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Since my extensive research in England, which included the examination of probate, church, naval, judicial and other records by genealogists and others; advertising in the leading daily and Episcopalian papers of London, offering a reward for information, I failed to substantiate the statements I copied in my former work, therefore I feel it incumbent on me to give the following explanation: The quotations that William, "was born in London in 1602," that his father Richard, "was a barrister at law," and his mother, "a daughter of Sir Richard Saltonstall," I could not substantiate and found much to disprove the last. two. I believe that a part of these statements I quoted from the persons making them, were conclusions drawn from a record furnished them about fifty years ago, of a 'Richard Sargent, a justice, who died at Dinton, England, in 1665, who had a son William." But the Dinton Parish records show that the children (if William the son of Richard, were baptized there from 1630, to 1634, and that Richard died aged 79. He therefore would have been but thirteen years old when our ancestor William was born, if born in 1602. That William "was appointed midshipman in the navy," I found no record. That William "sailed with Captain John Smith, in 1614, to Jamestown, Virginia, stopping at Agawam, Massachusetts, en route," may be true as to his being with Captain Smith at Agawam, as he settled there afterwards. But that he went to Virginia, as that writer alleges, is questioned, as history does not give Capt. Smith as being in Virginia later than 1609. William was a seaman in his younger years as he is designated as a "seaman" or "mariner" in his will and other documents, but he no doubt later in life followed other occupations with it. That his father Richard held a position in the "Royal Navy," another tradition advanced by others, is not confirmed, so far as I can learn, by the navy records. As to William being born in London, and in 1602, it may be claimed that it has been a tradition so long it must be true, but I have proven so many traditions untrue, I am skeptical in this matter. As the birth of William of Malden, whose record was written by Aaron Sargent of Somerville, Mass., was known to have been in 1602, and the two Williams lived so near each other in Massachusetts, their records of birth might have got "mixed up." Then I have a letter from a person in England stating that he was born in 1598, but cannot learn as there is any authority for it. The nearest record to the one claimed in 1602, I have been able to find in England, of a William born to a Richard, is the following from the Abby church, Bath: "Marriages. 1602, November, Richard Sargent, and Katherine Steevenes the 22 day. Ano Dom., 1630, Jening Walters and Joane Sergeant, were married April 15." "Baptisms. Elizabeth the daughter of Richard Sargeant, 28 day 1603, October. 1606 June, William the Sonne of Richard Sargeant the 28th. March 1609, Joane the daughter of Richard Sargent was baptized the 26th." As there is no further record of the father or son found there, they may have gone to London and William shipped from there. At first I was not inclined to believe this William was our ancestor or from this part of England, for the following reasons: There were many Sargents, and some whose given names were Richard, in Cambridge and Suffolk counties, England, and as John Winthrop and some of the others who settled at Agawam, Mass., and changed its name to Ipswich, were from Ipswich, Suffolk county, and vicinity, England, I was inclined to believe William was from there. But since learning that the father of William's first wife, "Quartermaster John Perkins," was at Agawam in August, 1631, in a short time after arriving in America, and that he came from near Bath, England, that if William was from there and with Capt. Smith in 1614, when the latter landed at Agawam and wrote up its beauties and advantages. William may have returned and induced John Perkins and others to emigrate. The first recorded record I bond of William is in the General Court records of Massachusetts Colony in April, 1633, by an act by said court protecting certain grantees of land then at Agawam, now Ipswich, Massachusetts., in their rights, and ''William Sarjeant was one of them. The next record is that of his oath of allegiance and fidelity in 1639, and his name is recorded ''Willi : Sergent,'' but neither is as he spelt it. It is shown by records and deeds that he was later one of the first settlers at Wessacucon, now Newbury, MA, 1635; at Winnacumet, now Hampton, N. H., in 1638; at South Merrimac, now Salisbury, Mass., in 1639, and that "Wm. Sargent, townsman and commoner of Salisbury, tax rate Dec. 25, 1650, 7s. 4d." He was next located at Salisbury New Town, now Amesbury and Merrimac, in 1655, where he resided until his death in 1675. The statement in the town history of Amesbury, "that William married for his first wife Judith, a sister of his second wife, Elizabeth Perkins," the author informs me he made on information of another, and had no other authority. The genealogy of the John Perkins's family gives no daughter Judith, and that Elizabeth was born in 1618, at Newent, Gloucestershire, England, and therefore old enough by 1634 to have been the mother of Mary, the eldest child of William, who married Philip Challis, and Mary old enough to be a mother in 1653, when her first child was born. This therefore refutes the marriage of William to Judith, and also the idea that Elizabeth was too young to have been the mother of the eldest children of William. The date of their marriage was probably about 1633, as she came to America with her parents in the ship Lion in the spring of 1631, and they were both at Agawam prior to 1633. I found no date of her death, but it was before Sept. 18, 1670, for he married on that date Joanna Powell, who survived him and married Richard Currier of Amesbury. Owing to a lack and contradiction of records, there is an uncertainty as to William's children, their order, dates of birth and death. Where there are two records which conflict, I have used the Salisbury, if that is one of the two. There is a record of "Mary b. June 17, 1647," and no record of her death, and it is not probable a second child was named Mary after the one who married Mr. Challis, the one named in William's will. So I am convinced it Should have been "Lydia," Of whom I find no record of birth, hut "died in 1661," and have given the former under the latter name. The "Elizabeth" given as the "wife of William died 1641" must have been the daughter "Elizabeth" who "died July 14, 1641" He was one of the "Prudential" men in Amesbury in 1675; he resided in the part of the town known as the ''West Parish,'' and built a house near the church and academy. He died in March, 1675, and was buried in the cemetery at the '' Ferry.’’ His will was probated at Salem Mass., in 1675. The inventory of William's estate (as near as can be made out) amounted to 191 pounds. Their children. i. Mary 2, b. abt. 1634, m. Philip Challis, a far. of A. where he res., held office, and d.1681; c., John, b. May 9, 1653, d. y.; John, b. April 26, 1655; Philip and William, b. Oct.19, 1657; William d. April 19, 1658; William, b. March 18, 1668; Lydia, b. March 81, 1666, and Mary, who m Joseph Dow of Salisbury.
ii. Elizabeth, d. July 14, 1641, Salisbury.
2 iii. Thomas, b. April 11, 1648 at S. s.
3 iv. William, b. Nov. 21, 1645 at S.s. town clerk some years.

v. Lydia ? b. June 17, 1647, d. 1661

vi. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 22, 1648. d. Sept. 4, 1649 at S.

vii. Sarah, d. Dec. 29, 1651, S. r.

viii, Sarah, b. Feb. 29, 1652, m. Dec. 22, 1681, Orlando Bagley, a far. at A.., who was town clerk some years. She d. Oct. 8, 1701; c., Sarah, b. Feb. 27, 1688; John, b. Jan. 21,

1685; Jacob and Orlando, b. Dec. 14,1687; Judith, b. Nov. 13,1690.

ix. Elizabeth, b. abt. 1658, m. prior to 1670, Samuel Colby of A. and had
at the date of her father's will, c. Dorothy and Elizabeth.

2 Thomas 2 (William 1) b. Salisbury, Mass., (by Norfolk r. April) by S. r. June 11, 1643; m. Jan. 2,1667, Rachel, dau. of William Barnes of A. at S. She was b. Feb. 3, 1648, d. 1719; and her will was pro. at Salem that year; he d. Feb. 27, 1706, both at A. where they are bur. in the "Ferry cemetery." He was a far. and res. on "Bear Hill" and took the oath of allegiance and fidelity at A. before Major Robert Pike, Dec. 20, 1677; he held public office and was quite a prominent man, and was lieut. in the Militia. His will was dated Feb. 5, 1706. and pro. at Salem, Apr. 8, 1706, and signed Tho. Sargent, and named his wife, five sons and the four daughters then living; c. b. at Amesbury.

i. Thomas, b. Feb. 24, 1669, d. y.
4 ..... ii. John. b. March 27, 1672, d. Nov. 9, 1690.
iii.Mary, b. Oct. 14, 1674, m. John Sanders.
iv. Hannah, b. July 28, 1675. m Mr. Somes.
5..... v.Thomas. b. Nov. 15, 1676 s.
vi.Rachel, b. Aug. 12. 1677, m. Dec. 14, 1704, William Currier of A.
6 .....vii.Jacob, b. Oct. 1, 1678. s.
7.....viii William, b. Dec. 1, 1680, d. May 15, 1711.
8..... ix. Joseph, b. June 2, 1687. s.
x. Judith, b. June 2, 1687, d. May 22, 1688.
xi.Judith, b. July 1, 1689, d. Sept. 15, 1715.
9 ....xii. John, b. May 18, 1692. s.

3 WILLIAM 2 (William 1) b Salisbury, Mass., by S. r. Nov. 2, 1645, N. r. Jan. 2, 1646; m. Sept. 23, 1668, Mary Colby of Amesbury, there She b. Sept. 19, 1647. He d. 1712, at A. where they res. and are bur. He was a far. and held public office. He took the oath of allegiance and fidelity Dec. 20, 1677, at A. before Major Robert Pike. His estate was pro. at Salem, March 31, 1712; c. b. at A.
10..... i. William 3, b. April 19, 1669. s.
11 ....ii. Philip, b. Aug. 12, 1672. s.
12.... iii.Charles. b. Jan. 31,1674.s.
iv. A Child.
13... v. Jacob, b. March 18, 1687. s.

5 THOMAS 3 (Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., 1676; m. Dec. 17, 1702, Mary Stevens, of A., there. She was b. 1680, d. May 24,1766; be d. May 1,1719, both at A., where they res.; and were bur. in the "Center cemetery." He was a far.; held office,
and c. b. at A.
14..... i. Christopher 4, b. Aug. 4, 1704.s
ii. Mary, b. May 12, 1706, d. y.
15... iii. Moses, b. Aug. 21, 1707.s.
16 ...iv. Stephen, b. Sept. 14, 1710.s.
v. Mehitable, b. June 25, 1712, d.
vi. Mary, b. May 21, 1714, d.

6 JACOB (Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Oct. 1, 678; m. Nov. 2, 1700, Gastret Davis of A., there. She was b. 1676, d. June 27, 1745. He m. (see Hoyt gen.) Dec. 22, 1746, Elizabeth Baxter, wid. Daniel Hoyt. He died May 7, 1754, at A., where they res. and all were bur. His will was dated June 16, 1742, and prob. at Salem, 1754, and named his wife Gastret, three sons and five dauts. He was a far.; his C. all by 1st m. and b. in A.
i. Sarah 4, b. Nov. 23, 1701, m. Jan. 11, 1720, Isaac Tewksbury of A. there.
ii. Rachel, b. Sept. 4,1703, m. Dec. 25, 1722, John Lowell of A. there where they res.; c.,

Jacob. b. 1723; John, 1724; Robert, 1726; Gideon, 1730; Eliphalet, 1737; Alice, 1740.
17... iii Thomas. b. March 18.1706.s.
iv. Annie, b. Feb. 7, 1708, m. Sept. 14, 1728, John Challis, Jr., of Salisbury.
v. Alice, b. March 15, 1710, m. Jan. 7, 1731, Daniel Bartlett, Jr., of Newbury.
vi. Hannah, b. March 9, 1713, m. Oct. 22, 1732, Dr. Robert Rogers of A.
18 ..vii. Benjamin, b. May 8.1717.s.
19.. viii.Peter, b. June 22,1720. s.

8 JOSEPH 3 (Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., June 2, 1687,
m. Nov. 17, 1715, Elizabeth Carr of Newbury. She was b. 1693, d. Dec. 28, 1729, (by A. r. a Joseph. m. April 8, 1731, wid. Sarah Currier, and he is the only Joseph I found then, old enough.) He d. May 16, 1733, and bur. at A. He res. on "Bear Hill." His wife Sarah was admx. of his estate. He was a far.; c. all by 1st m.
and b. in A.
i. Judith 4, b. Oct. 1, 1716. m. Oct. 9. 1734, John Bagley, a far. of A. who
res. on Pond Hills," and town clerk 25 years.
ii. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 17, 1718, d. Dec. 28, 1729.
iii. Rachel, b. Feb. 22, 1721, m. Dec. 5, 1738, Nathan Hues, M. D., d. 1792; c., Sargent, b. 1739; Elizabeth, 1741; Hannah, 1742; Joseph, 1749; Ebenezer, 1750; Rachel, 1755; Sarah,

1757; John, 1758; William, 1760; Nathan. 1769, m. 24 Alice

iv. Catherine, b. Feb. 17, 1722.
20..... v. Joseph, b. May 22, 1725.s.
vi. Seus, b. July 22, 1727, m. April 2.1747, Timothy Lancaster of A.; c, Seus. b. 1747; Jacob, 1749; Sarah, 1751; Molly, 1753; Elizabeth, 1755; Thomas, 1756, m. 24 Sarah; Judith, 1758.

9 JOHN 3 (Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., May 18, 1692, m. Jan. 12, 1713, Hannah Quimby of A., there. She was b. Aug. 23, 1692. He d. May 19, 1762 at A. where he res. and was bur. He was a far., held office and Captain of State Militia. His will was pro. at Salem, 1762; c. b. at A.

i. Mary 4, b. Sept. 16, 1714, m. Dec. 10, 1735, Stephen Patten, a far. of A.
21.... ii. Robert, b. Oct. 10, 1716.s.
22.... iii. Joshua, b. Nov. 5, 1719. d. Oct. 22, 1757.
23 iv. John, b. March 18, 1721.s.

24.... v. Josiah, b. March 18, 1724.s.
25.... vi. Thomas, b. March 20.1727.s.
vii. Hannah. b. Feb. 25, 1780, m. Mr. Colby, and d. Dec. 23, 1802.
viii. Rachel, b. Feb. 19, 1782, m. Sept. 8, 1762, Aaron Sawyer, M. D., of A.; c., Aaron, b. 1778; Joshua; Stephen.

10 WILLIAM 3 (William 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., April 19, 1669, m. April 6, 1689, Mary Beedle of A., there. She was b. May 31, 1666. He was a far.; res. in A., held office, and c. b. at A.

i. Judith 4, b. June 7, 1698.
ii. Huldah, b. March 1,1695, m. Feb. 10.1724, Edmund Joy.
26 ...iii. Daniel, b. Apr. 17, 1697, m. June 3, 1731, Judith Martin of A., there. (A Daniel paid tax in Kingston,N. H., 1756.)
27 ....iv. William, b, Aug. 23,1700.s.
v. Abigail, b. May 28,1701, m. John Griffin.
28.... vi. David, b. April 10, 1703.
vii. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 18,1705, in. Joseph Davis.
viii. Mehetabel, b. March 18, 1709, in. Theophilus Greenfield.
29..... ix. John, b. March 28,1712, in. Sarah Thompson.

11 PHILIP 3 (William 2, William 1) In. Amesbury, Mass., Aug. 12, 1672, m. Dec. 7, 1698, Mary Tewksbury of A., there. He d. 1742, was a far. and res. at A. His will was pro. at Salem 1742; c. b. at A.
30.... i. Charles 4, b. Oct. 10. 1694.s.
31.... ii. David. b. Nov. 4, 1696.s.
32.... iii. Jonathan. b. March 18.1698.s.
iv. Martha, b. March 9, 1700, in. Nov. 9, 1727, Samuel Silver; c. Samuel.
33 ....v. Philip, b. April 7,1708.s.
vi. Mary, b. Dec. 29, 1705, m. April 10, 1729, Thomas Wells of Chester, N. H.
vii. Dorothy, b. Sept. 29, 1708.
viii. Ruth, b. July 26,1712, m. July 12, 1732, Jacob Wells.
ix. Joanna, b. May 24, 1715, m. Nov. 6, 1734, Henry Hall, a far.; c. Mary, Dorothy, Caleb, Henry, Joanna, Obeden, Judith, Peter.
x. Betsey,b. June 18, 1717, m. Jan. 16, 1746, Benjamin Tucker of A.

12 CHARLES 3 (William 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Jan. 31, 1674, m. Hannah Foot. He d. Aug. 6, 1737, at A. He was a far. and res. in the "West Parish" of A.; c. b.. at A.
i. Elizabeth 4. b. June 26, 1696, m. March 81, 1719, Nehemiah Heath.
34.... ii. Timothy, b. March 11,1698.s.
iii. Hannah, b. May 1, 1701, m. Aug. 8, 1728, Joseph Collins, a far. of Salisbury.
35..... iv. Samuel, b. Sept. 22, 1708.s.
36..... v. Elias, b. Aug. 10,1707.s.
vi. Bethsheba, b. Oct. 10, 1709. m. You. 26, 1727, Ezra Tucker of A.; c. Eliza; Mary; Callain, b. 1734; Kittie, 1736; Sarah, 1741; Benoni, 1743.

13 JACOB 3 (William 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., March 18, 1687, m. Dec. 7, 1710, Judith Harvey of A., there. She d. June, 1749; he d. April 6, 1749, both at Chester, N. H., where they are bur. He was one of the first settlers, moving there about 1726. He was a far., held office and was an officer in the State Militia: c. six b. at A., others in C.
37.... i. Winthrop 4. b. Oct. 28, 1711.s.
38.... ii. Jacob, b. Nov. 18, 1718, d. 1787, unm.

iii. Judith, b. March 27, 1716, m. 1738, Francis Towle. 2d m. 1748 Enoch Colby of C.; c. Enoch.
iv. Sarah. b. March 8, 1718, in. May 24, 1736, Jarvis Ring.
39....... v. Theophilus, b. 1720.s.
vi. Elizabeth, b. July 23, 1722.
vii. Dorothy, b. Feb. 28, 1725.
viii Tabiatha, b. Nov.? 172-, m. 1744, John Foss; he d. 1745. She m. 2d Aug.23, 1808, Hezekiah Underwood.
40 ....ix. John, b. 1727? s.
14 CHRISTOPHER 4* (Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William1) b. Amesbury, Mass.,
Aug. 4, 1704, m. Jan.22, 1730, Susannah Peaslee of Haverhill, there. She d. May 17, 1785; he d. March 20, 1790, both at Methuen, where they res. and are bur. He was a graduate of Harvard University, 1725, a Congregational minister and the first one settled, at M. in 1729, and his c. b. there.
i. Nathanie15, b. Nov.28, 1730, d. y.
41.... ii. Nathaniel P., b. Nov. 2,1731.s.
iii. Abigail. b. March 27, 1734, m. Jan.22, 1755, Ezekiel Hale, a cloth dresser and miller of A., res. m Newbury and Dracut; c. Abigail, b. 1756; Susannah. 1759; Hannah; 1761; Ezekiel, 1763; Moses, 1765; Persis, 1767; Hannah B.. 1769; Elizabeth, 1773; Lydia, 1775; Josiah, 1777. She m. 2d. Abel Plummer, an Elder; res. Londonderry; she d. 1818; c. Elizabeth.
iv. Susannah, b. March 27, 1736, m. Oct 9, 1759, Symonds Baker of M.; c.Nathaniel, b. 1760; Simonds E., 1761; Susanna, 1763.
42..... v. Moses, b. May 23, 1738 s.
43.... vi Elijah, b. June 22, 1739.s.
vii. Persis, b. May 3,1742, d. Dec.22, 1744.
viii. Mary, b. Dec. 7, 1743, m. Feb., 1765, Ward Bailey of Bridgewater.
44...... ix. Christopher, b. Oct. 4, 1746, d. May 29, 1778.
x. Persis, b. Jan 1, 1750, m. Oct. 7.1769, Isaac Thom, M.D., at M .;res. L; c. Christopher. b. 1770; Persis, 1774; Persis, 1779; Susanna, 1781; Isaac; James; Nathaniel; Eliza; George.
xi. Thomas, b. May 20, 1753, d. Oct.17, 1753.
45 ....xii. Thomas, b. July 22, 1756.s.

15 MOSES 4 (Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Aug. 21, 1707, m. Aug.14, 1727, Sarah Bagley of A., there, where she was b. 1708, d. March 16,1801; he d. July 24,1756, both at A., where they res. and are bur. His will was pro. at Salem, 1756; was a far., and c. b. at A.
46...... i. Orlando 5, b. April 21, 1728.s.
ii. Mary, b. March 3, 1730, m. May 10, 1750, Ezekiel Hale of A., there; c.Mary, b. 1750. (He also m. 14

iii. Sarah, b. Nov.25, 1733. m. 24 Josiah.
iv. Dorothy. b. Nov. 8, 1736. m. Dec.19, 1754, Caleb Moody.
47...... v. Christopher, b. May 18, 1740.s.
vi. Moses, b. Jan.14, 1742, d. '43.

