Grafton County

1891 Marriages in Campton

Caldon, Rawson F. & Frances Downing married 1891 Dec 02
Hutchinson, Frederic A. & Gladys G. Bagley married 1891 Mar 21
Preston, Fred H. & Gertrude M. Hodgman married 1891 Dec 12
Rowe, Arthur P. & Emeretta Coyle married 1891 Mar
Russell, Calvin J. & Florence M. Woodbury married 1891 Mar 15
Silver, Walter W. & Lizzie G. Philbrick married 1891 Nov 26
Willoughby, George D. & Susan S. Carpenter married 1891 Dec 02
Young, Dudley B. & Alice M. Moulton married 1891 Aug 31

Note: There is a great deal of additional information provided, including number of times married, age, occupation, place of birth, names of parents, occupation of parents, .... Simply click on the image to enlarge.

Source: Annual Report of the Town Officers of Campton for the Year Ending March 1, 1892, contributed 2021 Sep 18 by Norma Hass.

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This page was last updated 12/26/2023