Grafton County



In 1774 Lloyd Hills was granted as a township. It was situated between the towns of Littleton, Franconia and Lancaster. This hilly, unbroken wilderness, with the Ammonoosuc River running through its center, was named for Dr. James Lloyd of Boston who had been granted a tract of land comprised of over 20,000 acres.

In 1787, the first settlers began to arrive at Lloyd Hills. They were Benjamin Brown and Jonas Warren. In the spring of 1789, James and Mercy (Smith Parker) Turner came to the settlement. By 1798, the town's residents formed a Committee for Bethlehem and drew up a formal act for incorporation. It was signed by Nathaniel Snow, Amos Wheeler and Stephen Houghton. The town of Lloyd Hills was known as Bethlehem for sometime before it became official on December 27, 1799.

For several years Bethlehem was politically a part of Franconia. Communal projects such as building bridges and repairing roads were done in conjunction with Franconia. The first US Census has no Lloyd Hills or Bethlehem, whose citizens are listed under the town of Franconia.

By 1850, the population had grown to 950, and the town contained a gristmill, 5 large sawmills and 2 starch factories.

Early Settlers

1787 - Benjamin Brown; 11 children: Abigail Frances, Marcus, Benjamin, Ida, Cynthia, Anna, Susannah, Triphena, Oliver, Mahala

1787 - Jonas Warren: 4 children; Otis, Betsy, Jonas, Anna

1789 - James and Mercy (Smith Parker) Turner; 3 children: Esther, Mary, Timothy

1790 - Nathaniel and Azuba (Nickerson) Snow; 6 children: Ono, Asa, Nathaniel (3rd), Azuba, Jerusha, Mahala

1790-1795 - Simeon Burt; 6 children: Levi, Simeon Jr., John, Lydia, (2 more girls)

1790-1795 - James Crane; children: Polly, and a son

1790-1795 - John Giles

1790-1795 - Isaac Batchellor; 6 children: Isaac Jr., Silas, Nehemiah, Stillman,Mary, Betsy

1790-1795 - Peter Shattuck; 4 children: Peter Jr., Stephen, Abigail, Ruth

1795 - Lot Woodbury; 4 children: Eliza

1796 - Willis Wilder; 8 children: Joseph, Horace

1798 - Joseph Barrett; 5 children: James, Joseph Jr.

1798-1800 - Jesse Phillips; 9 children: Ruben, Jeremiah, Moses

1798-1800 - Noah and Sarah Swett; 8 children: Elisha

1800 - Samuel Morrison; 6 children: John, Gilman, William

1806 - Noah Burnham; 9 children: Benjamin

1808 - Joel and Sarah (Sessions) Winch; 8 children

1812 - Daniel Wilcomb, 1812 m.1 Betsy Page d. 1815, 3 children; 1816 m. 2 Hannah Eaton, 3 children

1823 - Samuel F. Gilman; 9 children

1823 - David Gilman (brother of Samuel) both from Gilmanton

1831 - Lindsey Whitcomb

Train Station

Past Queries

Looking for Byron E. (?) Hastings, the son of Amos Hastings, born Aug 1870 in Grafton NH. I found Byron on the 1870 Grafton census, but none later. Does anyone know what happened to Byron or can I contact anyone who has a related family member?
6/19/2006 Laura Hastings

Searching for parents of Joseph (b.1824 NH) and Ezra Morrill (b. 1828 Essex Co. VT) Undocumented sources indicate that Joseph was born in Grafton Co. and father may be Stephen. Any information on the Morrill family is appreciated.
6/19/2006 Linda Hardesty

Need assistance in locating cemetery in Bethlehem where my great-great grandmother was buried. Her name was Eleonore Simoneau and she died in Littleton, New Hampshire on August 11, 1898. At the time of her death, she was married to Francois Jolin. Her parents were Augustine Simoneau and Marguerite Lambert. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
11/20/2007 Al Renaud
Note: Catholic Cemetery on Brook Road, Maple Street Cemetery on Maple Street, and Bethlehem Cemetery on Main Street.

I am conducting a family enquiry into the following families: William Moran and Marie Lemieux. Their marriage took place in 1885 under special circumstances by the church. The question I am trying to determine is which family William would come from - would it be the Patrick Moran and Ellen McGee union. To my records their union was that of 10 children. There is no William Moran listed - however due to their families originating from Quebec it could be that William was born there - and I am trying to determine such. If this were the case william I would be his great grandnephew. Were there any children from this Union in your records?

Rose Hereron and James McCrea. Rose was born to a family from Ireland (FERMANAGH) - Patrick and Bridget Doud. Do the records show when Rose came to the United States of America? Do they show any other records? I show that this great grandaunt would been born around 1812 and that she would have married around 1840 to James McCrea - also of Ireland. They would have had approximately 8 children.

Rose's Sister - Alice was my great grandmother and we (family) are looking at several avenues here based on family spelling - Hereron, Hearn, Hererran, etc.