16 STEPHEN 4 (Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Sept.14, 1710, m. Sept.26, 1730, Judith Ordway of Newbury. She was b. 1712, d. June 4, 1790; he d. Oct. 2, 1773, both at A., where they res. and were bur. He was a Captain in the French and Indian war, and it is said prayed with his company while stationed at Crown Point, which was not approved by the higher officers. His c. were b. at A.
48 ......i. Thomas 5, b. Sept. 2, 1731.s.

49 .....ii. James. b. July 8,1733. s
50.... iii. Stephen, b. March 16, 1735, m. Dec.17, 1760, Elizabeth Hoyt of A., there. He d. Jan.10, 1776, at Hopkinton, N. H.. where he was bur.; c. b. at A. i. Lucy 6, b. 1762. (I believe he had other c.)
51..... iv. Peter, b. Nov. 2.1736.s.
52..... v. Nathan, b. April 10, 1738.s.
vi. Judith, b. Feb. 9, 1740, m. June 26,1760, Elliott Colby. Jr., of A. at Warner. She d. June 1, 1782; c. Naomi, b. 1761. d.; Ezekiel, 1763; Stephen, b. 1765; John. 1767; Elliott, 1769; Judith, 1771; Naomi, 1773 Anna 1776 Molly, 1778; Phineas, 1780.
53....... ii Abner b Aug 18 1741.s.
viii Lois, b April 15 1743, m. May 26, 1762, Stephen Keller of A. She d.Jan 1818 c Lois b. 1762; Stephen, 1764; Amasa, 1765; Nathan, 1766 Hannah 1768; Caleb, 1769; Richard, 1770, d.; Anna, 1771; Richard 1773 d Richard, 1774; Judith, 1775; Eunice, 1777; Polly, 1778 Ezekiel 1781; Betsey, 1784.
54 ........ix. Amasa b Dec 11 1744. S. x. Moses, b.June 30, 1746, d. 1749.
55....... xi. Ezekiel b March 12 1748. s.
56 ......xii. Moses, b. Jan. 25, 1750. s.
xiii. Mary, b. Nov. 17, 1751. m. 73 Hezekiah.
57 ......xiv. Ebenezer b Nov. 10, 1753.s.

17 THOMAS 4 (Jacob 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., March 15, 1706, m March 26, 1728, Priscilla Weed of A., there. She was b. 1707, d Oct 12 1750. He m. April 15, 1756, Mrs. Rebecca Blaisdell, (maiden name Rogers), of A. He died at A. 1778, and bur. there. He was a far., and his c. b. at A., eight by 1st and three by 2d m
58...... i. Thomas 5, b. Aug. 6, 1728.s.
59..... ii. Jacob, b. July 24, 1730. Enlisted in revo. war from Weare, N. H., 1777 (A Jacob was m. Oct.28, 1756, to Alice Edwards at Hampton, N. H.)
iii. Hannah, b. July 9,1732, m. 104 Timothy
iv. Judith, b. Oct.29, 1734, m. Jan.23, 1766, Isaac Tewksbury of A., a far. res. Hartland, Vt., then

Bedford, Penn. He enlisted from Weare, N. H., in 1777, in revo. war.
60 .....v. Ephraim, b. Jan.10, 1736, killed at Fort Stanwix in the French and Indian war.
61..... vi. Isaac, b. Nov.1, 1738.s. vii. Benjamin, b. Sept. 7, 1740, d.
63.... viii. Asa, b. April 19, 1742.s.
64 ......ix. Moses, b. Jan.12, 1757.s.
x. Dorcas, b. April 10, 1760, m. Orlando Bagley of A., res. Hartland, Vt., and Bedford, Pa.
65.... xi. Phineas, b. Feb. 3.1763, d. y.

18 BENJAMIN 4 (Jacob 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., May 8, 1717, m. Dec.12, 1738 Ruth Moulton of A., there, where she was b. May 11, 1718, d. April 19, 1778. He m. Oct.23, 1779, Dorothy Nichols of A., there. She d. Dec.12, 1792; he d. Dec.14, 1793, at A. where they all res. and were bur. He was a far. His will was pro. at Salem, 1794; c. b. at A., by 1st m.
i. Ruth 5, b. Oct. 1, 1739, m. April 19.1764, Samuel Short; c. David.
66... ii. Benjamin, b. Aug. 4, 1743.s. iii. Eliphalet, b. Sept. 2.1745, d.
iv. Elizabeth, b. May 14, 1747, m. Jan.27, 1767, Harvey Blaisdell of A.
v. Mary, b. Feb.22. 1749, m. Oct.28, 1773, at A., Isaiah Harvey and res. London, N. H.; three c.
vi. Sarah, b. Jan. 7, 1752, m. a Mr. Bodge, Jan.18, 1781; c. Sarah.
vii. Eunice, b. Oct.22. 1754, d. July 18, 1766.
viii. Judith, b. May 21, 1757, m. Mr. Pilsbury.

19 PETER 4 (Jacob 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., June 22, 1720, m.July 12,1742, Anna Currier of A., there, where she was b. 1722, d. Nov. 3, 1803; he d. 1777, both at A. where he res. and is bur. He was a far. His will was pro. at Salem, 1777; c. b. at A.
67..... i. Joseph 5, b. April 27, 1743; not named in father's will.
ii. Anna, b. May 6, 1745; not named in father's will.
iii. Alice, b. 1747. m. Jan.16, 1766, Seth Currier of A., there; d. 1830.
iv. Hannah, b. June 19, 1749, m. Joseph Moody.
v. Patience, b. May 7, 1754, m. John Morse of A.; she d. 1846; c. Peter, John, Benjamin. Anna, Moses, Thomas (See M. gen.)
vi. Sarah, (named in father's will.)

20 JOSEPH 4 (Joseph 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., May 22, 1725, m. Nov.25, 1746, Miriam Flanders of S. Hampton. She was b. 1729, d. 1804; he d. 1804 at A. where they res. and were bur. He owned land in S. H. in 1760. He was a far., and c. b. at A.
i. Elizabeth 5, b. Oct. 18, 1747, d. y?
ii. Kattren, b. Oct. 3, 1749, m. Dec.26, 1770, Oliver Blaisdell of Loudon, N. H.
68.... iii. Joseph, b. Aug. 20.1751.s.
69..... iv. Levi, b. April 21, 1754, killed at Port Stanley in the French and Indian war.
v. Elizabeth, b. April 15,1757, m. Samuel Savory of Warner, N. H.
70.... vi. Zebulon, b. Sept. 7, 1759.s.
71... vii. Joshua. b. Aug. 4.1762.s.
72... viii. Jacob, b. April 10, 1765. s. ix. Miriam, b. Sept.19, 1768.

21 ROBERT 4 (John 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Oct.10, 1716, m. Jan.22, 1741, Anne Coffin of W. Newbury. She was b. at N. Feb. 7,1722, d. Feb. 20,1798; he d. Jan.28, 1808, both at A. where they res. and were bur. His will was pro. at Salem, 1808. He was a far., and Captain in the State Militia; c. b. at A.

i. Anna 5, b. Aug.29, 1741. m. 47 Christopher.
ii. Hannah, b. Oct.13, 1743, m. March 29, 1764, Willis Patten, far.
73... iii. Hezekiah, b. Dec.28, 1745. s.
74... iv. Joshua, b. 1748.s. v. Sarah, b. 1750, m. 54 Amasa.
vi. Rhoda, b. 1755, m May 2, 1776, Isaac Whittier, a far. of A. She d. 1794; c. Isaac, b. 1777; Sally, 1779; James, 1782; Rhoda, 1785; Joshua, 1787; John. 1789; Edmund, 1791; Thomas, 1794.
vii. Mary, m. Jan. 4, 1770, Robert Rogers.
75.... viii. Amos, b. March 18?, 1762.s.
76...... ix. John, b. 1770.s. x. Edmund, 1]. 1778, d. Aug.18, 1790.
xi. Eunice, m. June 7, 1796, Stephen Kelley, a son of 16 Lois.

23 JOHN 4 (John 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., March 18, 1721, m. Feb.26, 1745, Mary Tucker of A., there. She d. Feb.28, 1777. He m. Sept.30, 1777, Miriam Swan of Methuen, there. He d.1788. He was a far., res. in M. and c. b. there, by 1st m.

i. John 5, b. March 3,1745, d. Aug.11. 1749.
78.... ii. John, b. Aug. 5,1749.s. iii. Molly, b. Jan. 16, 1751, d.
iv. Olive, b. Feb.14, 1753, m Aug.29, 1782, John Masten of M.
79...... v. Ebenezer, b. Oct.26, 1755.s.
80...... vi. Joshua, b. Nov.26, 1757. s. vii Molly. b. Sept. 6, 1759.
viii. Alice. b. Aug.14, 1761, m Mar. 16, 1786. Jonathan Swan, a far., res. Sanborton, N.H.; c. Jonathan,b. 1786; Frederick, 1788; Polly, 1790; Harriet, 1792; Charles, 1796; Alice, 1797; Isaac, 1799; Charlotte and Abigail, 1801; Sally, 1804

81 ....ix. Benjamin, b. Sept. 2, 1763, m. Dec. 28,1786, Olive Bodwell of M. there; c. i. Persis 6, b. at M., Sept.12, 1791.
82 ....x. Jacob, b. Aug.25, 1765.s.

24 JOSHUA 4 (John 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., March 18, 1724, m. May 2,1754, Sarah, dau.of 15 Moses, of A.,there, where she was b. Nov.25, 1733, d. Dec. 28, 1812; he d. April 17, 1818, both at A. where they res. and were bur. He was a far. and c. b.
at A.
i. Mary 5, b. May 14,1755, m. 56 Moses.
ii. Dolly, b. July 16, 1758, m. 137 Moses.
iii. Sarah, b. Nov.26, 1760, m. Nov.15. 1781, Thomas Lancaster, a far. of A., there. She d. at Sanborton, N. H., 1824; c. Dolly, b. 1782; Sally, 1783; Jonathan. 1785; Thomas, 1787; Nancy, 1791; Josiah, 1793; Sues, 1797; Jacob, 1799; Sargent, 1804;
iv. Rachel, b. May 6, 1763, m. Sept.28, 1786, Jacob Clement of A.
v. Hannah, b. July 14.1765, m. 70 Zebulon.
83..... vi. Jonathan, b. Nov.19, 1767.s.
vii Alice, b. Jan.29, 1770, m. July 20, 1797, Nathan Hues, son of 8 Rachel.
viii Anna. b. Nov. 12,1773, m.Johnson Tenney.
ix. Abigail, b. Feb. 15, 1776, m. Dec., 1808, Joshua Currier.

25 THOMAS 4 (John 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., March 20, 1727, m. Sept.22, 1748, Sarah Clement of A., where she was b. 1730, d. March 10, 1814; he d. March 16, 1794, both at A. where they res. and were bur. He was a far. His will was pro. at Salem, 1794; c. b. at A.
84...... i. John 5, b. March 3, 1750, m. Dec. 6, 1780, Lois Kelley of A., there. She was b. Nov.15, 1762.
ii. Prudence, b. July 26.1751. m. a Mr. Hills.
iii. Sarah, b. April 22,1753, d. 1801.
iv. Rachel, b. Jan. 3.1755, d.
v. Rachel. b. Oct. 4, 1756. m. May 19, 1778, Moses Currier of A.
85.... vi. Joshua, b. April 12, 1759. s.
86... vii. Seth. b. Aug. 7, 1761.s. viii. Hannah, b. Nov.13, 1765, d. 1850.
ix. Mollie, b. Aug.22, 1766.
x. Lois, b. Aug.11, 1768, m. Jan.19, 1797, John Coffin at A.
87.... xi. Jonathan, b. Jan.18, 1771.s.

27 WILLIAM 4 (William 3, William 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Aug. 23, 1700, m. Anna ? He was a far. and c. b. at A. (There was a Wm. at Kingston, N. H., in 1758. There was a tract of land set off to a Wm. in Menden, Mass., Feb., 1719, as one of the proprietors, and in 1718, the town voted a Wm. land if certain work was done, but there is no further record of these Williams or of the disposal of the land by them. E. E. S.)

89..... i. *Richard 5, b. March 28, 1737.
ii Rachel. b. Jan. 23, 1739.
iii. Anna, b. Jan.. 14, 1741.
iv. Hannah. b. June 19, 1749. v. Patience, b. May 7, 1754.
* There is no record only of b. of this Richard in A. There was a Richard at Kingston, N. H., in 1760. There was a Richard at Menden, Mass., said to have been the son of the Wm. named in M. r., but there is no record to show Wm. lived there. The Richard's wife of M. is given as Lydia Bois, and Boyce, Lancaster r., gives him as d. Oct.14, 1807, and he is said to have been a far. and bur. in Bolton. Children. 1. Lydia 2, m. 1st
Franklin, 2nd, Gates; II, Mary 2, m. Wheeler; III. Mehitable 2, m. John Goldthwait; IV. Abigail 2, b. Nov. 28, 1770, m. Wm. Frye, 10 c.; V. Stephen 2, b. 1774, m. Mary Temple who was b. June 17, 1780 d. May 4, 1858; he d. in 1855; he was a far c. i. Mary 3, b. Dec 18 1801 ii. Stephen 2, d., iii. Sophia 3, b. Oct 10 1805 iv Seth 3, b. Oct 5 1807 d '51, v. Merrick 3, b. May 27, 1810, d. '83 vi. Luther 3, b. Nov. 5 1812 m vii. Eliza 3, b. Dec. 16, 1814, d. '70, viii. Willard 3 b. Dec.25, 1816 d '58 ix. Curtis 3, b. 1819, d. '53, x. Emery 3 b March 11, 1821 d '46 xi Cordelia 3, b. Sept.15, 1823, d. '96, xii Lyman C. 3 , b. Sept. lo 1826 m VI. Ebenezer 2, b. Dec. 31, 1777, m. lst wife ,- Darling, c. i Edwin D 3, b. abt. 179-; m. 2d wife, Polly Ball of Bolton b. May 19, 1777 d Dec 11, 1855; he d. abt. 187-, at Blackstone, where he res. and was bur. c. ii. Ruth 3, b. Sept.16, 1800, iii. James 3, b. Aug. 1, 1802, m. iv. Mary 3, b.March 28, 1803, d. '84. v. Thomas 3. Feb.25. 1805. m. vi. Sophroria 3, b. Oct. 8, 1807. vii. Lydia 3, b. Aug.27, 1810. viii. Silas 3, b. April 19, 1818. m. ix. John 3, b. Sept. 18, 1815, m. x. Lovina 3, b. June 6, 1817, m.; VII. Patience 2, m.; VIII. Richard 2, Jr., m. in. to Hannah Harkness of Smithfield, filed at Menden, June 30, 1792, res. in N. Y. and west; IX. Thankfull 2, m. X. Rebecca 2. (I have the record of most of the descendants of the above, but am too uncertain as to their being of this line to add them. E. E. S.)

30 Charles 4 (Philip 3, William 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Oct. 10, 1694, m. Dec.11, 1718, Hepzibah Heath of Haverhill, there. She d. Oct. 1754; he d. Sept. 1754. He was a far. and c. b. at A. His will was pro. at Salem, Oct.21, 1754, and names his wife and c. below.
90..... i. Zebediah 5, b. Sept. 9, 1719; will prob. Salem, 1757 and names his mother, and brothers Charles and Aaron.
ii. Miriam, b. Dec.80, 1720, m. Oct. 9, 1748, John Challis.
91.... iii. Cutting, b. Dec. 8, 1722.s.
92..... iv. Charles, b. Oct. 8, 1724.s.
93...... v. Aaron, b. Feb.13, 1726.s.
vi. Hepzibah, b. Feb.20, 1728, m. Aug.29, 1751, Ebenezer Chase of H.

vii. Ruth, b. March 2, 1780, m. Oct. 3, 1769, Orlando Rowell.
94.... viii. David, b. Jan. 1, 1788.s. ix. Mary, b. March 4, 1785.
x. Sarah, b. Aug. 6, 1788, m? Oct. 8, 1754, David Emerson of A.
xi. Elizabeth, b. Aug.24, 1741, m. Aug.31, 1768, William Ramsey of A.

31 DAVID 4 (Philip 3, William 2. William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Nov. 4, 1696, m. Nov.18, 1722, Mary Goodwin of A., there, where she was b. He was a far. and moved to Newton, N. H., abt. 1751. His will was pro. at Exeter, 1767, and names daut. Mary Colby and others; c. b. at A.
i. Mary 5, b. Nov.19, 1728, in. Roger Eastman, res. Weare, N. H., and Newbury, Vt. (See father's will
ii. Sarah, b. March 29, 1724, m. Feb. 4, 1742, at A., Moses Colby, res. Dunbarton, N. H.
iii. Susanna, b. May 24, 1727, d. iv. Hannah, b. Feb. 7, 1780, d.
95....... v. David, b. April 8, 1787.s.

32 Jonathan 4 (Philip 3,William 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., March 15, 1698, m. Jeminia -- ? He d. 1755 at A. He was a far:,res. at A. His will was pro. at Salem, 1755, and c. b. at A.
i. Susanna 5, b. March 14, 1728, m. Oct.12, 1749, Jacob Colby.
96.... ii. Jonathan, b. April 16, 1725.s.
iii. Philip, b. March 29, 1729, d. and his will prob. at Salem, 1759, in favor of his brother Sterling.
97...... iv. Sterling, b. May 25,1731.s.
v. Hannah, b. Oct. 9, 1737, m. a Mr. Davis; c. Dorcas.

33 Philip 4 (Philip 3, William 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., April 7, 1703; m. July 23, 1724, Martha Hadley. He res. A., c. b. there.
i. Martha 5. b. July 14, 1725. ii. Rachel, b. Mar.22, 1728.
iii. Margaret, b. March 15, 1729.
98...... iv. Philip, b. May 9.1731.s.
99....... v. Abel, b. Sept.10, 1734 s.
100 Samuel, b. Oct.10, 1737; m. May 19, 1757, Sarah Kendrick of A., there. He res. in Kingston, N. H.; c. i. Sarah 6, b. 1763; m. 1781, Micajah Pillsbury and res. at Sutton.
vii. Dorothy, b. Sept.12, 1740.
101... viii. Noah, b. July 4,1743. (The will of a Noah of Dunbarton was pro. at Exeter, 1807, and names "wife Martha.")
ix. Sarah, b. Dec. 3, 1745; m. June 17, 1767, Willoby Colby a carp. of Bow.
x. Jesse, b. Jan.15, 1749, d. Newton, unm.

34 Timothy 4. (Charles 3 , William 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., March 11, 1698, m. Nov. 12, 1720, Mary Williams of Newbury. He was a far. and d. 1769, at A. where he res. and c. were b. His will was pro. at Salem, 1769.
102 .....i. Enoch 5 b. June 18, 1721 s.
103 ...ii. Henry, b. May 9, 1723. s.
104 ..iii. Timothy, b. March 26, 1725
iv Mary, b March 14 1726 m Jan 23, 1746, Reuben Page of A.
v. Sarah b March 14 I726 m Jan 4, 1750, Joseph Harvey of A.
105. .vi. Charles, b Dec 27, 1728. s.
106..vii Thomas, b April 2, 1731 not named in father's will.
107. viii Eliphalet b June 26, 1733, not named in father's will.
108 ....ix Samuel b Nov. 6, 1735. s.

35. Samuel 4 (Charles 3 etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Sept. 22, 1703, m.Nov. 16, 1725, Abigail Davis of Haverhill. His will was dated 1782 and pro. 1789 at Salem. He was a far. and c. b. at A.
109 i. Samuel 5. (His father's will names "Susanna and Sarah children of my son Samuel deceased." A Samuel married Elizabeth Beede at A. Sept 29 1743)
110... ii. William b. Oct 11, 1727. s.
iii Abigail b, April 14, 1730. m. John Straw.
iv. Mary, b. April 16, 1734, in. Nathaniel Whittier.
111.... v. Nehemiah, b. abt. 1737.s.
vi. Miriam, Sept.15, 1744, in. Parmenas Watson.
36..... Elias 4 (Charles 3, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Aug. 10.1707, m. Sept. 21,1727, Anna Hadley of A. there; c. b. at A. (an Elias m. Jan. 23, 1774, Mary Williams at A.)
112 ...i. Elias 5, b. Dec. 8, 1728.s.
113.. ii. Trueworthy, b. Sept. 14, 1729.s.
iii. Hannah, b. Jan.21, 1731.
iv. Anna. b. Jan. 23, 1733, m. Oct. 28,1751, David Kimball, Newton. N. H.
v. Sarah, b. Jan. 1, 1735, m. Nov. 14,1757, Rev. William Johnson of A.
vi. Elizabeth b. April 22 1737.
114 vii. Charles, b. March 3, 1739 m. Mary---, d. in Goffstown, N.H., and was in the revo. war. His will was pro. at Nashua, June 10, 1810, and names "wife Mary, daughters Lois V?udder and Susanna Stephens."
viii. Mary, b.. April 2, 1742.
ix. Basheba, b Nov 27, 1744.
115... x. John, b. May 12, 1747. s.

