, Stevens Merrill, Ebenezer Noyes, Selvenes Noyes, Moses Stevens Jun., Stephen Flanders, Samuel Welch, James Huse, Samuel Dow, John Trusel, Widow Dow.
The Hole of ye Inhabitence Besides the above mentioned which was Rated in ye Last minister Rate which has Ben made are 70 Seventeen of which has ben taken Notice in Town meetings to joyn with ye Baptists in voting 4 of which are widows & some stands as Nuters.
Congregational Church. — This church was organized November 4, 1730, and was originally styled "the Church in the North Precinct of Haverhill, Mass." It was composed of fifty-nine members from the First Church in Haverhill.
The first pastor was Rev. James Cushing, who was ordained December 2, 1730, and continued as pastor for thirty years. He died May 13, 1764. He was succeeded in the pastorate by Rev. Sylas Merrill, ordained March 6, 1764, and died April 27, 1801. After the death of Mr. Merrill this church was without a settled pastor twenty-five years. December 26, 1826, Rev. Moses Welch became pastor and served until February 2, 1831. He was followed by Rev. S. H. Peckham, who was installed February 23, 1831, and remained until 1838. After Mr. Peckham's removal, Rev. David Oliphant supplied the pulpit until 1852; Rev. Charles Tenney, 1853-58; Homer Barrows, 1858-69; Calvin Terry, 1869-75; David Bremer, 1875-79; Joseph Kvte. 1879-83; Benj. F. Perkins, 1883-85; Edward F. Stone, 1885-88; George E. Hill, 1888-92; F. P. Estabrook, 1892-95; Geo. W. Lawrence, 1895-98; Leonard Dodge, 1898-1901; Joseph Kimball, 1901-11; C. R. Hamlin, 1912-14.
In 1837 a neat and commodious church edifice was erected in place of the old structure, which had become unfit for use.
The Baptist Church was
organized in the year 1836. Pastors, Benjamin Wheeler, Tames W. Russell, John M.
Chick, John Peacock, Lewis Barrows, Cyrus Tibbetts, Alexander M. Higgins,
Theodore W. Sheppard, Alford Colburn, William Hurlin, Oliver P. Fuller, Horace G
Hubbard, 1881-86; Wm. M. Weeks, 1886-88; Wm. Dugdale, 1888-89; Albert D. Palmer,
188996; Wm. C. Whittaker, 1896-98; Frank Parker, 1898-1904; Charles A. Towne,
1905-12; Chellis V. Smith, 1912-14. The church building was erected in 1840.
The Catholic Church. — In the summer of 1892, the Catholics of this section
of New Hampshire, including at that time the towns of Plaistow, Newton,
Danville, Hampstead, Atkinson and Salem, N. H., who were accustomed to worship
at Haverhill, Mass., and Exeter, N. H., thought they should have a church of
their own, and a priest to attend to them, sent a delegation to Rt. Rev. D. M.
Bradley, then bishop of New Hampshire, in order to request him to send them a
After due consideration Bishop Bradley selected for this work, the Rev. D. Alexander Sullivan, who came to take up his residence here in January, 1893. He at once began to hold services in the town hall at Plaistow, but early in the spring of 1893, he began the erection of a church at Westville, a railway station in Plaistow. The largest population of the above mentioned towns then resided at Westville, which no doubt was the reason why it was selected as the site for the church. Reverend Fr. Sullivan completed the church and remained here as resident pastor for five years. Having been promoted to the pastorate of Lancaster, N. H., he was succeeded by Rev. J. J. Hogan, who made improvements on the parish property, and added a cemetery known as Holy Angels' Cemetery. The Reverend Fr. Hogan remained here until February 1, 1902, and was succeeded by Rev. F. G. Deschaies who purchased a rectory and was pastor until April, 1907, when he was succeeded by Rev. H. A. Hennon, who made improvements in the parish and remained here until June 30, 191 2, and he was succeeded on that date by Rev. M. J. Moher, who is at present the resident pastor. The names of the committee selected to wait upon Bishop Bradley were: Jeremiah Kelliher, George Denoncour, Hilaire Gilbert.
Plaistow Public Library. — When the town hall was completed in 1896 three rooms were set aside for the use of the library and it was opened to public use in December, 1896. It has now 1,500 volumes in care of Mrs. James M. Davis, librarian.
E. A. Landman is the physician.
Frederick P. Eaton, Jacob F. Stevans, Isaiah Kelley, Alfred Kelley, Jr., George F. Colden, James D. Colden, David Langmaid, Frank W. Shannon, George E. Shannon, Greenleaf C. George, Capt. Jesse E. George, George M. Wilson, Isaac Howard Hall, Richard H. Brunell, Warren Clough, Capt. Richard Welch, Herain Carleton, Jr., Walter S. Shannon, Isaac B. Clifford, Ingram J. Cummings, Greenleaf R. Cummings, Franklin Burnham, Rendal F. Cass. Hale Gage, Andrew Sweatser, Jesse E. Harriman, William H. Tripp, Charles Godkin, Nathaniel Thompson, Elbridge G. Tucker, Charles W. Cass, Moses Kimball, Charles W. Bradley, Benjamin G. Flanders, Stephen F. Godkin, Herbert H. Sargent, Isaac N. Cass, James W. Drew, Charles A. Dow, Henry A. Dow, George W. Kelley, Edward A. Sleeper, Charles Sprague, Frank Roberts, Samuel Hall.
Contributed 2023 Oct 06 by Norma Hass, extracted from History of Rockingham County, New Hampshire and Representative Citizens by Charles A. Hazlett, published in 1915, pages 625-632.
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