Aaron Felt, son of Aaron Felt & Tabitha, his wife, Dy'd December ye 17th, 1770.
Eleanor Heald, Daughter of Capt. Ephraim Heald & Sarah, his wife, Dy'd December ye 19, 1772.
John Everett, son of John Everett and Elizabeth, his wife, Dy'd August 3d, 1771.
Phebe Howard, Daughter of Sam' Howard, and Elizabeth, his wife, Died Sept ye 11th 1773.
Mrs. Lydia Dinsmore, the wife of Abraham Dinsmore, Died September ye 13th A Domini, 1774.
Nathaniel Howard, son of Saml Howard and Elizabeth, his wife, Died May ye 16th 1775.
Thomas Felt, son of Peter Felt & Lucy, his wife, Died Novr 14, 1775.
Ephraim Brown, son of Ephraim Brown & Sibbel, his wife, Died September 3d 1775.
Jacob Putnam, son of Jacob Putnam & Mehetabel, his wife, Died June 29th, 1772.
Mehetabel Putnam, Daughter of Jacob Putnam & Mehetabel, his wife, Died August 29, 1775.
Hannah Spafford, Daughter of David Spofford and Elizabeth, his wife, Died Sept 19, 1775.
The Rev'd Mr. Saml Webster Departed this Life August 4th 1777. And interred ye 6th.
Jona & Hannah Searle, children of Willm & ____Searle, were killed by Lightning Augt ye --, 1777.
Miriam Putnam, Daughter of Joseph Putnam & Miriam, his wife, Died March 20th, 1777.
Ethan Brown, son of Ephraim Brown & Sibbel, his wife, Died Octr 20th, 1777.
Patty Whiting, daughter of Oliver Whiting, and Martha, his wife, died March 9, 1778.
Samuel Tenney, Son of Benjamin Tenney and Ruth, his wife, Died Sept 2, 1775.
Sally Drury, Daughter of William Drury & Elizabeth, his wife, Died June 24, 1773.
William Drury, son of William Drury & Elizabeth, his wife, Died October 4, 1775.
William Drury, Son of William Drury & Elizabeth, his wife, Died March 5, 1779.
Peter Felt, Son of Peter Felt & Lucy, his wife, Died May 14, 1779.
John Felt, Son of Peter Felt & Lucy, his wife, Died May 30, 1779.
Lucy Felt, daughter of Peter Felt & Lucy, his wife, died May 29, 1779.
Thomas Brown, Son of Ephraim Brown & Sibbel, his wife, died February 18, 1781.
Sibbel Cragin, Daughter of Francis Cragin & Sibbel, his wife, died Sept. 1, 1780.
Sally Edwards, Daughter of Ebenezer Edwards & Lucy, his wife, died March 24, 1781.
Eliot Powars Died June the 29th, 1783.
Jacob Foster, Son of Dean Jacob Foster & Sarah, his wife, Departed the Life October ye 9th, 1784.
Rachel Holt, Daughter of Samuel Holt & Lydia, his wife, departed this life April ye 9th, 1782.
Abigail Cobb, Departed this life December 31, 1787.
Thomas Edwards, Son of Ebenezer Edwards & Lucy, his wife, departed this Life July 8th, 1788.
Benjamin Ball, Son of John Ball & Hannah, his wife, died Nov. 11, 1781.
Benjamin Page Ball, Son of John Ball & Hannah, his wife, died April 17, 1788.
Mr. Oliver Heald departed this life January ye 21st, 1790.
Mr. James Foster Died 1790.
Mr. William Upton Died 1790.
Mr. David Fuller Died 1790.
Mr. Benja Tenny, Jr., Died 1790.
The wife of Mr. Aaron Felt Died July 10th, 1790.
Anna Cragin, Daughter of Frs Cragin & Sibbel, his wife, Died September 16th, 1791.
Mrs. Tabitha Felt, wife of Mr. Aaron Felt, Died July 10th, 1790.
Mr. Nathaniel Griffin departed this life June ye 2d, 1790.
Phebe Howard, Daughter of Saml & Elizabeth Howard, died March 17th, 1796.
Betty Drury, Daughter of William & Elizabeth Drury, died June 24th, 1791.
Abel Drury, Son of William & Elizabeth Drury, died Decr 18, 1791.
Contributed by Ann Mensch, extracted from The History of Temple, New Hampshire by Henry Ames Blood, published in 1860, pages 265-267.
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