37 Winthrop 4 (Jacob 3, William 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Oct. 28, 1711, m. June 13, 1738, Phebe Healey of Chester, N. H., there. She was b. 1716, d. Nov. 4, 1806; he d. Dec. 7, 1787, both at Chester, where they res. and are bur. He was a far. and held office; c. b. at C.
i. Jessie 5, b. Dec. 22, 1738, m. John Sanborn of Sandown; she d. 1832.
116.. ii. Moses, b. May 2, 1743.s. iii. Mary, b. May 14, 1745.
117.. iv. John. b. March 17, 1746.s.
118.. v. Abraham, b. Feb.28, 1748.s.
vi. Phebe, b. March 21,1751, m. Ebenezer Eaton, Candia.
vii. Judith, b. Jan. 15, 1752, m. David Hall and d. 1833.
viii. Sarah, b. Jan 19, 1755, m. Samuel Dearborn.

39 Theophilus 4 (Jacob 3, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., 1720, m. June 13, 1753, Lydia Mitchell of Haverhill, there. He d. Sept. 23, 1807, at Candia, N. H., where be res. and is bur. He was a far., captain in the State Militia and held public office; c. b. at C.
i. Samuel 5, b. April 22, 1754, d. ii. Samuel, b. April 11, 1756, d. 1762.
iii. Jacob, b. Nov.20, 1758, d . Sept.24, 1762.
iv. Lydia, b. Jan. 29, 1762, m. Moses Emerson of Candia, d. '84.
v. Judith, b. Oct.22, 1763, m. Sept. 8, 1784, John Eaton.
119. vi. Theophilus, b Aug. 5, 1765.s.
120 .vii. Moses b. July 5, 1768, d. unm.
121. viii. Jonathan, b. Oct. 12, 1772. s.

40 John 4, (Jacob 3 etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., about. 1727, m. April 29, 1753, Susanna Harriman of Chester, N. H., there. She d. Feb.13, 1807, he d Nov. 14, 1797, both in Candia, which was set off from Chester. His will was pro. 1797 at Exeter. He was a far. and held office; c. b. in both towns; order?
i. Dorothy b. March 22, 1754, m. Joshua Emery of Loudon.
ii. Hannah , m. Oct. 4, 1814, Jeremiah Towle of Hill.
122 ..iii. John, b. Dec. 26, 1764. s.
123... iv. Jacob b July 27, 1768. s. v. Sarah, d. April 17, 1802, unm.
124.. vi. James, b. Oct 6, 1770, m. Oct. 6, 1808 Elizabeth Rowe of Candia. She d. Apr. 28, 1833; he d. Mar. 16, 1841, at C. He was a far.

41 Nathaniel Peaslee ( Christopher 4, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 William 1) b Methuen Mass Nov. 2, 1731, m Feb 3, 1759, Rhoda Barnard of Haverhill, there. She d. Oct.9, 1774. He m. 2nd Mrs Mary Leavett, maiden name Livingston. She d . October 12, 1791, ,all at Haverhill, where they res. and are bur. He was a grad. of Harvard University I 750, a 1awyer, held many, public positions and Judge of the Supreme Court of Mass. Will probated, Salem, 1791, c all of 1st m. H.
i. Rhoda, b Mar 24, 1759, m Colton Kimball of H.
ii Nathaniel P., b Jan 16, 1761, d.
iii Jonathan, b. Jan 16, 1763 (A Betsey, wife of a J., d. Nov. 15, 1830, at Newton, NH)
iv. Susanna, b Feb. 1, 1765, m. Rev. Mr. Huntington of Rye, NH
v. Elizabeth, b Apr. 5, 1767
vi. Tabitha, b. Apr. 21, 1769, m. Mr. Prentis, Derry, NH, d. 1806
vii. Mary, b. Aug. 24, 1771, m. Garlan H. Fry, a painter of H., d 1808
Sarah, b. Feb. 17, 1774, d. Mar. 4, 1803

42 MOSES 5* (Christopher 4, etc.) b. Methuen, Mass., May 28, 1738, m. Elizabeth _____ She d. April 20, 1767. He m. Nov.29, 1767, Esther Runnels of Boxford. He d. and was bur. at M. He was one of those from M. that responded at the battle of Lexington. He was a far.; c. b. at M., five by 1st m., one by 2d m.

i. Elizabeth 6, b. May 22.1758, m. July 28, 1777, Peter Poor of Andover.
ii. Susanna, b. Jan. 31, 1761, m. Aug.27, 1777, Capt. Richard Ayer of Concord, N. H., and had 11 c.
127 iii. Christopher, b. Aug. 18.1768.s.
iv. Hannah, b. March 21.1765, m. Mr. Brown of Derry
128 v. Moses, b. April 14, 1767, m-in. was published in Danville. Vt., July 16, 1801, to widow Sarah Whitcher, Warner, N.H., but is said to have d. unm.
129 vi. Asa, b. Sept.25, 1769.s.

43 Elijah 5* (Christopher 4, etc.) b. Methuen, Mass., June 22, 1739, m. Oct.28, 1766, Lydia Swan of M., there. She was b. 1746, d. Nov. 28,1771. He m. Dec. 9, 1773, Dorcas Fox of Dracut, at M. She d. and he m. Catherine Williams of Windham, N. H.; pub. Jan.17, 1789. He d. at W. in 1798. He responded as a minute-man at the battle of Lexington, and was in the revo. army in 1775. His c. b one by the 1st m.., six by the 2d and two by the 3d m.; seven in M., two last in W

180 i. Nathaniel 6 b Aug. 6, 1767, m. Oct. 31, 1791, Patty Quimby of M..
ii. Abigail, b. Aug 29 1776. m. Sept.30, 1804, Mr. Rounds.
181 iii. Isaac Fox b. March 31, 1778.
iv. Lydia, b. May 11, 1780, m. John Nesmith of W., c. John P.; Isabella; Susan; Samuel H; James P.; Mary; Thomas; Elizabeth; Albert S.; Charles E.
v. Dorcas, b. Jan 6, 1782
182 vi. Christopher b Apr. 5, 1784.
188 vii. Elijah, b. Jan. 2, 1786 s.
184 viii. Simeon Finley, b. June 9, 1791.
ix. Susanna P., b. Feb. 19, 1796, m. Daniel Hood, Portland, Me

45 Thomas 5, (Christopher 4, etc.) b. Methuen, Mass., July 22, 1756,m. Oct.15, 1780, Mrs. Hannah Smith. She d. Nov. 15, 1788. Hem. Feb. 26, 1792, Nancy Hall of Chester, N. H., there. She d. . Nov. 22,1817. He m. Feb. 27, 1820, Eliza G. Ladd. She d. in 1830; he d. Nov 18 1829. He was an M. D. , res in C. to 1817, then at Hartford, Ca. His c. b. at C three by 1st and four by 2nd.

i. John 6 b. Sept. 18,1 782, d. Aug. 9, 1783
ii.Sa11y , b June 21, 1784, m. Oct 24, 1811 Samuel Head, d. , d. 1854.
135 iii Edmund T., b. . April 30 786, d. March 31, 1796.
136 iv John b. April 22. 1793 s vii Mary J. , d. unm
v. Hannah S., , b. Aug. 12, 1794, m Dr. James Brown, 2nd Robert Smith.
vi Nancy H. b. . Nov. 15, l798 m Rice Dudley, Pembrooke, N. H.
46 Orlando 5 (Moses 4, Thomas 3 Thomas 2 William 1) b Amesbury, Mass April 21, 1 1728. m . Sarah Balch, Dec 26, , 1751 , of Groveland, at Bradford. She was b. 1733, d. Dec. 10, 1753. He m. Jan. 9, 1755, Betsy Barnard. She was b. 1732, d. Nov. 3, 1808.he d. Apr. 3, 1803, all at A., where he res. and all were bur.. He was a far, held office, and his will was pro. at Salem, 1803; c b. at A., one by 1st m. , others by 2 m.

i Abigail 6, b. Jan 22 1753, m. Mr. Bagley.
ii. Sarah, b. Dec 14 1755, m. Dec.25, 1777, Robert Quinby of A.
137 iii. Moses, b. July, 4 1757.s. iv. Jonathan, b. Feb.25, 1759, d.
v. Betsy, b .Jan 19, 1761.d. Aug. 16,1761.
vi. Tabitha, b July 4, 1763, m. Joseph Morse of A.
vii. Jonathan b. July 16, 1765, d. May 20, 1795.
138 viii. Ichabod B. b Dec 27,1766.s.
139 ix. Orlando, b Jan 20 1769.s.
x. Betsy, b. March 10, 1771, d.
xi. Molly, b. June 12, 1773, d. July 21, 1781.
xii. Rhoda, b July 29 1775, in. Robert Patten of A.

47 CHRISTOPHER 5, (Moses 4, etc,) b. Amesbury ,Mass., May 18,1740,m. June 12, 1759, Anna, dau. 21 Robert of A., there, where she was b. Aug. 29,1741, d.July 31, 1824; he d. Nov. 10,1830, both at A.,
where they res. and are bur. He was a far.; will pro. at Salem, 1830, and c. b. at A.
i. Anna 6, b. April 5, 1760, m. May 17, 1781, Hezekiah Blaisdell of A., res. Sutton, N. H.; c. John, Mary, Ann, Miriam, Christopher, Stephen, Hezekiah.
ii. Moses b. April 22, 1762, d. '66. iii. Nicholas, b. June 21, 1764 d.
iv Dorothy b. Oct. 14, 1766. m. Dec.15, 1785, Joseph Greely, res. at S.; she d. 1835; c. PoIIy, Sally, Dolly, Betsy, Sophia, Joseph, Gilman.
v. Betsy b. April 1, 1769, m. 144 Thomas.
140 vi Christopher, b. Oct.24, 1771.s.
vii. Rhoda b. Feb. 4, 1744, m. Oct.20, 1793, Jacob Harvey of S.; c., Moses S., Sally, Jacob, Joseph;, m; . 2d, Samuel Rogers, mov. to Ohio.
viii Sarah b July 12, 1776, d. Aug. 23, 1796.
141 ix. Stephen, b. Dec.21, 1778.s. x. Moses, b. May 9, 1781, d. '82.
xi. Polly, b. Feb. 21, 1784, m. Joseph Harvey, res. at Carmel, Me.; c. Joseph ; Sally ; Hannah; Ann ; John Mary.

48 Thomas 5 (Stephen 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Sept. 2, 1731, m. June 5, 1755, Judith Rogers of A., there. She was b. June 17, 1733, d. March 5, 1809; he d. May 1,1775. He was a far. res. at A., bur., and c. b. there.
i. A c b. Feb. 17, 1756, d. ii. Edner, 1). Apr 5, 1757, d. 1841.
iii. Lois, b Oct.24, 1760, 6. April, 1805. (One m. Wm. Dutton of A., Nov. 30, 1786.)
142 iv. Robert, b. Nov. 9,1763, d. Nov.14, 1789.
143 v. James, b. Aug. 6, 1766.s.
144 vi. Thomas, b. Sept. 9, 1768. s
145 vii. Stephen, b. May 16, 1771, s.
146 viii. Enoch, b.Jan. 30,1774.s. ix. Judith. b. Dec.13, 1776,d.1816.

49 James 5 (Stephen 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., July 3, 1733, m. Jan. 4, 1759, Meribah Ordway. He d. Methuen, April 13, 1807; was a far. and c. b. there.

147 i. Stephen 6, b. May15, 1759; will pro. at Salem 1833.
148 ii. James, b. Nov 9, 1760.s.
149 iii. Joel, b. Nov.29, 1762, m. Sept. 1809, Mrs. Hannah Curtis at Salem, N. H. He d. Nov.15, 1819, at S.
150 iv. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 15, 1764.s.
151 v. Amasa, b. March 12, 1767. (An Amasa m. Hannah Hibbard at M., Oct. 11, 1819)
v. Persis, b. Nov.21, 1772, m Moses Messer of M.
vii. Mary, b. Oct. 6, 1774, m. 82 Jacob.

51 PETER 5 (Stephen 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Nov. 2,1736, m. April 26, 1759, Ruth Nichols of A., there. She d. and he m. Ruth Challis of Sunapee, N, H., (maiden name Hill.) He d. March 4, 1816, at New London where he res. and is bur. He res. Newbury and A., then at Hopkinton and London. He was a far.; c. of 1st m.? one b. N., one b. A., l0 in H., one in N. L.
152 i. Anthony 6, b. Feb.17, 1760.s.
ii. Abigail, b. June 11, 1761, m. Jan.11, 1788. Abner Whicher, N. L.; c William; Phineas; Osgood; Abigail; Cynthia.
iii. Ruth, b. Feb.11, 1763, m. March 12, 1781, Humphry Nichols, Warner.
iv. Judith, b. Nov.17. 1764, m. Abner Whicher, his 2d m.
158 v. Peter. b. Aug. 7, 1766.s.
154 vi. Ebenezer, b. April 8, 1768.s.
155 vii. Amasa, b. March 6, 1770.s.
156 viii. John, b. Oct.25. 1771.s.
ix. Molly, b. Oct.25, 1771, m. Samuel Adams, N. L.
157 x. Ezekiel, b. Nov. 8, 1778.s.
158 xi. Stephen, b. March 8, 1776.s.
159 xii. William, b. Feb.10, 1778.s.
xiii. Lois, b. March 10, 1782, m. June, 1805, Nathan Herrick of N. L. and mov. to Kan.
52 NATHAN 5, (Stephen 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., April 10, 1738, m. Jan. 2, 1760, Jemima Bradley of A., there. She was b. 1735, d. Dec.14, 1812. He m. Hannah . He d. Sept.16, 1818, at Hopkinton, N. H., where he was bur. his will was pro. at Exeter, 1818. Names wife Hannah. He was a far., res. at A., then H; he was a soldier in the revo. war; c., 3 first b. at A., others at H.
i. Miriam 6, b. Dec 21,1760, m 152 Anthony.
ii. Betty, b. June 12, 1763, in. Mr. Herrick.
160 iii. Abner. b. June 11, 1765, d. May 10, 1818, unm.
161 iv. Moses, b Sept. 8, 1767. s.
162 v. Stephen, b. May 7, 1769.s.
vi. Molly, b. April 10, 1771. in. Amos Currier, M. D., H.
vii. Hannah, b.June 7, 1778, d. April 25, 1812, unm.
viii. Jemima, b. June 3, 1775, d. 1824. ix. Sarah, b. May 13, 1777, d.
x. Sarah, b. May 7, 1778, m. Joshua Morse of Solon, 0.; c. Prudence; Joshua.
53 ABNER 5, (Stephen 4. etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Aug.18, 1741, m. Oct. 22, 1766, Sarah Rowell of A., there. He d. Aug. 1792. at Warner, N. H., where he and wife are bur. He res. in A. to 1780, then W.; was a far.; c. 1st, 7b.. A., others at W.
163 i. Nathan 6, b. July 27, 1767, accidentally killed 1786.
ii. Elizabeth, b. Aug.26. 1770, m. April 12, 1792, Ezekiel Colby, a far. W. She d. 1856; c., Nathan; Thomas; Rosamond; Patty; Fanny;Jane; Sabrina.
164 iii. Stephen, b. March 23, 1772.s.
165 iv. William R., b. March 23, 1772.s.
v. Sarah, b. March 3, 1775, in. Aug.15, 1799, Adams Morrill, a far. of W. She d. 1828. c. Stephen S., b 1800; Sarah S., 1801; Eliza, 1803; Isaac S. 1804; Adams, 1806; Susan, 1808; Mary, 1811; Judith S., 1818; Henry, 1815; Hannah, 1818.
vi. Judith, b. May 6, 1777. d. March 16, 1866, unm.
166 vii. Abner, b. July 8,1779.s.
167 viii. Thomas, b. June 2, 1782.s.
ix. Lois, b June 2, 1782, m. Nov.23, 1809, Isaac Atkinson, a far. of W., res. at Boscawen; c. Bradley. She d. 1870.
168 x. Isaac, b. Nov.21, 1786.s.

54 AMASA 5 (Stephen 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Dec.11, 1744, m. 1770, Mary Webster. He m. Oct.18, 1774, Sarah, dau. 21 Robert, of A., there. She was b. 1750, d. Sept.20, 1833; he d. Sept.25, 1815, all at A., now Merrimac, where they res. and are b. He was a far. and c. b. at A., two by 1st m., others by 2d m.
i. Mary 6, b. July 2, 1770.
ii. Martha, b. Dec. 25, 1771, m. March 13, 1791, Joseph Welch of Enfield, N. H.
169 iii. Moses, b. May, 26, 1777.s.
170 iv. John, b. Oct.12, 1779, m. May 28, 1806, Polly Nichols of A., there where she was b. June 28, 1778. He d.Jan. 8.1869, at A. where he res. and both were bur. He was a car. mauf. No c.
171 v. Edmund, b. Oct.31, 1785.s.
172 vi. Stephen, b. Jan. 8, 1788.s.
173 vii. Robert, b. Jan. 8, 1788.s.
174 viii. Paine, b. Dec. 6, 1790,m. Nov.15. 1815, Hannah Patten of A., there, where she was b. March 18, 1794. Both d. and are bur. at Newburyport. He was a carriage bow mauf
55 Eziekiel 5 (Stephen 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., March 12, 1745, m Sept.29, 1784, Betsey Kelley of A., there. She was b. June 9.1765, d. July 16, 1846 ; he d. Sept.15, 1821, both at A. where they res. and are bur. He was a far. His will was prob. at Salem 1821; c. b. at A.
175 i. Ezekiel, b. Aug. 31, 1785 s.
176 ii. Stephen. b. April 13, 1787.s.
iii. Betsey, b. Oct.27, 1789. m. Dec.30, 1807, Enos Heath of A.
iv. Sally, b. April 16, 1793, d. Aug.14, 1822.
v. Hannah, b. April 17, 1795, m. Oct. 1, 1816, Levi Young of Haverhill. She d, Feb. 1882.
177 vi. Nathan, h. Aug.14, 1797.s.
178 vii. Abner, b. Oct. 5, 1799.s.
179 viii. John K., b. March 1, 1802. s.
ix. Judith, b. April 4, 1804, m. Nov. 6, 1823, Rev. Thomas Gile, and d. March, 1891; c., Thomas W., b. 1826; Andrew J., 1829; W. Fisk, 1832; Judith, 1840;John S., 1842.
x. and xi., son and daut. d. 1806 and 1808, in inf.

56 Moses 5, (Stephen 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Jan. 25, 1750, m. May 11, 1775, Mary, daut. 24 Josiah of A., there. She was b. May 14, 1755, d.Jan. 26, 1830; he died. Sept. 1,1800, both at A., where they res. and are bur. He was a far. and c. b. at A.

180 i. Josiah 6, b. May 15, 1776.s. ii. Molly, b. Feb. 3, 1778, d. '93.
181 iii. Stephen, b. Feb. 18, 1780. (One m. Jan.21, 1808, at Concord, N. H., Jennie Noyes, both of Bow.)
iv. Judith, b. Feb.25, 1782, d. Jan 24,1831, unm.
v. Sally, b. March 14,1784, m. 171 Edmund.
vi. Lois, b. Oct.10, 1786, m. March 22,1802, Francis Smiley of A.,d.1850.

57 Ebenezer 5, Stephen 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Nov.10, 1753, m. April 12, 1782, Lydia Williams of A., there. He d. April 8, 1831, at Warner, N. H., where he res. and c. were b. He was a far. His will was pro. at Concord, 1831, and names c. given below:
182 i. James 6, b. Sept.25. 1782.s. ii. Unes,m. Windsor Ward.
iii. Rhoda, m. Aug. 9, 1815, John Parsons. iv. Lydia, m. John Foster.
183 v. Stephen, b. March 29, 1790.s.

58 Thomas 5, (Thomas 4, Jacob 3, Thomas 2, WilIiam 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Aug. 6, 1728, m. Jan. 3, 1751, Mary Barnard of A., there. Both d. A., where they res., are bur. and c. were b.
i. Priscilla 6, b. Aug.25, 1751, m. Dec.14, 1775, John Weed of A.
184 ii. Barnard, b. March 30, 1753,.s.
185 iii. Benjamin, b. May 9, 1757. (One enlisted from Pembrooke, N. H., 1780, in revo. war.)
186 iv. Ephraim, b. May 9.1757.s.
v. Judith, b. Oct. 5, 1766, m. Mr. Shearer? Deerfield. N. H.