Thank You for you anticipated help in this enquiry. James Moran

I am researching my family and in my great-great grandfather's will, who died in 1898 in North Greenbush, Rensselaer County, NY, three people named Bean are listed as his heirs, living in Littleton, NH. They are Ella Bean, Stella Bean, and Percy Bean. In the 1900 US census I find a Leslie Bean living in Littleton, NH, a widower, with his three children, Stella, Ella, and Percy, and Leslie's mother, Mary J., who was 74 in 1900. I have found Mary J. married to Portus Bean and one of their children in Leslie F., who was 6 yrs. old in 1860. I assume that Mary J. is Mary J. Durlam, Portus' wife.

I am trying to find out how Ella, Stella, and Percy could possibly be my great-great grandfather's great-grandchildren. His name was James Henderson and his wife was Margaret Quitterfield Henderson. My grandmother, Maud Henderson, was James and Margaret's granddaughter. She is, also, listed as an heir on the will. I have done extensive research on my family and I have never come across the name Bean before seeing it on this will. Do any of these names or places sound familiar to you (i.e., Henderson, Quitterfield, Rensselaer County, NY)? I can only assume that they are the descendants of one of the Henderson's children. I can eliminate my great-grandfather, John Nelson Henderson, and their daughter Frances

Henderson, who never married. The other children of James and Margaret Henderson were: Abner Q., George, James H., Charles, and Taylor. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
6/12/09 Christine Pearce

I am looking for information on Jesse Phillips, An early settler to Bethleham NH. I have traced my Family name to him, but that's where it ends. I have Read that he had 9 Children but have only found 3, Rueben, Moses and Jeremiah. What I know so far is that Jeremiah is the father of Warren Phillips born in Dalton NH, who had as far as I can see 4 other brothers and sisters, Warren Phillips is the father of Irving and Goldie Phillips. Irving Phillips is the Father of Ray W. and Irva Grace Phillips. Ray W. Phillips is the Father of Ray G. and Warren Phillips, Ray G Phillips is the Father of Lawrence R., Glen A and Paul E Phillips (myself).

I am looking for information on the other children of Jesse Phillips and also Information on the father of Jesse Phillips. I know that Jesse was Born in Richmond NH in 1775, I have noticed that he moved to Bethleham sometime in 1798 or there abouts. I would also like to know if there are any members of the Phillips family still in the area that might help me in gathering information. I do have some of the information of some of Jesse Phillips' children Moses, Jeremiah and Rueben. If that would be any help to you at all please let me know.

Thank You for your time and sure hope to hear back.
10/12/09 Paul E. Phillips

Jesse Phillips did have 9 children: Reuben, Jeremiah, Nathaniel, Rowena, Moses, Lovell, Asa, Deborah, Lydia. His wife was Lydia Bolles, daughter of Pastor Nathaniel and Thankful (Bolles) Bolles. Jesse and his wife are buried in the Main St. Cemetery in Bethlehem. Lovell married Martha Crane, Reuben married Deborah Burnham, Moses married Joanna Burnham, Jeremiah married Lois Fisher.

Rowena married Thomas Clark and lived and died in Troy, NH. Asa took over and ran the homestead farm which is now where the Cottages on Main St. are. The man who owns that now, showed us documents of owners.

This is only a small amount of info. since we searched for over 3 years, and in 4 States to get a clear picture of the family roots. Jesse's grandfathers Philips and Cass (Case, Ebenezer) were fairly wealthy and were from Rhode Island. Jesse's Parents were Reuben and Selve (Cass, Case) Phillips from Richmond, NH and formerly Rhode Island. ~V. Burditt for the Phillips Family (November 2009)

I am looking for information on the Clark Family of Bethlehem. My husband's grandfather, Malcolm Clark was born and resided there until about 1925 when his family moved to St. Petersburg, Florida.

Malcolm moved to St. Petersburg before he married. His wife Martha Hall was from IL. He also had 2 sisters, they call Pert (I believe her full name was Persis) and Pink (I'm not sure what her real name was, maybe Louise. Malcolm was the oldest. I believe his father's name was Walter and his wife was Etta. I have a lot of pics from years ago. Thank you for any information you can share. ~ Kathy Clark

Malcolm Clark
Lake Winnipesaukee

Amy Wilder Smith

I am looking for any information on my Gr-g-g-grandfather Dr. Levi Thayer (1770-1847) and his wife Lydia Havens (1772-1872) Would like information on their life and death in the Bethlehem area. I do have the names of their children. 6/19/2009 Jan Lokensgard

I would like to know who the parents are of ancestor, Elizabeth Adeline Varney. She was born in Bethlehem, NH on Dec. 21, 1823. I believe her parents were Isreal H. and Sally Varney, but I can find no record of that. She married Leonard Whiting in 1845.
July 2011 ~ Joan Condon

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