Rockingham County

Fremont Town History


Geographical — Topographical — Early History — Incorporation — Poplin — Fremont — Military History — The Church — The Public Library

The town of Fremont lies near the center of the county and is bounded as follows: On the north by Epping; on the east by Brentwood; on the south by Danville and Sandown; and on the west by Chester and Raymond. The surface is generally level and the soil fertile. The early history of this town will be found in the history of Exeter and Brentwood, of which towns it originally formed a part. At the setting off of Brentwood from Exeter, in 1742, it became a part of the latter town and remained such until June 22, 1764, when it was organized as a separate town. It was originally called Poplin, but in 1854 changed to its present name, in honor, doubtless, of Gen. John C. Fremont, the first candidate of the republican party for president. The population is 622.

The precise settlement of the town is not known. Rev. Orlo Hines was the first minister.

Fremont is a station on the Nashua and Rochester Railroad, seventy miles from Worcester. It is twenty-four miles west of Portsmouth, ten west of Exeter and thirty southeast from Concord.


Joseph R. West, Co. B, 4th Regiment; enlisted September 18, 1861; discharged April 6, 1864.

Charles W. Brown, Co. I, 5th Regiment; enlisted August 11, 1863; discharged July 15, 1865.

Orrin West, Co. I, 5th Regiment; enlisted March 22, 1864; absent, sick; no discharge furnished.

Michael Flynn, Co. C, 5th Regiment; enlisted September 12, 1864; discharged June 28, 1865.

T. Yelton, Co. B, 5th Regiment; died February 1, 1863.

John Loane, Co. D, 5th Regiment; enlisted September 12, 1864.

James Smith, Co. H, 5th Regiment; enlisted September 12, 1864; absent, sick, April 6, 1865; no discharge furnished.

Jacob Vogle, Co. H, 5th Regiment; enlisted August 11, 1863; discharged December 15, 1863.

Bruce D. Osgood, sergeant Co. C, 6th Regiment; enlisted November 27, 1 861.

William B. Cadmus, Co. C, 6th Regiment; enlisted November 27, 1861; discharged December 16, 1862.

William L. Neal, Co. C, 6th Regiment; enlisted November 27, 1861; killed December 13, 1862.

Julius Koening, 6th Regiment; enlisted May 17, 1864.

George D. Foss, Co. D, 8th Regiment; enlisted December 20, 1861; discharged July 5, 1862.

Henry Hutchinson, Co. D, 8th Regiment; enlisted December 20, 1861; died October 26, 1863.

Thomas G. Judd, Co. A, 9th Regiment; enlisted August 7, 1862; transferred to V. R. C. October 7, 1863.

Perley R. Gordon, Co. C, 10th Regiment; enlisted September 16, 1862; discharged March 18, 1863.

John Clarken, Co. F, 10th Regiment; enlisted September 1, 1862; died December 26, 1864.

Plummer D. Small, corporal Co. B, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 28, 1862; promoted to sergeant; discharged June 4, 1865.

Sylvester McLane, Co. B, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 28, 1862; discharged June 4, 1865.

George W. Morrill, Co. B, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 28, 1862; killed December 13, 1862.

George F. Small, Co. B, 11th Regiment; enlisted September 2, 1862; discharged June 4, 1865.

Joseph L. Small, Co. B, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 28, 1862; discharged June 4, 1865.

Moses P. Stevenson, Co. B, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 28, 1862; discharged April 29, 1863.

John C. Trickey, Co. B, 11th Regiment; enlisted August ?8, 1862; died March 1, 1863.

John W. Marsh, Co. B, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 28, 1862; killed December 13, 1862.

Joseph Sanborn, Jr., corporal Co. C, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 21, 1862; discharged June 4, 1865.

Orrin Bean, Co. C, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 21, 1862; discharged June 4, 1865.

Charles O. Copp, Co. C, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 21, 1862; promoted to corporal June 4, 1865.

John B. Clement, Co. C, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 21, 1862; discharged June 4, 1865.

Enoch F. Osgood, Co. C, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 21, 1862; killed December 13, 1862.

John A. Tilton, Co. C, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 26, 1862; discharged January 24, 1863.

George A. Tilton, Co. C, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 26, 1862; died May 12, 1864.

Josiah West, Co. C, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 26, 1862; discharged June 4, 1865.

George D. Foss, Co. C, 11th Regiment; enlisted August 19, 1864; transferred to 6th Regiment; discharged July 17, 1865.

Charles Muller, Co. A, 11th Regiment; enlisted December 19, 1863; transferred to 6th Regiment; no discharge given.

Charles Fries, 11th Regiment; enlisted December 23, 1863.

Louis Ferry, Co. H, 11th Regiment; enlisted December 19, 1863.

John Gippert, Co. K, 11th Regiment; enlisted December 19, 1863; discharged August 14, 1865.

James Toben, Co. K, 14th Regiment; enlisted July 29, 1864; discharged July 27, 1865.

David Sanborn, Co. K, 15th Regiment; enlisted October 16, 1862; discharged August 13, 1863.

Joseph W. Bishop, Co. B, 18th Regiment; enlisted September 14. 1864; discharged June 10, 1865.

Daniel A. Webster, Co. B, 18th Regiment; enlisted September 13, 1864; died March 27, 1865.

Warren D. Lovering, Co. E, H. Artillery; enlisted September 5, 1864; discharged June 15, 1865.

Orrin West, Co. F, 2d Regiment, U. S. S. S.; transferred to 6th Regiment March 22, 1864; absent, sick; no discharge furnished.

Hiram P. Beebe, Co. E, 2d Regiment U. S. S. S.; enlisted September 9, 1861; re-enlisted January 4, 1864; transferred to 5th Regiment January 30, 1865; absent, June 28, 1865; no discharge furnished.

Joseph Toland, U. S. C. T.; enlisted April 6, 1865; date discharge unknown.

John H. Carr, Jr., date discharge unknown.

James Mager. date discharge unknown.

James Carroll, date discharge unknown.

Robert Baker, date discharge unknown.

George Merrill, date discharge unknown.

Samuel Wilson, date discharge unknown.

Thomas Fowler, enlisted August 26, 1864; date discharge unknown.

George W. Wiggin, enlisted August 26, 1864; date discharge unknown.

The physician is Ernest W. Lowe. The Grange is the Fremont. The United Congregational Church was organized in 1908 and the Rev. J. H. Hewitt preached in 1910 and 1911. The church building was erected in 1865 as a Union Church and has ever since been so called. The Universalists have a small fund which gives them one month each year and they engage a minister for the month of August, when the other ministers take a vacation. Rev. Walter W. Strife, a Methodist student from the Boston University, is supplying as pastor at present.

Fremont Public Library. — In the center of the town is the Library building, built by the town in 1894, on the site given by Warren True. The library was opened with 741 volumes owned by the Fremont Library Association, formed in 1866.

The library contains 1,000 books under the care of Mrs. Cora B. Frost, who has had long service as librarian.

Fremont is making arrangements to celebrate the 150th anniversary of its organization this summer.

Contributed 2023 Oct 06 by Norma Hass, extracted from History of Rockingham County, New Hampshire and Representative Citizens by Charles A. Hazlett, published in 1915, pages 415-418.

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