61 Isaac 5, (Thomas 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Nov. 1, 1738, m. Ruth Blaisdell of A. She d. July 15, 1805; he d. Nov.26, 1818, both at Hartland, Vt., where they are bur. He res. in A., then Weare, N. H., and moved to Hartland and bought a farm of his brother, 64 Moses in 1792. He was a far. By war department r. he was in Gen. Stark's brigade for two months from July 19, 1777, and at the battle of Bennington, a soldier in the revo. war. Held office and c. b. in W. and H., order?
i. Abigail 6, m. Nov. 7, 1793, Winthrop Marcy, H.; 5 c.
187 ii. Elijah, b. March 17, 1781.s.
iii. Hannah, b. 1785, d. May 10, 1855, unm.
iv. Alice, m. Oct.30 1805, Elias Shattuck. res. in Warren; a son.
v. Priscilla. vi. Rebecca, m. Thomas Hatch, Elmore; 5 c.
vii. Martha, b., m. Thomas Shaw of H.; 5 c.
viii. Ruth, b., m. Levi Marcy of H.; c., Solomon; Nancy; Abial; Hannah; Lucy.
63 ASA 5, (Thomas 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., April 19, 1742, m Judith ______. He d. April 16, 1812, Weare, N. H., where he was a far., bur.; c. b. at A.
188 i. Jacob 6, b. Feb.. 17, 1765. s.
189 ii. Asa, b. Dec. 5, 1772.s.
64 Moses 5, (Thomas 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Jan. 12, 1757, m. Feb.22, 1779, Sarah Cram of Weare, N.H. She was b. Feb. 6, 1761, d. Oct.30, 1820, Warren, Vt. He m. abt. 1821, Mrs. Ruth Burroughs of Roxbury. He d. Aug.11, 1839, at W. where he and his first wife are bur. He was a far. and moved to Hartland in the spring of 1789, then to Windsor in 1793, and to Warren in 1804. He enlisted in the revo. war from A., May, 1775, for eight months, Capt. Currier; July, 1776, six months, Capt. Brown; Sept., 1777, two months, and July, 1778, three months, Capt. Eaton. From Weare, July, 1779, three months, Capt. Dearing; March, 1780, nine months, Capt. Cheney; July for three, Capt. Kidder, and Oct. for two months in 1781, Capt. Hall; total, three years. He was a pensioner. W. hist. gives him as a corporal and received a bounty. He was one of the first settlers of Warren, represented the town and held office almost continuously for many years; c. all by 1st m., three b. in Weare and others in Windsor. Six c. d. in inf. not given.
190 i. Phineas 6, b. May 30, 1780, m. 1801, d. March 26, 1802
ii Sarah. b. April 17, 1785, m. March 20, 1806. Samuel B. Spaulding, a far. Roxhury, Vt. She d. Sept., 1851; c. Sarah P., b. 1811; Silas B., 1817; Moses S., 1820.
191 iii Stephen L., b.Jan. 19, l789.s.
192 iv. Moses, b. March 20, 1791. s
v. Polly, b. Oct. 2.1793, m. Oct.11, 1811, Justin Jacobs, a clergyman of Warren, res. Chester, Wis. She d. May, 1880; c. Fernando C., b. 1813; Justin, 1815; Emily, 1817; Mary C., 1820.
193 vi. Thomas, b. May 18, l797.s.

66 BENJAMIN 5, (Benjamin 4, Jacob 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Aug. 4, 1743, m. March 3, 1768, Sarah Harvey of A., there. She was b. Aug.23, 1747, d. Oct. 30, 1826; he d. Sept. 8, 1816, both at Warner, N. H., where they res. and were bur. He was a far., res. at A. to 1781, then W. First six c. b. at A. and others at W. He was selectman at W. in 1787.

194 i: Humphrey 6, b.Jan. 29, l769.s.
ii. Eunice, b: Oct.13, 1770, m. June 16, 1791, John Patten of W. c. Cyrus; Jesse; Asa; Hannah; Dorcas.
195 iii. Simeon, b. April 23, 1772.s. iv. Hulda, b. Sept.12, 1774, d. 1851.
196 v. Asa, b. Aug.23, 1776, m. Feb. 14.1799, Betsey Davis of W., there. He was a far. and res. at W. where he d. Feb.20, 1805, and is bur.; c. i. Betsey D .7, b. at W., Jan. 5, 1804.
vi. Sarah. b. Oct. 10, 1778, m. Aug. 29. 1797, Joseph Clement of W.; c. Millie; Elsie; John S., he m. daut. 201 John.
vii. Judith, b. March 24,1781, m. May 21,1801, David Heath of W., d. 1802.
197 viii. Isaac C.. b. Jan.20, 1783.s. ix. Benjamin, b. Oct.19, 1784, d.
198 x. Benjamin, b. June 5, 1786.s.
199 xi. Moses, b. May 1,1788. s. xii. Aaron, b. June 22, 1790, d. '94.

68 Joseph 5 (Joseph 4, Joseph 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Aug. 20,1751, m. Aug.12, 1773, Judith Harvey of A., there, where she was b. Sept.28, 1755, d. Oct.24, 1831; he d. Jan. 5,1841, both at Warner, N. H., where he res., was a far. and is bur. He res. in Hopkinton and W.; c. b. at W.
200 i. Levi 6, b. Sept.21, 1777.s.
201 ii. John b.. Nov.23, l779.s.
202 iii. Joseph, b. Nov. 7, 1781.s.
203 iv. David, b. Oct. 5, 1783, m. March 30, 1816, Eleanor Flanders of W., there, where she was b. March 20, 1792, d. July 14,1871; he d. March 7, 1858, both at W.; no c.
204 v. Zebulon, b. March 2,1786.s.
205 vi. Ambrose C., 1). July 26, 1788, in. Betsey Colby of W. She was b. April 13, 1790, d. Jan. 5, 1864; he d. Dec.14, 1853, at W.; c. i. Emeline 7, m. Isaac K. Cannon of W.; ii. Hulda; both d.
206 vii. Caleb, b. Feb. 13, 1791.s.
viii. Judith. b. Dec.29, 1792, m. Jun. 25, 1817, at W., Ezekiel Barnard of Orange, Vt. She d 1853; c. Sarah; Roxa; Phebe; Jennett J., m 489 Joshua C.; Daniel; Clark.
207 ix. Clark, b Jan. 4,1795.s.
x. Sarah, b. Dec.23, 1796, m. James Clough of 0., d. 1890; c. Betsey; Harrison; Leonard; Julia; Mary A.; Joseph; Miranda.
xi. Miriam, b. Aug.18, 1799, m. Dec. 5, 1822, Enoch Currier of W., d. 1879; c. Miriam; Harriet; Henry; Augustus; Charles; Ethan; Fanny; Lawson; Adele.
70 Zebulon 5 (Joseph 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Sept. 7, 1759, m. May 16, 1786, Hannah, daut. 24 Josiah, of A., there, where she was b. July 14, 1765, d. April 3, 1815; he d. April 2, 1814, both at A. where he res., was a far., bur. and c. b.
i. Nabby 6, b. June 6, 1787. ii. Eliza, b. March. 8, 1789.
208 iii. Joseph, b. Feb.19, 1794.s. iv. William, b. Dec.31, 1795, d. 1813.
v. Hannah, b. March 21, 1803. (A H. of A. m. Jan.31, 1827, John Sawyer.)

71 Joshua 5 (Joseph 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Aug. 4, 1762, m. Aug. 25, 1784, Mary Hoyt of A. She was b. 1763, d. Nov.15, 1807. He m. Feb. 8, 1810, Betsey French. She d. April 14, 1835, he d. March 18, 1833, all at Loudon, N. H., where they res., were bur., and c. b.
i. Jonathan 6, b. March 9, 1785, d. July 31.
ii. Meriam, b. Nov.21, 1786, m. Mr. Cross, Salem.
211 iii. Jonathan, b. Oct.28, 1788.s. iv. Moses, b. April 6, 1790, res. S. A.
212 v. Joseph H., b. Dec.21, 1791.s.
vi. Mary, b. Feb. 6, 1794, m. William Coombs, Long Island, Me.
213 vii. Levi, b. June 6, 1795.s.
214 viii. Thomas, b. March 6, 1797.s.
215 ix. Gideon L., b. Dec. 31, 1798.s.
216 x. William, b. Dec.13, 1800.s.
217 xi. Jacob, b. June 16, 1802, s.
218 xii. Joshua, b. Dec.28, 1803.s. xiii. Sally, b. Aug.27, 1805.
xiv. Olive W., b. Nov.15, 1807, m. Mr. Bradford; c. John; 2d m. Samuel Austin of Kingston. She d. and bur. there.

72 Jacob 5 (Joseph 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., April 10, 1765, m. Sept. 30, 1789, Anna Stocker of A., where he was a far., d. and c. b.

219 i. Levi 6. res. Springfield?
ii . Miriam, b. Jan.10, 1791, m. Caleb Mitchell, a car. manu
iii Sally, m. James Sanders of Weare, N. H.
iv. Martha, b. Jan.22, 1805.
220 v. Nicholas, b. Sept.27, 1807.s. vi. Nancy. m. John Stocker
vii. Betsey, m. Mr. Dockam of Lynn. viii. Jacob, drowned 1856.
ix. Anna, m. William Lunt of Merrimac.
x. Patty, m. Jan.19, 1825, at A., Caleb Kimball, res. Boston.
221 xi. Newell L., m. Sept. 4, 1844, at A., Mary A. Goodwin; c. i. Mary E 7, b. Aug.16, 1845.

73 Hezekiah 5 (Robert 4 ,John 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Dec.28, 1745, m. June 12, 1777, Mary, daut. 16 Stephen, of A., there, where she was b. Nov.17, 1751, d. Feb. 7, 1830; he d. Nov. 28, 1812, both at A. where he res., was a far., bur. and c. b. His will was pro. at Salem, 1812.

i. Eunice 6, b. June 15, 1778, m. June 7, 1796, Richard Kelley of Hopkinton, N. H., a son of 16 Lois; c. Amos, b. 1796; Judith, 1799; Hannah, 1803; May, 1804; Lois, 1807; Belinda; Rhoda; Lucy; Betsey.
ii. Judith, b. Aug.18, 1779. iii. Dolly, b. March 5, 1781, m. J. Davis.
222 iv. Nicholas, b. April 1, 1783.s.
223 v. Edmund, b. June 15, 1785,m.Dec. 25,1817, Sarah Bartlett of Newton, N. H., there. She was b. 1797, d. Jan.25, 1828. He m. Nancy Gale. She was b. March 1, 1805, at N., d. Sept. 3, 1887; he d. April 15,1849, at Hopkinton, and bur. there.

74 Joshua 5 (Robert 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., 1748,m. June 20, 1782, Miriam Buzwell of A., there. She d. 1816; he d 1814 both at A., where he was a far., res., bur. and c. b.
224 i Willis 6, b. Dec.26, 1783. s
225 ii. Joshua. b. Dec.26, 1785.s.
226 iii. William, b. Oct.22, 1787, m. Judith Lunt of Newbury; res. and c. b. there; c. i. Martha 7; ii. Miriam.
iv. Molly, b. Sept.25, 1788.
227 v. Noah b. April 1, 1790, m. Dec. 8, 1824, at A., Hannah Sargent. He d. Oct. 18,1826.
vi. Sarah, b. April 19, 1792. vii. Smith, b. Oct. 6, 1796.

75 Amos 5 (Robert 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., March 18? 1762, m. Sept. 11, 1783, Sarah Patten of Haverhill. She was b. Dec., 1763, d. Feb. 27, 1843; he d. Feb.17, 1842, at St. Johnsbury, Vt., where they are bur. He was a far. and mason, res. at H. to abt. 1821, then at St. J.; c. b. at H.
228 i.John P 6, b. Feb.25, 1784.s.
229 ii. Robert, b. Nov. 20, 1785. s.
230 iii. David b. Jan . 18, 1788. s.
231 iv. Jonathan b Jan 18, 1788
232 v.Edmund b Oct 5 1790 s.
233 vi. Amos b. Jan 17, 1793 s
234 vii. Moses b. June 23, 1795 s
235 viii. George W. b. Nov 23, 1797.s.
ix. Sally, b Jan 7, 1800 m Sept.80, 1824, Warren Vincent.
x. Anna C b Jul 2, 1 1802, m. March 21, 1825, Horace Huntoon.
xi Ruth b July 21, 1804 m. Feb. 23, 1823, Jefferson Butler of St. J. c. George W., Jerome b. 1832 Lafayette S., 1834; Sarah.
xii. Rhoda, b. Oct. 3, 1806, m. March 2, 1829, Charles Snow.

76 John 5 (Robert 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., 1770, m. Nov.10, 1790, Sarah Worthen of Sanborton, N. H., at A. She was b. Nov., 1764, d. March 14, 1814, at S. He d. June 25, 1797, at A. where they res., he was bur. and c. b.

i. Hannah 6, b. March 19, 1793, m. 225 Joshua.
236 ii. Richard, b. Dec. 1, 1794, m. Dec. 4,1817. Mary Sargent of A., there where they res. He was a tanner and d. March 5 1875.
iii. Rhoda, b, April 5, 1797, m. 225 Joshua.

78 John 5 (John 4. John 3. Thomas 2, William 1). Methuen, Mass., Aug. 5, 1749, m. Sept.12, 1771, Elizabeth Bodwell of M., there. She d. Nov. 29, 1803. He m. Oct. 12, 1804, Dorothy Huse of M., there. She was b. 1773, at Wilton, N. H., d. Aug. 8, 1852, at M., where they res. and c. b.
238 i. Asa 6 b. April 25,1773. (Supposed to have been the surgeon in the navy in 1800)
ii Abigail b. Jan. . 26.1775, m. Sept. 17, 1804, Stephen Runnells of M.
iii Molly b April 21, 1777, m. July 2, 1801, John Cluff of M.; c. Asa; Jonathan Elizabeth; Abigail; Emeline; Stephen; Mary.
iv Elizabeth b. May 20, 1779, d. '88. v. Frederick, b. Apr. 17, 1781.
vi Sally b. May l7,1783,m.Oct.23, 1817, Daniel Morrill of Sutton, N. H.
vii Sophia, b. Apr. 27, 1785. d. '88. viii. John, b. May 15, 1787, d.
239 ix John T b. April 24, 1790. s.
240x. William A., b. Jan. 26, 1792. s.

xi. Eliza B., b. May 20.1794, m. April 27, 1824, Ebenezer Kimball of M.; c Eliza; John; Georganna; Sylvanus; Merrill; Daniel.
241 xii. Rufus K., b. Jan. 13, 1797, s. xiii. Jedediah, b. Sept., 1799. d.
242 xiv. Jedediah W.. b. May 2, 1805.s.
243 xv. Sylvanus Gilman, b. Feb. 19, 1807, m. May 29, 1839, Martha A. Richards. Hallowell, Me., where she was b: Feb., 1819. He was a Baptist minister, grad. of Waterville Col., 1834. He d. at Augusta, where he res. Feb.21, 1896; C. adopted, Anna A., b. June 13, 1850, m. Oct.31, 1872. Charles C. Hunt of A.
244 xvi. Walter T., b. Feb. 3,1809.s. xvii. George A., b. Feb.. 22, 1811.
79 EBENEZER 5 (John 4, etc.) b. Methuen, Mass., Oct.26, 1755, m. April 30, 1783, Mary Marsh of M., there. She was b. Oct. 9,1762, d. July 2, 1830; he d. Nov. 8, 1838, both at Milford, N. H., where they res. and were bur. His will was pro. at Nashua, 1839; he was a far. and enlisted Feb.14, 1775, from M. in the revo. war; c. b. at M
245 i. Ebenezer 6 b March 28, 1784. s.
ii. Mary T., b Oct 2, 1785,m. Abijah Gould of Hollis; had nine c.
246 iii. John, b. Aug 8, 1787 s.
iv. Ruth, b. April 23 1789, m. Isaac Fletcher, a far. of H.; 2d m. Robert Worsley a far of Dublin. She d. 1866.
v. Lydia, b May 3 1791, m. 1812, Benjamin Rogers, a far. of H.; c. Lydia, b 1815 Mary A., 1819; Caroline Z.. 1823; Benjamin F.,1827.
247 vi. David Marsh b Oct 22, 1793, m. Eliza PheIps of N. C. He d 1861 was a mer and res in N. C. and Miss.; c. two d.; iii. Henry C. 7, d. 1861.
248 vii. Jacob, b. Feb. 15, 1796.s . viii. Amos, b. July 3, 1799, d 1816.
ix. Willis, b.. June 1,1800, d '18. x. William, b.. May 25, 1803, d. '27.

80 Joshua 5 (John 4, etc.)b. Methuen, Mass., Nov.26, 1757, m. Nov. 9, 1780, Abigail Ladd of M., there. She was b at Lyndenboro,N. H., 1760, d. Dec 28, 1843; he d. Feb.23, 1844, both at L., where he was a far., res. and was bur. Is claimed to have been in the revo. war; c. b. four at M., eight at L.
i. Abigail , 1). Feb. 22. 1780, m Jonathan Hildreth.
249 ii. Herman Ladd, b. Sept. 24, 1782, m. Mehephzibah Russell. He d. March 1816 in Mich , c i John O 7. of M., who m. and had c..
iii Miriam b May 28, 1784 d 1800
iv Polly 5 b Sept. 2 1786 m J Russell.
250 v John b. Feb 16 1789. s
251 vi. Joshua, b. May 5, 1791 s
252 vii Bodwell b. Sept 7, 1793, m Lucy Briggs, d. July, 1866, in Boston.
viii Ruth b. Sept 6, 1795, m Israel Putnam; c. William; Daniel.
ix Lucinda, b 1798 d x. Miriam b.. March 17, l801, m. J. Carlton.
253 xi Nathaniel b. Aug 2, 1803 m Mary Ford, res. Jasper, N. Y., d.; c. Angeline 7 ii Sylvina iii Emily ; iv. Caroline.
254 xii Sumner b July 7, 1805

82 JACOB 5 (John 4, etc.) b. Methuen, Mass., Aug.25, 1765, m. Aug.21, 1791, Mary. daut. of 49. He d. 1853 at M., where both res., bur. and c. b..
i. Leonard A. 6 , b. Jan.27, 1792.
ii. Zoroda B. b. Oct 13 1797, d. 1813.
255 iii. Moses Titcomb, b.. Jan. 20,1804, m. Sept. 8,1827, Margaret Chadwick of M., there, and he is given of Salem, N. H.
256 iv. James N. A. W., b. April 22, 1813.s.

83 Jonathan 5 (Joshua 4,John 5, Thomas 2, William 1) b.. Amesbury, Mass., Nov.19, 1767, m. Feb. 9, 1792, Mary Hoyt of A., there. She was b. March 5,1771. He d. Sept.28, 1822, at A. and bur. there. He was a far., res. and c. b. at A.

257 i. Gilman 6, b. May 18. 1793; he m. the third time Oct. 5,1852, Eliza Everett of Lawrence, there. She was b. 1812. He was given as a broker of Boston. He d. Dec.11, 1861; c. i. George Henry 7, given as res. at Charlestown.
ii. Betsey. b. Dec. 5, 1794. m. 345. iii. Jonathan, b. June 18, 1799.
258 iv. Orlando, b. March 8, 1804.s.
259 v. Tappan, b. June 30, 1806.s.

85 Joshua 5 (Thomas 4, John 8, Thomas 2, William l) b. Amesbury, Mass., April 12, 1759, m. Sally Goodwin of A., there. She was b. 1763, d. Sept.18, 1834; he d. April 10, 1837, both at A., where he was a far., res. and bur. His will was pro. at Salem, 1837; c. b. at A.
260 i. David 6, b. March 12.1791.s.
ii. Mary, b. Jan. 1, 1794, m. June 8, 1815, James Whittier of Merrimac. She d. 1819; c. James, b. 1816; Isaac, 1823; Mary, 1827; Adeline, 1828.
iii. Sally, b. April 1, 1795,m. Feb.28, 1833, Benjamin Hoyt of A.; c. Nelson.

86 Seth 5 (Thomas 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., August 7, 1761, m. abt. 1792, Mollie Pecker. He m. March 26, 1795, Polly Clough. She d. abt. 1847; he d. Jan. 16, 1845, at A., where he res., was a far. and bur.; c.b. at A. by 2dm.
261 i. John 6, b. Nov. 4, 1798.s. ii. Mary A., b. July 16, 1803.

87 Jonathan 5 (Thomas 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Jan.18, 1771, m. July 20, 1794, Lydia Hoyt of A., there. She was b. Feb. 1767, d. May 15, 1849; he d. March 20, 1814, at A., and c. b. there.
262 i. Thomas 6, b. Feb.13, 1799.s.

91 Cutting 5 (Charles 4, Philip 3, William 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Dec. 3, 1722, m. Sarah ? He d. March 10, 1798, at A., where he was a far., res. and bur.; c. b. at A.
i. Dorothy 6, b. March 20, 1754. ii. Elizabeth, b. May 15, 1756.
263 iii. Zebadiah, b.. Jan. 9, 1758.s.
iv. Hephzibah, b. Sept.19, 1759. v. Susanna. b. Oct. 8,1762.
264 vi. Edward B., b. April 10.1764.s. vii. Sarah, b. July 11,1767.
265 viii. Stephen Andrews, b. March 21, 1771, m. Feb. 8, 1794, Tamar Harriman of Haverhill, at Plaistow, N. H. Given as res. in Vt.; c. i. Eliza 7; ii. Roxana; iii. Hezekiah. (One m. April 16, 1839, Mary A. Pierce at Boston.)

92 Charles 5 (Charles 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Oct. 8, 1724, m. Dec. 4, 1746, Hannah Tucker of A., there. She was b. 1729, d. Nov.13, he d. Aug.26, 1785, both at Loudon, N. H., where he then res. and was bur. c. b. at A., but I believe others were b. later.
266 i. Ebenezer 6. b. Sept.28, 1747,m. Ruth of A.; c. i. Joseph 7, b. Feb. 6, 1770.
267 ii. Josiah b. April 10, 1750.
268 iii. Silas, b. April 28, 1752. (One deeded land in Stewartstown in 1789; one d. at Glover, Vt., 1858, aged abt. 80; his wife was Constance Temple, and there is quite a record on grave stones in G.)
269 iv. Charles, b. Dec. 13, 1754, m. Judith. He d. and was bur. at Loudon. N. H. Will pro. at Exeter, 1816, named wife, Judith, and others, but no relationship named. It is noted he had a son Charles and other c.
v. Bathsheba, b. March 10,1760,m. at L. 1792, Joshua Rollins.

98 Aaron 5 (Charles 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Feb.13. 1726, m. 2d Nov.16, 1757. Submit Esterbrook of Haverhill. He d. 1797 at Canterbury, N. H., where he was a far., res., bur. and c. b., two by 1st m. and five by 2d.

270 i. Samuel 6. S.
271 ii. Aaron, was in French and Indian war, taken to Canada as a prisoner, returned and was in revo. war and d. in the service.
272 iii. Zebadiah. b. Sept. 6, 1760.s.
273 iv. Elijah, b. abt. 1766.s.
v. Theophilus, b. 1767, d. 1796. vi. Sally. vii. Comfort.

94 David (Charles 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Jan. 1, 1733, m. Martha Wells of A. She was b. Nov.26, 1734, d. May 8, 1813; he d. April 12, 1812, both at Sandown, N. H., where he was a far., res. and bur. He res. in A. prior to 1773, and seven c. b. there, others at S,

i. Hannah 6, b. Dec.22, 1756, m. Mr. Clough. res. Warner.
274 ii. Joseph Wells, b. Aug.22, 1758, m. Mrs. Shackford of Sandown. He d. April, 1814, at S.
iii. Rhoda, b. Nov. 2, 1760, d. Oct.25, 1783, unm.
275 iv. Benjamin, b. Oct. 13.1762.s. v. Sarah, b. Nov. 2, 1764, d. 1820.
vi. David, b. Feb.18, 1767, d. 1828.
vii. Martha, b. July 16, 1769, m. Sept.23 1794, William Straw of S.
viii. Alice, b. Dec.22, 1773. ix. Mary, b. April 21.1776, d. 1826.
x. Elizabeth, b. April 21, 1776, m. Zacheus Bennett of S.
xi. Ruth, b. Aug.12, 1777, d. '82.
xii. Hephzibah,b. Aug.28, 1778, d. 1821.

95 David 5 (David 4, Philip 3, William 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., April 8,1737, m. Feb.23, 1758, Janney Eastman. She was b. Oct. 2, 1735, d. Aug. 7, 1831; he d. April 12, 1808, both at Newton, N. H., where he was a far., res. and bur. His will was pro. at Exeter, 1808; c. b. at N.
276 i. Roger 6, b. April 13,1759.s.
ii. Mary, b. March 31, 1761, m. in Warner, July 11, 1819, Levi Flanders.
277 iii. David, b. Oct. 7, 1763.s.
iv. Janney, b. March 11, 1766,m. March 1, 1792, Eliphalet Bartlett, a far. of N.; c. David; Jane; Gilman, and others.
v. Hannah, b.July 26,1768, d. vi. Ichabod, b. May26, 1771, d. '90.
vii. Hannah, b. July 25,1773,m. Nathan Johnson.
278 viii. Moses, b. Jan. 8, 1776.s.
279 ix. Jonathan, b. July 26.1780.s.
96 Jonathan 5 (Jonathan 4, Philip 3 , William 2,William b. . Amesbury, Mass., April 16, 1725,m. March 4, 1746, Sarah Dilloway of Haverhill, there. She d. Aug., 1820; he d. April 15,1806, both at H., where they res. and c. b. (There was a J. from H. at Crown Point in 1755 in French and Indian war.)
i. Jonathan 6, b. Nov.15. 1746, d 1827.
ii. William, b. Jan. 23, 1748. d. '49.
iii. Sarah, b. Jan.22, 1749, d. 1832. iv. William, b. Jan.22, 1752, d.
v. Jemima, b. Aug. 10.1754. vi. Anna, b. Nov. 7, 1756.
vii. William, b. Feb.12 1759. viii. Thomas, b. May 23, 1761, d.
ix. Samuel, b. Sept. 7, 1763, d. x. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 5.1765.
xi. Philip, b. Dec.11, 1767, d. 1802. xii. Susanna, b. Jan. 7,1771.

97 Sterling 5 (Jonathan 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., May 25, 1731, m. Lydia Coffin of Newburyport. She was b. Aug. 6, 1729? He m. Sept.24, 1785, Mehitable Davis of A. He m. at Pembroke, N. H., Feb.14, 1788, Mary Andrews. He d. 1796, and his will was pro. at Exeter that year. He was a far. and res. at Allenstown; c. b. at A. Order?
80 i. Simeon 6, b. Oct.16, 1752.s.
281 ii. Jonathan, b. abt. 1755.s. iii. Lydia,m. Samuel Webster.
iv. Molly.m. at P. March 28, 1797; Willoby Colby, a carp. of Bow; c: Polly A., b. 1798; Willoby, 1801.
v. Jemima, b. Dec. 8, 1761,m. June 1, 1791, at P., Daniel Clough, a far. of Bow; c: John, b. 1791; Mary, 1793; Lydia, 1795; Daniel, 1796; Sarah; Nancy, 1801.
282 vi. Philip, b.. March 21, 1765.s.

98 Philip 5 (Philip 4, Philip 3, William 2, William 1 ) b . Amesbury. Mass., May 9, 1731,m. abt. 1753, Hannah Hadley of Weare, N. H.,there. She was b. 1738, d. Jan.25, 1811; he d. March 3, 1809. He was a far. and res. at A. and Acworth, and c. b. at both places? Order?
(By Weare h. a Philip signed the association test in 1776, and one served in revo. war six months on the northern frontier in Coos County, 1780.)
283 i Ebenezer 6, . abt. 1754. s.
284 ii. Philip, b abt. 1756. s.
285 iii. Joseph b 1760. s.
iv. Hannah b Jan.18, 1761.m. 1779, Mathew Harvey of Sutton. She d. c Jonathan, b. 1780; Mathew, 1781 Philip, 1783; Susanna, 1784 Hannah, 1786; John, 1788; Benjamin W. 1790. Mr. Harvey d 1799 she m. Thomas Bailey; c. John M.. 1805.
v. Elizabeth. 153 Peter. vi. Rachel, b. 1770,m. Abraham Kimball.
286 vii. Robert b 1771.s.
viii Jane b 1773, m. 1799, Jonathan Eaton; c. Betsey, b. 1791; John C., 1793, Cyrus, 1795; Martha, 1797; Amanda. 1799; Mathew H., 1801 Elinor, 1803; Susanna, 1805; Meriam, 1807; Stillman; Harrison He d. in Brownington, Vt., and she m. 156 John.
ix. Martha b 1776,m. Jan. 21, 1802, Samuel Kezer of Sutton. She d. 1851: c Ebenezer,b. 1804; Joseph, 1807; George, 1809; Philip; Helen M 1816.
x. Sarah m Mr. Brigham. xi. Miriam,m. Tressell of New London.
287 xii. Samuel b Feb.25, 1779.s.

99 Abel 5 (Philip 4, etc.) h. Amesbury, Mass., Sept.10, 1734,m. Sarah Hadley. She d. July, 1829, at Thornton, N. H. He was a far.. res. Dunbarton, and c. b. there.
i. Sarah 6. b. May 8, 1765.m. Mr. Gould, res. Weare.
ii. Margaret,m. Oct. 6, 1766, joined the Shakers at Enfield.
iii. Polly.b. Feb. 4, 1768,m. William Hart of Woodstock, Vt.
iv. Martha, d. unm. v. Betsey, b. May 29, 1773,m. 295 Moses.
vi. Dorothy,m. Mathew Clogston, Goffstown, N. H.
288 vii. Philip, b. April 12, 1777? s. viii. Susan,m. Sulloway Springfield.
289 ix. Joseph, b. May 2, 1782.s.
290 x. Samuel, b. 1784? m. Sarah -, res. D.; c. i. Milton 7; ii. Aaron.

102 Enoch 5 (Timothy 4, Charles 3, William 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., June 18, 1721,m. Feb. 6, 1746, Sarah Hoyt of A., there. She was b. Aug. 26, 1725. He was a far. and settled in Sunapee, N. H., abt. 1776, where he d. and was bur.; c. b. at A. , i. Mary 6, b.Jan. 9,1747.
291 ii. Eliphalet, b. May 24, 1749. s. iii. Sarah, b. May 24, 1749, d.
292 iv. Enoch, 1). Dec.11, 1751.s. v. Sarah, b. March 9, 1756.
vi. Michael, b. Sept. 10, 1758. vii. Charles, b. Dec.28, 1760, d. '75.
293 viii. Timothy, b. Feb. 10, 1764.s.
294 ix. Winthrop, b. Feb. 18.1766.s.
295 x. Moses, b. Sept.28, 1770.s. xi. Charles, b. Dec.28, 1775.

103 Henry 5, (Timothy 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., May 9, 1723, m. July 19, 1744, Anna Smith of Haverhill, there. She d. at Newbury, May 29, 1801. He was drowned in the Merrimac river Dec. 2, 1773, and the body was recovered the next spring. They were bur. at Newburyport. He was a blacksmith and ship builder; c. b. at H.
297 i. Reuben 6, b. April 27, 1745.s.
298 ii. Timothy, b. Aug. 17, 1747. s.
iii. Rebecca. b. Nov. 26, 1750. m. Isaac Bartlett of W. Newbury; c. Isaac; Ruth; Benjamin; Hannah; Anna; William.
iv. Sarah, b. May 4, 1755, m. Moses Page, a far., who res. at Atkinson and Gofistown, N. H., and Ludlow, Vt. He was in the revo. war about two years from 1775; d. 1838 she d. Jan.13, 1838; c. Henry; Jane; Mary; Caleb; Nancy; Frederick.
v. Ruth. vi. Anna, b Aug.10, 1761. d.

104 Timothy 5 (Timothy 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., March 26, 1725, m. Jan.26, 1749, at A., Hannah, daut. of 17 Thomas. She was b. July 9,1732, d. Dec.22, 1802; he was drowned in 1754 in the Bay of Fundy while in the French and Indian war. He was captain; res. at A. and his c. b. there.
299 i. Phineas 6 b July 3 1750
300 ii. Samuel, b Feb 26, 1752 (It is shown by pro. r. and grave stones that a S d at Warner, N H., 1817, whose wife's name was Mary Hunt and it is claimed he was from A. Their c. were: i. Mary, ii. Christopher, who d. 1812, in the army. iii.William, who m. Aphia Osgood ; she d he went to Vt. iv. Samuel, b. Aug.30, 1796. m Sally R Bean: c. Samuel C. of W., Moses of Weare; Christopher of Keene, and 5 daughters.)
301 iii. Valentine b March 11, 1754.
302 iv. Timothy, b. Feb 1, 175 . s. (I have such information that I believe he is the oldest son. E. E. s.)

105 Charles 5 (Timothy 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Dec.27, 1728, m. Nov. 8, 1749, Sarah Hoyt of A., there, where she was b. May 10, 1730; he d. before 1769; A.

303 i. Thomas 6, b. March 31, 1750.s.

108 SAMUEL 5 (Timothy 4, etc.) m. Amesbury, Mass., Nov. 6, 1735, m. Elizabeth Buswell of Kingston, N. H. They res., d. and are bur. in Danville. He was a far. and was in the revo. war. His will was pro. at Exeter, 1798, and names his wife, Elizabeth, and "Samuel Sargent, son of Challis Sargent, which we took."
304 i. Samuel 6, (adopted) b. March 2, 1774.s.
Before finding the above clause in the will and having the statement of a person in 1843 that 304 was the son of 108,1 gave him and his descendants a place in the work, notwithstanding the "traditional" claim in Windham history that he was the son of Challis. So I let it stand, as Challis was from Amesbury, and there were so many of this line and connection of 108 Samuel from there and some intermarriages with those of the surname Challis, I have no question of the connection and I let the record remain. I am of the opinion that Challis was the son of 110 William, and named for his mother's family. W. history gives the wife of Challis as Jennie Buswell; c. i. Samuel 6. ii. Simeon 6, d. iii. Charles 6, m. Eleanor Clark; Mary 7; Simeon 7; Hiram 7; Eliza 7; Hannah 7; Charles 7. IV. Moses 6, b. 1781, m. Betsey Marrow; c. Charles 7, b. 1809; Margaret 7, 1810; James 7, 1814; Moses 7, 1817; Persis 7, 1819; Elizabeth 7, 1827. v. Thomas 6, m. Mary Donahue; c. John H. 7 , b. 1812; Jeremiah 7; Alexander 7; Thomas 7; Daniel 7. vi. David 6, m. Nancy Anderson, 2d, Rebecca Shute; c. Sarah 7; William 7; Mary 7; Rebecca 7; Eliza 7; Jane 7; John 7; George 7; Harriet 7. vii.. Peter 6. VIII. Mehitable 6, m. John Clyde.

110 William 5, (Samuel 4, Charles 3, William 2, William l) b. Amesbury, Mass., Oct.11, 1727,m. Sept. 1, 1748, Gertrude Challis of A. He d. before 1782; c. b. at A.

i. Annie 6, b. June 18, 1749. ii. Abigail, b. Dec.7, 1751.

111 NEREMIAH 5, (Samuel 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass. abt. 1737,m. Sept. 26, 1759, Mary Hoyt of A., there. She d. July, 1794. He m. Dec. 2, 1794, Thankful Bradley of Newton, N. H., at Plaistow. She d. July, 1794. He d. Feb.29, 1822, at A., where he was a far., res., bur.,and c.b.

i. William 6. b. March 28, 1760.
ii. Samuel, b. April 9, 1761. iii. Lois, b. Nov.14, 1762.
805 iv. Nehemiah, b. Oct.29. 1764.s.
306 v. Moses, b. April 1,1767.s.
307 vi. Joshua. b. Nov.18, 1768.s.
308 vii. Amos, b. Nov. 1, 1770. s. viii. Mary, b. May 15, 1772.

112 Elias 5 (Elias, 4 Charles 3, William 2, William l) b. Arnesbury, Mass., Dec. 8, 1728,m. Feb. 2, 1754, Elizabeth Chase of A. She d. 1808; c. b. A.
i. Mary 6, b. July 7, 1754.
309 ii. Chase, b. April 12, 1756.s. iii. Joseph, 13. Nov. 7, 1758, d, '66.
iv. Sarah, b. Feb. 2, 1761. d. '66.
310 v. Ensign, b. Feb. 5, 1763. s.
vi. Elizabeth, b. May 5, 1765, d. '65. vii. Sarah, b. June 20, 1767.

118 Trueworthy 5, (Elias 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass.,Sept. 14,1729, m. Nov.22, 1750, Hopestill Weed of A., there, where she was b. March 11, 1732. He signed the association test at Londonderry, N. H., 1776, but res. at Goffstown in 1812; c., 5 were b. at A.
311 i. Jacob 6, b. Sept.11, 1751.s.
312 ii. Benjamin? (In the A.r. it is"a child,"but a bond made in 1812 between Benjamin and my honored father, Trueworthy, of G," shows there was a c. of this name, but I find no descendant and suppose he d. without issue. EES.)
iii. Mary, b. Match 8, 1754, m. Nov, 27,1783, Elijah Kidder of C,.
313 iv. Joseph, b. Nov.11, 1756.s. v. Susanna, b. May 2, 1759.
314 vi. Elias. (I add this name, as the above bond was found by his grandson, Franklin W., with the papers of his father, 707 Daniel, the son of Elias. Elias res. at G. and was the right age to be a child of 113, and unless a brother of 312, why should he have had the bond? EES.)

315 vii. James, b. 1764.s.

115 John 5 (Elias 4, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., May 12, 1747, m. Eliner _______, res. in Goffstown and c. b. there.

316 i. Benjamin 6, b. Oct.19, 1769.s. ii. John, b. Oct. 7, 1771.
iii. Sarah, b. March 27, 1774. iv. David, b. Dec.24, 1776.
v. Anna, b. April 6, 1779. vi Meribah, b. Jan.31, 1782.
vii. Elias, b. Oct. 4, 1784. viii. Betsey,b. April 3,1787.
ix. Jacob, b. Aug. 24, 1789. x. Nellie, b. May 23, 1792.
xi. Polly, b. Dec.17. 1796,m. June 19, 1817, Charles Hart at G., res. in Sutton; c., David b. 1817; Wm. S.1819; Benjamin, 1821; Martha, 1823 , Joseph. 1825; Daniel. 1827; Mary, 1829; Charles, 1831; Clarissa, 1835; Stillman, 1837.

116 MOSES 5, (Winthrop 4, Jacob 3, William 2, William 1) b. Chester, N. H., May? 2, 1743, m. March 26, 1771, Sarah Varnum of C., there, where she was b. Jan.29, 1754, d. Oct. 7, 1843; he d. March 11, 1826, both at Candia, where he was a far., res. and bur. He held office, was a soldier in revo. war, and c. b. at C.
i. Anna 6, b. Jan.27, 1772, m. 1791, Samuel Anderson of C.; she d. Jan. 17, 1817; c. Sally; Jane; Samuel; Nancy; Thomas; Mary; Eliza.
317 ii. Samuel, b. Feb. 6, 1774.s.
iii. Sarah, b. Feb. 6, 1774, m. Samuel Haynes of C.; c. Moses; Sarah.
iv. Abigail. b. March 9.1776. d. Dec.31, 1855, unm.
318 v. Moses, b.Jan. 12, 1781.s.
vi. Mary, b. July 6, 1786, m. Sept.18, 1818, Samuel Anderson of C.; c. George w.; Lucinda; George P.

117 JOHN 5, (Winthrop 4, etc.) b. Chester, N. H., March 17, 1746, m. Mary Turner of Candia; she was b. April 9, 1752, d. June 22, 1823. He m. abt. 1825, Mrs. William Shannon of Raymond; she d. Aug. 4, 1833; he d. Nov.17, 1834, all at C., where they res. and were bur. He was a far., held office, was a captain in the State Militia and in the revo. war; c. b. in C., by 1st m.
i. Sarah 6, b July 24, 1773, m. 1796. Jacob Pearley, who d. 1797; she m. May 1,1806, Josiah Shannon of C.; she died 1860; c., William S., b.1808; Sarah B., 1811; Sophia, l814; Josiah S.1817; he m.Vernerva, daut. 720 Jacob P
ii. Josiah, b. Oct.15, 1775.s.
iii. Moses, b April 3, 1778 s
118 Abraham 5 (Winthrop 4, etc.) b. Chester, N. H., Feb.28, 1748, m. July 4, 1769, Lydia Richardson of C., there. She was b. 1750, d. Feb. 6, 1840; he d. March, 1822, both at C., where he was a far., res. and bur. c. b. at C.
i. Mary 6, b. Dec. 7, 1769,m. Mr. Alexander, res. at Hartland, Vt.
ii. Lydia, b. Aug.12. 1771, m. Samuel Towle of C.; 5c.
321 iii Abraham, b. July 25, 1773.s. iv. Margaret, b. July 7,1775,
v. Susanna, b.June 17, 1777. vi. Hulda, b. April 30, 1779,m.
322 vii. Benjamin, b. Jan. 7, 1781.s. viii. Betsey, b. Jan.23, 1784.
ix. Thomas, b.Jan. 1,1786. x. Martha. b.Jan. 15,1788.
323 xi. John, b.Jan. 6,1793, m. Dec 31,1815, Sarah Wilkins of Concord. He d. May 17, 1840; c. i. Sarah 7; ii. Frances; iii. Charles.

119 Theophilus 5, (Theophilus ,4 Jacob 3, William 2, William 1) b. Chester, N.H., Aug. 5,1765,m. Sept.13, 1789, Ruth Rowe of C., there. She was b. July 27, 1766; he d. abt. 1834, at Montville, Me., where he res.; c. b. at Candia.
324 i. Moses 6, b. Jan.19, 1790.s.
325 ii. John, b. April 22, l791.s.
iii Sally, b. Sept.16. 1793,m. May 15,1810, Abel Hatch of M; she d. 1852; c., Betsey, b. 1811; Harriet, 1813; George b., 1815; Ebenezer, 1816; Theophilus S., 1818; Lydia, 1827; Abigail, 1829; Charles J., 1832.
iv. Betsey, b. May 15,1795, m. April 1, 1823, Isaac Thompson, a carp. of Searsmont; she d. 1852; c., Harry, b. 1824; Asa, 1827.
v. Judith, b. Feb.16, 1797, m. James Alexander of M.; c. Mary J.; Harriet; Freeman; Ann.
vi. Theophilus, b. Dec. 1798; d. by accident. unm., 1818.
vii. Lydia, b. June 9, 1801, m.July 8,1831, Samuel Thompson of M.; she d. 1844; c.b.S., George H., b. 1835; John, 1839; Lydia A., 1844.
viii. Polly, b. Sept. 6, 1803,m. John Thompson, and res. S.; c. Ann; Ruth; Angeline; John.

121 Jonathan 5 (Theophilus 4, etc.)b. Chester, N. H., Oct.12, 1772, m. Sept.11, 1794., Anna Wasson. She was b. 1772, d. 1864. He d. 1850; she was bur. in Manchester, and he in Derry. He was a far. and res. in Candia and Raymond; c.b. In C. and R.
326 i. Thomas W. 6 b Feb. 2, 1796.s.
ii. Lydia, b. July 27, 1797, m. Jeremiah Barker of M. She d. in C. 1872; c Mary, d.; Lydia, d.; Harriet, d.; Marinda , who m.Jacob Barker.
iii. Mercy, b. May 3, 1799,m. Ebenezer Nay of Raymond; c. Albert; Frank; Francis; John.
iv. Sarah,b. Nov.10, 1800; d.
327 v. Bradley, b. April 15, 1803, m. Mary Osgood. She d. March, 1879, and he previously. both at Boston; c. i. Lydia 7; Susan; Sarah; Mary.
vi. Moses, b. 1809, d. unm. vii. Betsey J., b. April 17.1811, m.
328 viii. Samuel Nay, b. Nov. 6. 1813, m. April. 1842, Mary J. Stevens of Raymond. She b. July 18, 1817, d. Feb. 7.1876; he d. Feb. 16, 1881, both in C. He was a far.,res. in Raymond and C.; c. two d., iii. Mary
J., b. April 14, 1861,m. Sept.30. 1880, at C., William 0. Raynolds, a shoemaker of C.; c. Mary S., b. 1881; Hattie N.

122 John 5 (John 4, Jacob 3, William 2, William 1)b. Candia, N. H., Dec.26, 1764, m. abt. 1790, Nancy Y. Burgin of Allenstown, there. She was b.Aug.1, 1771, d. Sept. 1804; he d. 1825, both at Holderness, where they were bur. His will pro. Dec., 1828, was a shoemaker and far., res. at H., where his c. were b.
i. Nancy 6, b. July 11, 1793.
329 ii. John, b. Dec. 7, 1794.s.
iii. Hall B., b. July 14.1796. iv. Milton, b. Feb. 12, 1798.
v. Mary, b. Nov. 5, 1799. vi. Sarah, b. July 4,1801.
330 vii. Horatio W., b. Jan. 7, 1805.s.
viii. Ruth B., b. Jan. 5, 1807. ix. Susan H.. b. June 22, 1809.
x. Louisa, b. May 14, 1811, m. May 14, 1840. John Smith of Naperville, Ill.. res. Bradford. Wis. She d. 1896; c.John B., b. 1842; Louisa A., 1843; Alfred C., 1845; Edwin, 1849.

123 Jacob 5, (John 4, etc.) b. Candia, N. H., July 27, 1768, m. Sept. 3, 1791, Margaret Patten of Chester, there. She was b. Jan.30, 1771, d. Jan.. 27.1811, at Candia, where she res. and c.b. In 1810 he went with one of his sons to N. J. and was separated from the latter and never heard from afterwards by the family.

331 i. Samuel 6,b. Jan. 30,1793.s. ii. Jacob, b. Nov. 28, 1794.
332 iii. Stephen, b. July 1, 1797.s.
333 iv. John, b. March 19, 1799.s.

127 CHRISTOPHER 6, (Moses 5, Christopher 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William l) b. Methuen, Mass., Aug. 13, 1763, m. Mary Webster of Plymouth, N. H. She was b. Aug. 1769, d. May 22, 1855 he d. July 18,1815, both at Danville, Vt., where they res. and are bur., having mov. from Plymouth, N. H., about 1792. He was a tanner; c., 1st b. at P., others at D.
334 i. Asa 7, b. Jan.12, 1790. s.
335 ii. Christopher, b. Nov. 4, 1791. s.
iii. Mary, b Nov. 7, 1794, m. 1814, Samuel Dole, a far. of Northfield; c. Christopher; Jane; Mary; Cynthia; Electa; Harriet; Samuel; George; Jason; French.
336 iv. Stephen, b. April 25, 1800.s.
v. Sarah, b. Sept.17, 1804, m. Asa Morrill, a far. of D. Shed. 1844; c.Stephen S.; Charles L., b. 1826.
vi. Betsey, b. July 29, 1807, m. Abner Hoyt, a far. of D. She d. 1884.
129 Asa 6 (Moses5, etc.) b. Methuen, Mass., Sept.25, 1769, m . Sally Martin of Peacham, Vt., there. She was b. April 27, 1771, at Woodbury, Conn., d. Nov. 26, 1842; he d. March 2, 1853. He was a tanner, held office; res., d., bur. and c. b. at P.
337 i. Moses M. 7, b. May 20, 1799. s.
338 ii. Charles, b. Dec.27, 1800, m. Sarah Smith of Belfast, Me. She was b. Sept.12, 1804. d. Dec.26, 1872, at Monroe, where he res. He was a far. and held office.
iii. Esther, h. Jan.13, 1803, m. Lyman Watts, a far. of P. c. Lyman; Isaac N.
339 iv. Elijah M., b. April 7,1805.5.
340 v. Asa, b. March 15, 1807.s. vi. Elvira, b. Oct.29, 1810, d. 1836.
vii. Mary E. b. Jan. 9, 1815, m. Nov.20, 1855, Rufus Gilmore, a far. of Monroe, Me. He was b. 1787, d. 1871.

133 ELIJAH 6 (Elijah 5, Christopher 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Methuen, Mass., Jan. 2, 1786, (this date is from M. r. and the baptismal r. of his grandfather), m. Aug. 27, 1822, M. Taunehill of Somerset, Pa., there, where she was b. Feb. 7, 1801, d. March 13,1852; he d. Nov.17, 1850, both at Ligonier, Pa., where they res. and were bur. He was a shoe manu. and a volunteer in the war 1812; c. b. four at S., two at Greensburg, and one each at Birmingham, Pittsburgh and L., Pa.
i. Lydia L. 7, b.June 19, 1823, d. '59. ii. Sarah J., b. Oct.19, 1824.
iii. George H , b. April 9, 1826. d. Oct.31, 1837.
341 iv. Chanucey F., b. Oct.17, l828.s. v. Matilda V., b.June 15, 1830.
342 vi. James T., b. July 30, 1836.s.
vii. Susan H., b. Oct.10, 1838. viii. Nerlinda C., b. May 12, 1841.
ix. William Dunlap, b. July 2, 1845, telephone supt., Brooklyn, N. Y.

136 JOHN 6 (Thomas 5, Christopher 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William l) b. Chester, N. H., April 22, 1793, m. . Dec.18, 1815, Sally Anderson of C., where they res., d. and c. b.
343 i. George T.7, b. June 11, 1816.s.
344 ii. Samuel A., b. Nov.15, l817.s.
iii. Thomas A., d. April 4, 1861. iv. Mary J., d.
v. Elizabeth A., b. May 15,1820, m. April 7. 1847. James Staniels, a janitor, Boston. She d. 1893; c. George S., b. 1848; James F., 1850, his wife ; Ella F., 1853; Frederick P., 1855.

137 Moses 6 (Orlando 5, Moses 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., July 4, 1757, m. June 1, 1780, Dolly, daut. 24, Josiah, of A., there, where she was b. July 16, 1758, d. Jan.30, 1839; he d. Feb.13, 1836, both at A., where he was a far., bur.and c. b.
i. Betsey 7. b. Nov.24, 1784. m. Moses Nichols of A.
845 ii. Jonathan, b. Aug.20, 1787. s. iii. Sally, b. June 18.1789.
iv. Rhoda, b. Aug. 9, 1792. m. Dec. 1,1814, William Nichols of A. She d. 1860; c. Betsey, b. 1815; George W., 1817; W. Francis, 1819; H. Smith, 1826.
v. Orlando, b. Oct.11, 1794, d. vi. Dolly, b. July 18, 1797, m. 348.
846 vii. Moses, b. May 12, 1801.s.

138 ICHABOD BARNARD 6 (Orlando 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Dec. 27, 1766, in. June 24, 1790, Ruth Patten of A., there, where she was b. Sept. 21, 1769, d. May 1, 1849; he d. Sept. 2,1836, both at A., where he was a far., held office, bur. and c. b.
347 i. Francis W. 7, b. April 17.1791.s.
348 ii. Patten, b Aug.16, 1793. s.
iii. Ruth, b. Jan. 11.1796, m. April 7, 1817, Stephen Nichols.
349 iv. Jonathan B., b. July 3, 1798.s.
350 v. Porter, b.Jan. 26.1801.s.
vi. Mary, b. June 3, 1803, m. Dec. 29, 1830, Benjamin L. Pillsbury. Homestead, N. H., d. 1884; c. Harlen; Emma; Daniel; Mary N.
vii. Betsey, b. Aug. 5, 1805, m. Dec. 29, 1831, Joseph Barrett of A.; c. Joseph; Mary; Ichabod; Patten; Lois?; Jane; Sarah E.
351 viii. Daniel, b. Feb. 8, 1811. s.

139 Orlando 6 (Orlando 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Jan.20, 1769, m Jan.16, 1797? Hannah Welch of Plaistow, N. H., there. She was b. May 6,1770, d.July 13,1856; he d.. Aug. 1,1850, at A., where he was a far., bur. and c. b.

i.. Sally 7. b. Jan 28 1798, m. Mar. 3, 1819, Amos Weed of A.; c. Harriet, b. 1820 Hannah, 1821; Judith. 1823; Abigail, 1824; Sally, 1826; Amos 1828; Emily, 1835; Francis F., 1840.
352 ii. Richard W b March 4.1800.s.
iii Abigail, b. Apr. 30, 1802, m. Feb. 28, 1821. Robert Quimby of Haverhill She d 1840; c. Daniel 0., b. 1821; Sally A., 1826; Orlando S. 1828; Nabby 1832; Thomas W., 1835.
353 iv Orlando b July 11, 1804.s.
354 v Joseph W., b. July, 25, 1808.s.
355 vi Francis b. Nov 10, 1810.s.

140 CHRISTOPHER. 6 (Christopher 5 , Moses 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Oct. 24, 1771, m. April 12. 1795, Jennie Patten of A., there, where she was b. April 24, 1775, d . Sept. 7. 1831 ; he d. March 29, 1814, at A., where he was a far., bur. ; and c. b.
356 i Nicholas 7, b. March 22.1796.s.
357 ii. Cyrus, b. April 19, 1798. s. iii. Christopher b. July 12, 1800, d. '24
iv Jane, b. Nov. 2, 1802, m. Nov.30, 1831, Moses Stickney of A.; c. Mary A. b 1834; Caroline, 1836; Sarah, 1838; Hannah J., 1840; Warren, 1842.
v John B., b. June 1, 1805, d. June 24, 1809.
358 vi Stephen, b. May 19,1808, m. Lois Almer; c. i. Stephen 8; ii. Eliza.
359 vii John P , b. Oct. 17,1810.s.
360 viii Benjamin F., b. June 10, 1813. s.

141 STEPHEN 6 (Christopher 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Dec. 21, 1778, m. 1802, Polly Nichols of A. She was b. 1779, d. May 29, 1863; he d. May 15, 1848, at A., where he was a far., bur. and c. b.
i. Sally 7, b. June 3, 1803, m. 352 Richard W.
361 ii. Rufus, b. Nov. 13, 1805.s.
362 iii. Moses, b. Nov. 12, 1808.s.

143 JAMES 6 (Thomas 5, Stephen 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William l) b. Amesbury, Mass., Aug. 6, 1766, m. Dorothy Favor of Hill, N. H., there, where she was b. Oct. 6, 1775, d. June 22, 1862; he d. Feb.28, 1837, both at Bridgewater, where he was a carp., bur. and c. b.
i. Robert 7, b. Aug.27, 1797. s.
ii. James F., b. Sept.18, 1798. s.

144 THOMAS 6 (Thomas 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Sept. 9, 1768, m. Betsey, daut. 47 Christopher of A., there. She was b. Apr. 1, 1769, d. June 3, 1837; he d. May 4, 1814, at A., where he was a far., bur. and c. b.
i. Dolly 7, b. Dec.15, 1788, m. 172 Stephen.
ii. Betsey, b. March 7, 1791, m. Jacob Worthen, New London, N. H.; c. Albert; Thomas.
iii Lois, b. Sept. 28, 1793, d. iv. Sally, b. Oct. 3, 1796.
v. Thomas, b. June 30, 1799, d. 1858. vi. Polly, b. March 9, 1802.
365 vii. Giles, b. Oct. 7, 1804, m. Feb. 24, 1853, Eunice Noyce of Hampstead, N. H., at A. She was b. 1820, d. July 9, 1872; He d. May 25, 1860, at A. He was a wheelwright.
366 viii. Christopher, b. April 20, 1807, m. Nov. 20.1834, Martha, daut. of 173 Robert. She d. Jan. 8,1851 he d. July 8, 1878, at A.

145 STEPHEN 6 (Thomas 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., May 16, 1771, m. Anna Clough. She was b.June 14, 1775, d. Aug.30, 1867; he d. May 24, 1860, at A., where he was a blacksmith, bur. and c. b.

367 i. Stephen, b. Aug.20, 1796, d. May 24, 1880, m. twice; c. i. Martha 8.
ii. Robert.b. Feb. 6,1798, d. Feb.17, 1814.
368 iii. Hiram, b. April 8, 1806. s. iv. Juliana, h. Nov. 4, 1810.
v. Mary C., b Nov. 27.1813, d. Jan. 27, 1876.

146 ENOCH 6 (Thomas 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Jan. 30, 1774, m. to Hannah Pressy of Hopkinton, N. H., at A., Sept., 1801. They res., d. and c. . at A.

369 i. Leonard 7, . March 11, 1802. m. June 3, 1831, Mary Whitney at Rumney, N. H. She was b. at Hope, Me., 1806, d. Oct. 4, 1884; he d. April 8, 1882, both at R., where they were bur. and c. b. i. Charles 8, b. 1836, d. '68; ii Otlic, b. 1843, d. '76.
370 ii. Frederick, b. Feb.11, 1804. s.
iii. Abner, b. July 28, 1805. iv. Eliza, b. Aug.15, 1807.
v. Judith R., b. March 9, 1809, m. Dec. 11, 1831, Erastus Stearns of Lowell, Mass.;c. Mary, b. 1832; Charles H.. 1837.
vi. James, b. March 15, 1811, said to have res. in Boston.
371 vii. Thomas. m. s.

148 JAMES 6 (James 5. Stephen 4, Thomas 5, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Methuen, Mass., Nov., 9, 1760, m. June 5, 1794, Mary Boynton. She d. 1847; he d. 1843; M.
i. Mary W. 7, 13. June 17.1795. ii. David B., b. March 26, 1799, d.
iii. Persis, b. Nov. 4, 1800, m. April 4,1827, Leonard Wheeler at M.
iv. Edwin, b. 1804, d. 1806.
872 v Edwin, b. Dec. 7.1807.s.
vi. Martha J., b.July 17, 1815, m. 1846, John M. Kimball, d. 1848.

150 NATHANIEL 6 (James 5, etc.) b. Methuen, Mass., Feb. 15. 1764, m. Oct. 31, 1791, Martha Quimby of Newton, N. H. He d. before 1833 at M., where his c. were b.

i. Nathaniel 7, b. July 25, 1792, d. Aug., 1795.
878 ii. Jesse, b. Nov.10, 1793.s.
374 iii. Trueworthy W., b. April 2, 1795.s.
375 iv. Nathaniel, b. Dec.18, 1797.s.
v. Sabina, b. March 6, 1801, m. April 30. 1829, John Balch, Topsfield.
vi. Lorenzo. b. June 24, 1804, d. Oct.24, 1804.
876 vii. Lorenzo, b. Oct.23, 1805.s.
viii. Louisa, b. Nov.21. 1806, m. April 21, 1829, John P. Trull.

152 ANTHONY 6 (Peter 5, Stephen 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Newbury, Mass., Feb. 17, 1760, m. Miriam, daut. 52 Nathan, of Hopkinton, N. H. She d. Sept.29, 1792. He m. Dilley _____. His will pro. at Concord, N. H., 1824. He was a far. and c. b. at New London. i. i. Nathan 7, b. Dec.10, 1784. ii. Jacob, b, June 1, 1790.
iii. Miriam, b. June 26, 1800, m. Dec.16, 1828, John Paige.

153 PETER 6 (Peter 5, etc.) b. Hopkinton, N. H., Aug. 7, 1766,m. Elizabeth, daut. 98 Philip of Weare. She d. 1856. His will pro. Concord, Sept. 1851. He was a far. and c. b. at New London.

377 i. Mathew H. 7, b. Aug. 14, 1790.s.
378 ii. Daniel, b. Sept 23, 1793. s.
iii. Hannah, b. Sept, 2, 1795,m. Dec. 1, 1814, Amos Paige of N. L.
iv. Nabby, b. Aug. 26, 1798, d. Dec.13, 1819.

154 EBENEZER 6 (Peter 5, etc.) b. Hopkington, N. H .,April 3, 1768, m. Nov. 25, 1792, Prudence Chase of New London. She was b. Coos, Jan. 17,1775, d. March 15,1858; he d. July 3, 1859, at N. L., where he was a far., bur. and c. b.
i. Anna Oct.31, 1793. m July 22, 1810, Joseph Putney, a far. res. at NL She d. 1863; c. Emeline M. b 1816, Susan, 1819; Ebenezer S., 1822; Henry W. 1829; Laura, 1832; Joseph E. 1835
ii, Rebekah ii Julie 10, 1795 m Dec 29, 1818, Nathaniel Messer, a far. of N L; c Lydia R., b. 1819; Pleoma S. b. 1823; Derenzel, 1825. He d. 1828 and she m. Oct 28, l830, Jonathan Addison, a far. of Springfield. She d. Sept. 5, 1855; c. Lorenda M.b. July 28, 1836, m. July 12, 1881, Andrew Seavey, far. of Bradford.
iii. Ruth b. April 30? 1797.m. Sept. 29, 1830, Amos Parker, a far. of Sutton. She d. 1864; c. Sarah, b. 1831; Freeman, 1833; N. Addison, 1836; Prudence P.. 1838.
379 iv. Seth P. b. June 16.1799.s.
380 v. Aaron L, b.. April 22,1802.s.
381 vi. Sylvanus T.,b. Feb. 12, 1805.s.
vii. Lois b April 28, 1807, m. Dec. 6, 1827, Charles Messer, a far. of Danbury, c. Alonzo, b. 1835; Marcia J., 1838; Emeline S.b. Feb. 4, 1841,m. A. J. Danforth, a far. of D. and have 4 c.
viii. Laura,b. March 28, 1809, m. Jan. 1,1833, Adam Davis, a far. of N. L. She d. 1890; c. Plooma, b. 1835; Augusta M., 1839.
ix. Jonathan, b. Oct. 9, 1814, d. March 20, 1815.
382 x. Jonathan E., b. Oct.23, 1816.s.

155 AMASA 6 (Peter 5, etc.) b. Hopkinton, N. H., March 6,1770,m. Jan. 5, 1796, Susanna Sheppard of New London. She was b. June 15, 1773, d. June 14,1854; he d. Dec. 6,1868, both at Hanover where he was a miller, bur. and c. b.

i. Sylvia 7, b. Nov. 24, 1796,m. Feb.23, 1819, Amos Woodward of H.
ii. Susanna, b. Feb.13, 1799.
383 iii.. Jonathan S., b. June 27, 1802 s
iv. Eunice B., b. Jan.14, 1804 m Jan.27, 1827, Asa Fitch, res. Enfield and H.; c. Martha, b. 1831 Sylvia, 1834; Mary, 1836; Cyrus, 1838; Everett, 1840; Perley, 1842 Sarah, 1846; Emma, 1848.
v. Amasa, b. Feb. 6, 1806 d May 16 1824.
vi. Mary, b. Feb.17, 18 10, m May 14, 1839, Rev. John Adams.
vii. Judith, b. May 28,1812 m Aug 25 1840, Davis Chandler; c. Susanna, b. 1841; Delia A.; Lucy E Eunice A.; Mary J., 1851.

156 John 6 (Peter 5 etc.) b. Hopkinton, N. H., Oct. 25, 1771,m. Oct., 1795, Susan Johnson of New London. She was b. Jan. 19,1777, d. Dec. 25,1840. He m. Mrs. Jane Eaton, daut. of 98 Philip. She d. at Sutton; he d. March 29, 1864, at N. L., where he was a far., bur. and c. b.

384 i. Stephen 7,b. Sept.20. 1796. s.
ii. Rapsyina. b. Nov.20, 1797,m. June 13 1819 Richard Fisk of H.
385 iii. John Johnson b. May 19, 1799,m. Nov.22. 1824, Rachel Davis. She d. Sept. 3 1884 he d Dec.14, 1880. No. c.
iv. Mehitable, b. March 14, 1801, m. Aug. 8, 1820, J. K. Woodward, N.L.
v. Hannah, b Oct 28 1802,m. Feb. 6, 1827, Isaac Woodward.
vi. Sally, b. March 1 1804. vii. Daniel, b. March 25, 1806, d.
viii. Dolly, b. Aug. 16 1804,m. June 4, 1844, John D. Woodward.
ix. Susanna, b Feb 28, 1009,m. June 1, 1840, Richard Fisk.
386 x. Perley. b. Nov 12, 1810. s.
xi. Hiram, b. July 26 1812, d. .'30. xii. Emily,b. March 17, 1816, d.
387 xiii. James M., b. Feb. 13, 1818,m. Feb.23, 1843, Catherine Jackson Thornton, at Campton. She was b. at Bradford, May 17, 1819, d. Dec. 18, 1890; he d. April 26, 1895, both at Sutton.
388 xiv. George W., b. July 9, 1820. s.

157 EZEKIEL 6 Peter 5, etc.) b. Hopkinton, N. H., Nov. 8, 1773,m. Sarah Paige at New London. She d. March 1, 1817. Hem. April 6, 1818, Emily Adams of N. L., there. He was a far. and c. b at N.L.
i Sophronia 7 b. Aug. 20, 1799,m. 1820, Hezekiah Messer, N. L.; c. Stephen D
ii Pluma b Jan 10, 1802,m. Stephen Dexter, Corinth, Me.
iii Gilman b Dec 31, 1804, d. Dec.11, 1805.
iv Polly b. Feb 12, 1807. v. Gilman, b. May 6, 1809.
vi Sally, b. July 15, 1811 m. Jan.21, 1834, John D. Woodward.
vii Ezekiel D b Jan 2 1814. viii. Emily, b. Feb. 23, 1817, d.
ix William H b. May 2, 1819,d.unm.
x Emily M. b. March 19, 1821,.m. Nov 1, 1846 J.Q. Wood; c. Henry.
389 xi Edwin R , b. March 10, 1823.s. xii. Julian A., b. April 13, 1825,m.
xiii Lois A b, July 12, 1827, m. Archibald Hayes.
390 xiv Andrew J, b. Nov. 19, 1833. s.

158 STEPHEN 6 (Peter 5, etc.) b. Hopkinton, N. H., March 3, 1776, m. March, 1799, Sarah Perley, New London. She d. Oct. 2, 1862; he d. Feb.19, 1856, at N. L., where be was a mer., bur. and c. b.

i. Sally 7, b. May 11, 1800, d.
391 ii. Marcus E., b. May 30, l801.s.
iii. Dolly, b. May 19, 1802, d.
iv Amy S.,b. Dec.24, 1806, m.Jan. 24,1838, Benjamin Low,Georgetown, Mass. She d. 1890; c. Sarah, b. 1834; John, 1836, d. Matilda C.,1837, d.; Charles M., 1839; Matilda, 1842; Benj. P., 1843.
392 v. Charles S, b. March 19, 1817,m. Dec.13, 1840, Judith T. Severance, Andover, there, where she was b. March 2, 1818. He was a mer. at N. L. where he d. 1889.

159 WILLIAM 6 (Peter 5, etc.) b. Hopkinton, N. H., Feb. 10, 1778, m. Susanna Seger. He res. and c. b. at New London.

393 i. Gilman P. 7, b. Oct. 26, l808.s. ii. Aurilla, b. Jan.30, 1813.

161 MOSES 6 (Nathan 5, Stephen 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William l) b. Hopkinton, N. H., Sept. 8, 1767, m. April 3, 1791, Sarah Lee, Manchester. She was b. 1768, d. April 2, 1813. He m. Mrs. Elizabeth Sawyer. She was b. 1767, d. Nov. 9, 1815. He m. Nov.13, 1816, Mrs. Hannah Paine. She was b. 1777, d. March 11, 1860; he d. Sept. 29, 1852, all at H., where he was a far., bur. and c. b.

394 i. Moses 7, b. Feb. 26, 1792.s.
ii . Eunice, b. March 29, 1795, m. 1838, John Hill, Sheboygan, Wis.
iii. Edward L., b. May 13, 1796.s. iv. Sarah, b. June 11, 1808, m. 179.
v. Jemima, b. Oct.11, 1811, d. vi. Elizabeth, b. Oct.13, 1814, m. 179.
vii. Stephen, b. Aug.26, 1817.s.
viii. Nathan, b. Aug.26, l817.s.
ix. Hannah D., b. Dec. 10, 1820, m. Oct. 11, 1843, Charles Haselton, Plymouth, d. 1892: c. Martha F.; Charles; Henry W.; Arthur S.
x. Mary C., b. Aug. 26, 1822, m. March 7, 1850, Wendall Hoffman, M.D., of S., Wis.; c. Frank; Lydia M.; Grace.
398 xi. Samuel W., b. Aug.26, 1822.s.

162 STEPHEN 6 (Nathan 5, etc.) b. Hopkinton, N. H., May 7, 1769, m Sarah Allen of H. He d. Jan, 3, 1834, at H. where they were bur. and c. b.

399 i. Stephen B. 7, b. 1806, m. Betsey P. Eaton, H. She d. Sept.27, 1883; he d. July 4, 1864, both at H., where he was a mer., held office and bur.

164 STEPHEN 6 (Abner 5, Stephen 4. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1). b. Amesbury, Mass., March 23, 1772, m. Jan. 23, 1804, Betsey Currier, Warner, N. H., there. She was b. Dec.12, 1774, d. March 15, 1829. Hem. 1835? Ruth Clough. She was b. Feb., 1793, at Tyngsboro, Mass., where she d. Jan.19, 1881, and was bur. He d. April 24, 1859, at W., where he was a far., bur. and c. b.
i . Abner 7, b. Oct. 7, 1804, d. April 20, 1805.
400 ii. Daniel C., b. Oct. 7, 1804, m. Sally Couch of W., there, where she was b. 1800, d. March 24.1866; he d. July 15, 1866, at Webster; both bur. at W.
401 iii. Abner, b. Sept.16, l806.s. iv. Sally, b. June 27, 1808, d. '25.
v. Thomas, b. May 8,1810, d. '25. -
vi. Hannah, b. April 5, 1812, d. '62.
402 vii. Jacob R., b. May 26, 1818. s.
viii. Theodate b. April 15, 1818, m. Oct.14, 1847, Willard Jones, Webster; c. Warren; Abbie.
403 ix. Isaac, b. Dec. 5, 1820,m. Susan L. Dalton at Lowell, Mass. He was a calico printer: d. June 10, 1867, in Pa. and bur. at Frankfort; c. I. Clara 8, b. June, 1847, m. Oct., 1872, Joseph Hill, d. 1874.
x. Charlotte S., b. Aug. 22, 1838.

165 WILLIAM ROWELL 6 (Abner 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., March 23, 1772, m. Nov, 9, 1798, Mary Colby, Warner, N.H. She was b. July 11, 1778, d. Feb.27, 1870; he d. June 27, 1846, at W., where he was a far., bur. and c. b.

404 i. Nathan 7, b. Nov. 6, 1801.s.
405 ii. Stephen M., b. Sept. 8, 1803.s. iii. Melinda, b. Aug. 29, 1805, d. '53.
406 iii. William R., b. Feb.20, 1810.s.
v. John C., b. March 26, 1812, d. '30.
v. Naomi B., b. July 5, 1814, d. Oct. 2, 1832.
407 vii Abner, b. July 25, 1817,m. Nov. 4, 1847, Miriam A. Danforth of W., there. She was b. 1825, d. July 7, 1881, at W. He m. Oct.17, 1882, Mrs. Eveline Annis. He d. March 8, 1891, at W.

166 ABNER 6 (Abner 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., July 8, 1779, m. 1822, Hannah Currier, Warner, N. H., there. She was b. at Deerfield, June 10, 1792, d. Feb.14, 1850; he d. Feb. 26, 1860, both at W., where he was a far., bur. and c. b.

408 i. Harrison R. 7, b. Jan. 1, 1823,m. Feb. 1, 1848, Lucy J. Danforth of W., there, where she was b. Dec.23, 1829, d. Nov. 9, '97. He was a far. at W; c i. Hannah 8 b. April 26, 1853, d.; ii. Nettie C., Sept. 8, 1861.
ii. Judith C., b. Oct.20. 1824, m. Charles Colby, a far. of W.
iii. Hannah. b. May 9, 1827,m. Nov., 1854, John Tucker, Danbury.
409 iv. Leonard E., b. Sept. 3, 1833,m. Nov. 10, 1858, Sophronia Colby of W. He d. Nov.14, 1863, at W., was a mech. and in the war of 1861, Co. H 16th Regt. N. H. V

167 THOMAS 6 (Abner 5, etc.) b. Warner, N. H., June 2, 1782, in. Nov. 13, 1806, Betsey Ray, Henniker, there, where she was b. Feb. 5, 1785, d. Aug.16, 1858; he d. Feb.13, 1851, at H., where he was a far., mech., bur. and c. all but the 5th b.

i . Eliza 7, b. May 19,1807,m. Daniel Chase; c .Jane. She m. 2d. J. Chase.
410 ii. William R., b. Aug. 29, 1809,m. Esther Eastman of H., where she was b.; d. at Boscawen. He was a far. at H. and d. at Hopkinton, April 28, 1860 ; c. I Martha J 8 b. Oct 7, 1837, m. Enoch Little of H., d. 1863; c. Alta; Addie; Helen E
iii. Jonathan, b Feb. 26, 1812 d
411 iv. Abner C., d June 13 1815
v. Sarah J., b June 19 1817, m. Oct 31, 1838, Mark Gove, a far. of H. She d. 1879; c Mary E. b. 1843; Mark A., 1846; Ira F., 1849; George A, 1853 Celia A l855 ; Madora A., 1861.
412 vi. Thomas W., b June 26 1822. s
418 vii. Isaac P.. b. Nov, 15 1826 s

168 ISAAC 6 (Abner 5, etc.) b. Warner, N. H ., Nov. 21, 1786, in. March 16, 1816, Rebecca M. Farnum, Concord, there, where she was b. Dec. 10, 1795, d. April 19, 1882, at C. and bur. there. He d. Dec. 6, 1825, from fracture of the skull, at Boscawen, where he res., was a far., bur. and c. b.

i . Sarah F. ,7, b. Dec. 15, 1816,m. Nov. 22. 1843, John A. Jackman, a railroad employee, at Bloomington. Ill.; c. Caroline F., b. 1844; John A., 1848; Georgiana, 1851; Frank S., 1854; Frederick 0., 1858.
414 ii. Ezekiel C , b. Nov.21, 1818. s.
415 iii. George J., b. Oct.20, 1820.s.
iv. Mary A., b. Sept. 2, 1822, m. April 19, 1849. Noah Bosworth, Quincy, Mass.; c. Emily A.,b. 1850; George A., 1852; Mary A., 1854; Evelyn G., 1857; Winfield S., 1861.
416 v. Walter H., b. March 6, 1825. s.

169 MOSES 6 (Amasa 5, Stephen 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., May 26, 1777, m-in. Feb. 14, 1802, to Anna Morrill, Salisbury, there, where she was b. Sept. 2, 1775. He d. Sept. 7, 1855, at S., where he was a shipwright and c. b.

i. Anna 7, b. 1802.
417 ii. Moses, b. Dec.16. 1803.s. iii. Louisa, b. Oct.14, 1806, d. '08.
418 iv.Thomas M., b. May 4, 1809.s. v. Sophia.
vi. John M., b. March 29, 1812, d. vii. Mary, b. Jan. 23, 1818, d.

171 EDMUND 6 (Amasa 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Oct.31, 1785,m. Sept. 27, 1803. Sally, daut. 56 Moses, of A.. there, where she was b. March 14, 1784, d. Nov.15, 1815. Hem. May 14, 1816, Sophia
Pecker. She was b. May 2, 1791, d. Dec.15, 1866; he d. June 2, 1867, at A., where he was a mer., bur. and c. b.

419 i. Orlando H. 7, b. Aug. 22, 1809. s.
ii. Maria, b. May 26, 1812,m. Nov.30, 1831, Alfred E. Goodwin.
420 iii. Albert, b. Jan. 30, 1817. s.
421 iv. Charles B., b. May 28, 1819.5. v. Sally, b. Feb. 14, 1823.
vi. Hannah. b. May 22, 1825, in. John Cleary of A.
422 vii. Otis, b. Feb. 8, 1832, in. Dec.21, 1854. Alice M. Bradbury at A. She was b. Aug. 31, 1835, d. Aug. 28,1879, at Merrimac; he d. Oct.17, 1889, and bur. at M.

172 STEPHEN 6 (Amasa 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Jan. 5, 1788,m. April 12, 1812, Dolly, daut. 144 Thomas, of A., there, where she was b. Dec.15, 1788; he d. Dec. 14, 1869, at A., where he was a car manu., bur. and c. b.

i . Lois 7, b. Oct. 5, 1812, d. ii. Thomas, b. Apr. 5, 1814, d.
iii. Sarah L., b. Sept. 1, 1815. iv. Bettey, b. Nov. 9, 1817.
v. Caroline P., b. Dec.17, 1819, in. 359. vi. Dolly, b. Dec.15, 1821.

173 ROBERT 6 (Amasa 5, etc.)b. Amesbury, Mass., Jan. 5, 1788,m. Oct. 31, 1811, Martha Nichols of A., there, where she d. 1812. Hem. Dec.27, 1815, Eunice Nichols of A., where she was b. April 8, 1796, d. Oct.19, 1861; he d. May 15, 1863, at Melrose, and the last two are bur. at Mt. Auburn. He was a car. manu. and c. b. at A.

i. Martha 7, b. March 27, 1812,m. 366 Christopher.
423 ii. Amasa, b. Dec.12, 1816. s.
424 iii. Frederick William, b. May 26, 1819,m. Sept.23, 1847, Helen Janvrin, Chelsea. She was b. March 9, 1828, d. May 14, 1849. He in. May 6, 1852, Helen B. Kimball, Bradford, there, where she was b. July 6, 1832. He is a retired druggist at Newton.
425 .iv. Wingate P., b. March 23, 1822.s.
426 v. Sidney, b. June 19, 1826.s.
vi. Mary P., b. Dec. 15, 1832,m. Sept. 22, 1862. Edward Knights, Melrose.

175 EZEKIEL 6 (Ezekial 5, Stephen 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Aug.31, 1785,m. Nov. 7, 1816, Susanna Dow, Plaistow, N. H. She was b. July 20, 1783, d. March 28, 1872; he d. June 10, 1845, at A., now Merrimac, where he was a far., bur. and c. b. He was the first to keep the record continued by 427.
427 i. Darius 7, b. March 25, 1820.s.
428 ii. Erastus, b. April 10.1823.s.
429 iii. Calvin, b. Dec. 9.1828.s. iv. and v. d. in inf.

176 STEPHEN 6 (Ezekiel 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., April 13, 1787, m. Feb. 13, 1814, Sally Davis, Plaistow, N. H. He d. Dec.17, 1853, at Hopkinton, where they res.; c. b. at Newport.

430 i. Daniel D .7, b. Dec.28, 1816.s.
431 ii. Ezekiel D., b Nov 1 1821.s.

177 NATHAN 6 (Ezekiel 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Aug.14, 1797, m. Oct. 12, 1819, Elizabeth Kent, Newbury, there, where she was b. Jan. 2, 1799, d.Jan. 24, 1882; he d. Aug. 2,1864, at Groveland, where he was a shoemaker, bur. and c. b.
432 i. George M. 7, b. Sept 19, 1821. s.
ii . Elizabeth, b.July 13.1823, m. Sept. 30,1841, Aura S. Tuttle. She m. Oct.14, 1866, James Prentis.
iii. Nathan, b. May 8, 1825, d. Oct.13, 1826.
433 iv. Nathan, b. Sept. 2, 1827.s.
434 v. Warner, b. March 6, 1831.s.

178 ABNER 6 (Ezekiel 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Oct. 5, 1799, m. Oct. 5, 1820, Lavena Chase of A., there. She was b. Aug.14, 1800, d. Aug. 8,1889; he d. April 1,1867, at A., where he was a far., bur. and c. b.
i. Betsey A. 7, b. July 15, 1821, m. Feb. 2, 1843. John Haskell, A.
ii . Sally G., b. May 2, 1823, m. June 28, 1841, Elbridge G. Waterhouse, Fall River; c. Adeline; Charles F
435 iii. Abner W., b, April 12, 1825.s. iv. Lavena C..b. Oct.15,1827, d.1831.
v. Rhoda M., b. Sept. 8, 1829. d. vi. Giles K., b. Aug., 1832, d. '53.
436 vii. Hazen F., b. Aug. 9, 1836.s.

179 JOHN KELLY 6 (Ezekiel 5, etc.) b. Amesbury. Mass., March 1, 1802; m. June 4, 1827, Sarah G., daut. of 161 Moses, of A., there, where she was b. June 11,1808; d. May 1, 1833. He m. May 1, 1834, Elizabeth W., a half sister of Sarah. She was A., Oct. 13, 1814,d. Feb.10, 1897; he d. Feb.20, 1897, both at Merrimac and were bur. there. He was a far. and res. at M., and had held many offices and positions of trust. He was a strong abolitionist in the day of Garrison and Whittier, with whom he formed an early acquaintance; had been an advocate of total abstinence and a member of the Congregationalist Church for sixty-four years, and his wife, all of his children grandchildren are members of the same church. He joined Warren Lodge of Free Masons at A. in 1826. and took great interest in the order, and was no doubt the oldest living Mason at the time of his death. His c. all b. at A. and by 2nd m.
i .Charles N. 7 , b. Aug.15, 1837.s. ii. Sally C, b. Oct. 21, 1840.
iii. Elizabeth W.. b. Aug. 9, 1843, d. Feb.15, 1897.
iv. M. PERRY, b. March 9, 1846. He resides at Merrimac, where he attended the public schools. then attending the literary and scientific institution at New London, N. H. He was an early advocate of temperance a member of an evangelical church from his childhood, but purely non sectarian While very decided in his opinions he is willing to respect the honest convictions of others He was a delegate to the first World's Sunday School convention in London , England in 1889, when he made a tour over the continent of Europe As a Mason he belongs to the Mass Consistory 32 degree S. P. of R.S.. of the
National Jurisdiction and has held many offices in the York and Scottish Rites. Judge Sargent is an easy speaker , clear and concise, and has a quick conception of the law and was appointed one of the Justices of the Second District Court of Essex at its formation in 1888.
v. Edward P., b. May 17, 1849, d. Sept. 21, l852.
vii Twins b July 18, 1855 , d. in inf..

180 J0SIAH 6 ( Moses 5, Stephen 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., May 15, 1776,m. April 10, 1805, Eunice Patten of A., there, where she was b. Sept.19, 1782, d. Feb. 24, 1857; he d.
May 30, 1849, at A., where they res., bur. and c. b.
i .Moses 7, b. Jan. 22, 1807 , d. Apr. 30 1807.
439 ii. Moses, b. Dec. 12, 1808. s.
iii. Charlotte P., Nov. 27, 1811 m Dec.30, 1830, William Swett of A., res. Salisbury; c. Charlotte A. ; William H.
440 iv. Willis Patten b. Aug. 10, 1814 m Dec. 19, 1836. Mary H .Mason of Grafton, NH She was b. Sept. 8 1815; c. b. at A. i. Henrietta M. 8, b Nov 16 1848, m. Sept 9, 1869 Alfred W. Morrill of A.; c. Hannah.
v. Hannah P., b. Nov. 12, 1816 , d. '75
vi .Mary, b. May 21, 1820, m. Nov. 1852, Francis Smiley; c. Frances; Mary.

182 JAMES 6 (Ebenezer 5, Stephen 4, Thomas 3 , Thomas 2 , William 1). b. Warner, N.H., Sept. 25, 1782, m. June 4, 1809, Mary Whitcomb of W., there. She was b. March 11, 1781, d. April 11, 1870: he d.
1868, both at W. , where he was a far., bur. and c. b.

441 i. Ebenezer Williams 7, b. June 2, 1810, m Nov. 10 1842. Ruth W. Heath of Hopkington where she was b. March 10, 1817. He d. Jan. 11, 1863 at W., where he was a far.. bur. and c. b. c. i Sarah A. 8, b.
April 28, 1844 ii Alfred W., b.. May 31, 1849 d. '82.
ii Lydia W., b. July 25, 1814,m. Foster ? d. Oct. 25 1838.
442 iii. James W. b. Sept. 9, 1817. s.

183 STEPHEN 6 (Ebenezer 5 etc, b. Warner NH, March 29, 1790,m. May 28, 1820, Molly C. Foster of W. at W. They d. in Minn. ; c. b. at W

i. William 7, b. Oct. 9, 1821, d. ii Louisa, b. Sept.26, 1822.
iii. Stephen H., b. July 20, 1824, d. iv. Eunice A., b. March 27, 1826.
v. Mary J., b. Aug. 21, 1827.m. Micheal Larkin, Manchester.
vii. Charles A., b. Sept.19, 1828, d. viii. Lydia E., b. Oct. 1, 1830.
ix. Stephen W., b. March 22, 1831, d.
x. Joseph, b. Sept. 16, 1832, d. '71
xi. James, b. Feb. 8, 1834, d.
xii. Jonathan F., b. Dec.17, 1835.

184 BARNARD 6 (Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Jacob 3, Thomas 2, William l) b. Amesbury, Mass., March 30, 1753 (A. r. 29, 1754 f. r.)m. Feb.28, 1776, Anna Hanaford, Haverhill, there. She was b. 1746? d. Oct.
10, 1822, and he d. April 6, 1817, both at Concord, N. H., where they were bur. He res. at Deerfield and C. He was in the revo. war from D. in 1781; c. b. at D. and C.

443 i. Zachariah H. 7, b. March 4, 1771.s. ii. Mary, b. Oct. 2, 1772.
iii. Hannah, b. Jan. 14, 1776. m. April 5.1796, Edward Scales of Canterbury; c:. Sally; Edner; John; Benjamin; Eben; Joseph; Royal; Aaron; Betsey; Bridget.
iv. Eliza b. March 18, 1779. v. Nancy, b. July 28, 1780.
vi. Judith, b. Nov.19, 1785,m. Feb.15, 1814. Jacob Waldron, Webster; c. Annie M., b. 1814; Thomas B., 1817; John E., 1818; Annie M.; Ezra, 1822; Elizabeth S,1824; Isaac C., 1825; Judith F., 1829.
444 vii. Ephraim. b. Feb.27. 1789.s.
445 viii. Thomas B .,b. Feb. 20, 1793.s.

186 EPHRAIM 6 (Thomas 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., May 9, 1757,m. abt. 1783, Mart Dore, or Dove, Albamarl, Va., there. She was b. April 8.1755, in Va., d. Aug., 1858; he d. May 1, 1853, both at Six Mile, S. C., and bur. at Pleasant Hill church. He enlisted from N. H. in 1778, and by Weare hist. received a bounty in 1777 for enlisting in the revo. war. His c. four were b. in Va. and eight in S.C. Order?

i. Susan 7, m. John Gilstrop. S. M. ii. Mary,m. Peter Gilstrop.
iii. Sarah, m. Milton Damold; c. Susan,: James, d. Sarah m. 2d Oct., 1846. James Dodd, a far., Central. She d. 1887; c. Henry T., b. 1848, at C.
446 iv. David. b. 1790.s . v. Nancy, m. John Brewer, a far.
447 vi. John, b. Sept. 14, 1793.s.
448 vii. Henry, b. abt. 1796.s.
449 viii. Ephraim, m. Miss Gipson..
ix. James. x. Rachel, m. Franklin Druyman of Pitkins.
xii. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 1, 1806, m. Benjamin Chandler, a miller. She d. 1894; c: Jesse J., b. 1853, res. Roanoke.
450 xiii. Abraham, b. Dec. 23, 1817.s.

187 ELIJAH 6 (Isaac 5, Thomas 4, Jacob 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Weare, N. H., March 17, 1781,m. Dec. 26, 1805, Hannah Huggins, Windsor, Vt. She was b. March 27, 1778, d. Feb. 20, 1849; he d.
Feb. 10,1856, both at Hartland where he was a far., held office and c. b.

451 i. David H. 7, b. Sept. 29, 1806.s.
ii. Susan, b. April 9, 1808 ,m. Dec. 3, 1835. William Gray, a far. of W. She d. 1876; c Charles, b. 1836; Mary E., 1844.
iii. Adeline, b. Jan. 19, 1810, m Nov. 15, 1836, Cullen Woodruff, a far. of W.; C. George C., b. 1839, d.; Alvin, 1841, d.; David A., 1846; Galen, 1849.
iv. Judith S. b. Dec. 7, 1811. V. Hannah M., b. Oct. 25, 1813, d. '47.
452 vi. J. Gilman, b. Oct. 4, 1815, m. Dec. 25, 1841, Harriet Brigham of Springfield, where she was b. Sept. 3, 1812, d. Jan. 29, 1892; he d. Sept. 3, 1882, both at Ft. Atchinson, Wis, where they were bur. He was a carp. and builder and held office; c. adopted Caria A.
vii. S. Ayers, b. June 22, 1818, d. '40.
viii. Phebe U. , b. Oct. 17, 1820, d. '22.
453 ix. Isaac N., b. July 6, 1822.s.

188 JACOB 6 (Asa 5, Thomas 4, Jacob 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Amesbury, Mass., Feb. 17, 1765, m. Mary Bailey of Weare, N. H. He was a far. and c: b. at W.

i . Judith 7. b. Aug. 6, 1789. ii. Hannah, b. May 15, 1791.
iii. Miriam, b. Oct. 16, 1796. iv. Caleb Kimball, b. May 13, 1800.

189 ASA 6 (Asa 5, etc.) b. Amesbury, Mass., Dec. 5, 1772, m. Martha Smith, Ackworth, N. H. She was b. Dec. 23,1777, d. Feb. 3,1857; he d. March 23, 1814, at A. He was a far. and res. at W. and A.; four c. b. at W. and two at A.

i. Asa 7, b. Sept. 5,1799, d. ii. Judith K., b. March 23, 1801, d. '33.
454 iii. Asa, b. July 20, 1803.s
iv Anna , b. June 2, 1807, d. '26.
455 V. Jeremiah H., b .Jan. 14, 1810.s.
456 vi. Jacob, b. March 22, 1812. s

191 STEPHEN LEWIS 6 (Moses 5, Thomas 4, Jacob 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Weare, N. H., Jan. 19, 1789;m. March 30, 1819, Bridget Shaw, Waitsfield, Vt., there. She was b. Bridegeport, Conn., Mar. 7, 1795, d. at Montpelier, June 6, 1883; he d. April 3, 1873, at Warren, where they res. and are bur. He was a far. and speculator, a man of pleasing address and strong personality. He was colonel in the State militia, represented the town and held other offices. He enlisted at the invasion at Plattsburg, N. Y.; c. b. at W.
i. Phebe J. 7, b. Jan. 8, 1821, d. Sept. 28, 1828.
457 ii Richard L., b. May 27, 1823, s.
iii. Timothy, b. April 5, 1827, d. '28.
458 iv. Timothy D., b. Oct. 5, 1830, s.
459 v. Frederick M., b. March 10,1833,s.
vi. Jeanette A., b. Sept. 2, 1837;m. Sept 12, 1858, Clifton H. Walbridge, railroad employee, of Northfield, Vt., res. at Worcester, Mass., c. Etra A., b. 1860; Rolla C., b. 1867; Clara F., 1869.
vii. Sarah A., b. March 11, 1841; m. Oct. 30, 1862, William Andrews, a painter, of Montpelier, Vt

192 MOSES 6 (Moses 5, etc.) b. Windsor, Vt., March 20, 1791 m. Nov. 14, 1813, Lydia Steele, of Brookfield, there. She was b. Antrim, N.H. Dec. 31,1796, d. at Warren, Vt., July 15, 1882 he d. Oct. 2, 1853, at Ferrisburg, where they res. but both are bur. in W. He res. in W., Vergennes, Weighbridge, Middlebury and F. He was a miller and far. and a person of remarkable ability; held many offices and positions of trust; c. b. nine in Warren, one in V.
i . Maria L. 7, b. May 8, 1815;m. Jan 23, 1833, Gideon G. Goodspeed, of W. a far.; d. 1873;c. Mary J., b. 1834; Stephen I., b. 1837; Ann E.. 1842; Laura, 1845; Eva B , 1852.
ii. James S., b. April 30, 1817, d. July 29, 1819.
iii. Caroline E., b. June 10,1820;m. April 7,1841, Charles B. Curtis, a painter, of V. She d. 1891 c C. ElIen, b. 1842; Sarah b 1844 C Eliza, 1851.
iv. Cornelius, b. March 29, 1822 d y
v. . Philura S., b. July 26,1823 m. Nov. 17,1840, Henry M. Gage, a far. of F. She d. 1884; c. Walter C b 1841; Thankful, 1843; Henry N., 1847; Sylvester M., 1851; Lydia E., 1854; Charles W., 1861; Ammi H, 1863.
vi. Sarah A. b. Nov. 29, 1825 m Jan 8, 1846, Noble Herendeen, a far. of New Haven. She d. 1884 c Annette E., b. 1848; Florence V., 1855; Ann E 1859.
vii. Lydia b Oct. 3, 1827, d. Oct. 24, 1827
viii. Lydia L. b. Sept. 22, 1831;m. Feb. 13 1861, George F. Vickery, a far of Warren; c. Hattie F b 1862.
460 ix. Elias M h Feb. 22, 1834. s.
x. Elmina J b. July 6, 1836;m. July 1, 1857, Riley D. Smith, an engineer, of Nashua, N. H. She d.1871; c. Effie L., b. 1871.
193 THOMAS 6 (Moses 5, etc.) b. Windsor, Vt., May 18,1797; m. Jan. 29, 1824, Laura Richardson, of Tolland, Conn., there, where she was b. March 1, 1799. (See Richardson Gen.) She d. at Brookfield, Vt., March 19,1875; he d. at Northfield, Aug. 25,1870, and both are bur. at Warren, where they res. to 1860, then at N. He res. on the farm settled by his father in 1809, and built the brick house and the present buildings on the place. He was a school teacher in early life, a far., captain in the State militia, represented the town and held many positions of trust and public office. He was a kind and indulgent father, social and accommodating neighbor, well informed in the questions and events of the times and very much interested in this work, giving 427 Darius information. His interest may have been transmitted to the son and this work the result; c. b. at W.

i. Persis R. 7, b. Aug. 6.1825, d. Mar. 27, 1828.
461 ii Thomas I., b. Mar. 14, 1829.s.
462 iii. Roderick R , b. April 21, 1830.s.
463 iv. Edwin E., b. Apr. 19, 1834.s.

194 HUMPHREY 6 ( Benjamin 5, Benjamin 4, Jacob 3, Thomas 2, William l) b. Amesbury, Mass., Jan. 29, 1769,. March 9, 1791, Anna Morrill, Warner, N. H. He was a far. at W. where both d., bur. and c. b. His will was pro. at Concord, Nov., 1846, and names "Wife Nancy" and others.

i . Molly 7, b. Aug. 21, 1792. ii. Nancy, b May 7, 1794.
iii. Eunice b March 23, 1796, m.. at W.., Jan 14, 1844, Samuel Worthley.
iv. Sarah b Sept. 11,1799, in. John Jackson
v. Hulda, b Aug. 14, 1801, d. vi. Rhoda b. Aug. 20, 1803, d.
vii. Hulda b June 20, 1805,. Aug. 29, 1836 Isaac Bunker, of W.
viii Rhoda, b. May 24, 1807. ix. Naomi b May 13, 1809.
464 x. Daniel M b. Sept. 30, 1811,m. _____ Mason c. i. Albert W. 8; ii.. Abbie M. iii Clara A.
xi. Ruth b. Aug. 8, 1813, in. Albert L. Couch

195 SIMEON 6 (Benjamin 5, etc.)b. Amesbury, Mass., April 23, 1772,m. Nov. 13, 1796, Nancy Foot, Warner, N. H., there. She was b. May 4, 1776, d. Sept. 5, 1849; he d. July 4, 1828, at W., where he was a far., bur. and c. b.

465 i . Aaron 7, b. July 7, 1797 s.
ii. Mary T. b. Nov. 2, 1799,m. June 11, 1819, George W Flanders of W. She d 1846 c. Hazen E.; Aaron S.; Marcellus M.; Alfred H.; Mahala C ; Ellen N; Warner M d..; Warner. see 505.
iii. Asa b. April 4 1803 d Aug. 30, 1804.
466 iv. Asa Charles b. July 28, 1807,m. Louisa Worthley, of W. He d. in Sutton Dec. 20, 1836 c;. Frances E 8, b.. Feb. 13, 1835;m. John Buzwell, of Danbury d 1893
v. Nancy, b. March 14, 1814,m. 484.
vi. Eliza A., b July 8, 1816, d. 1848.

197 ISAAC CHASE 6 (Benjamin 5, etc.) b. Warner, N. H., Jan. 20, 1783;m. March 20, 1806, Lydia Evans, of W., there She was b. Feb. 5, 1785, d. Jan. 29,1829. He m. Feb. 18,1830, Eunice Adams, of W. She was b. Dec. 15, 1792. He d. May 9, 1853, at Plainfield; res. at Goshen, where he was a far., bur. and c. b.

467 i. Asa 7, b. April 20, 1807,m. July 20, 1833, Elizabeth P. Peabody, Salem, Mass., at Boston. He d. Dec. 21, 1833, at W. She d. 1866 at B. He was a shoemaker.
468 ii. Nicholas Evans, b. Feb. 25, 1809, in. Emeline W. Carey, Lempster, where she was b. July 25, 1815, d. .July 28, 1863. Hem. Dec., 1863 Mary E. Gilmore, Acworth. He d. May 10, 1865, at A., where he was a mech., held office; c. b. at Unity; i. Emeline 8, b. Nov. 22, 1833, m. Sept. 8, 1853, George Neal of U.
469 iii. Hezekiah Emerson, b. May 2, 1813, in. Mary A. Pierce, Salem, Mass. He d. Aug. 15. 1883, Carson, Kan. He was a shoe dealer and had res. in Mass.. Me., Ill. and Nev.; c., i. George E. 8, d. Virginia City.
470 iv. Isaac, b. Sept. 11, 1815.s.
471v: Henry H., b. Aug. 18, 1820.s.
vi. Susan E., b. June 1, 1822, in. Sept., 1851, Nathaniel Howe, Enfield; c; Frank H.
vii. Lydia E., b.. March 9, 1828, d. viii. Ellen A., b. Nov. 2, 1835, d. '58.

198 BENJAMIN 6 (Benjamin 5, etc.)b. Warner, N. H., June 5, 1786; m. Nov. 15.1811, Eunice Colby of W., there, where she was b. Feb. 6, 1786, d. April 27, 1840; he d. Jan. 1, 1867, at Hopkinton. He was a far., held office and c. b. at W.

i. Miraim 7, b. Dec. 7, 1812, _____ ; c. Judith, , b.. Jan. 17, 1832, m. Dec. 26, 1850, Abraham A. Carrier, a far. of Concord. He d. 1858; c. Addie A., b. 1856. She m. Aug. 24, 1862, Joseph H. Adams, a far., and res. Contocook; c. Lela H., b. 1866; Cloud D., 1869; Lindsey W., 1872.
ii. Judith, b. 1813, d.
472 iii. James P., b. June 5, 1814, m. Mary Sawyer of Henniker at W. She b. 1811, d. July 26, 1892; he d. June 2, 1867, at Hopkinton, where they res. He was a mech.
473 iv. Benjamin, b. Nov. 5, 18l7. s. v. Moses C., b. Feb. 7, 1821, d. '40.
vi. Mary P., b. 1822, m. Otis F. Jewell; c. Delia A.; Lucy A.; Etta M.

199 MOSES 6 (Benjamin 5, etc.) b. Warner, N. H., May 1, 1788,m. 1812, Mary Clement of W., there. She was b. Salisbury, Dec. 3, 1788, d. Sept. 20, 1870, at W; he d. Sept. 11, 1849, at Grantham, where he was a far., held office, bur. and c. b.

474 i. Seth C. 7, b. May 22, 1815.s.
475 ii. Benjamin, b. July 12, 1817. s.
476 iii. Moses C., b. Sept. 30, 1819. s.
477 iv. Aaron, b. June 18, l821. s.
v. Rosalia, b. Feb. 3, 1823,m. Aug., 1841, Procter Putnam, a far., Gurnee, Ill., c. Mary 0.; Orlando P., b. 1845: Loretta E., 1848; Rose J., 1851; Eller I., 1855; Estell R., 1857.
vi. Elizabeth C., b. Dec. 19, 1824, m. Nov. 14, 1844, William H. Medcalf of G.; c., Orin W., b. 1848; George S., 1850; Elizabeth M., 1864; Elmer A., 1865; Arthur E., 1869.
478 vii. John C., b. Oct. 21, 1826. s.
479 viii. David A., b. Jan. 5, 1829.s.
ix. Almira N., b. Feb. 20, 1831, m. May 8, 1850, John W. Clement, a far. W.; c. Luther J., b. 1852; Moses C., 1856.

200 LEVI 6 (Joseph 5, Joseph 4, Joseph 3, Thomas 2, William 1) b. Warner, N. H., Sept. 21, 1777, m. Feb. 2, 1804, Rosamond B. Harris of Plainfield. She was b. Dec. 2, 1782, d. Feb. 10, 1866; he d. March 16, 1862, both at Cleveland, 0., where be was a blacksmith and bur.; c.:
i. Jerusha T. 7, b. Sept. 17, 1804,m. Jan. 9, 1825, Epaphras L. Barber, a far. of C. She d.1887; c; Josiah, b. 1825; Richard L., 1827; Epaphras, 1830; Sophia L., 1833; Hannah L., 1843.
ii. Elizabeth H., b. Dec. 15, 1805, m. April 7, 1830, George L. Chapman of C.
iii. Julia A., b. March 31, 1808,m. Oct. 11, 1829, Robert C. Selden, a far. of C.. d. 1890; C. Charles, b. 1830; Rosamond H., 1833; Julia, 1834; Susan E., 1837.
480 iv. John Harris, b. March 7, 1814, m. June 10, 1857, Mrs. Julia Jackson Hull. He d. Oct. 20, 1893? at C., where he res. He was a civil engineer.
v. Benjamin F., b. Nov. 7, 1815, d. 1816.
481 vi. Charles H.. b. April 25, 1819. s.


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