Grafton County

1891 Births in Campton

Alcott, boy born 1891 Dec 20 to Frank & Semantha M. (Jones) Alcott
Ash, girl born 1891 Mar 20 to Moses & Salina J. (Bill) Ash
Batchelder, boy born 1891 Apr 24 to M. Smith & Emma O. (Mason) Batchelder
Benton, Athol J. born 1891 Jun 20 to Albert & Alma F. (Morse) Benton
Clement, girl born 1891 May 19 to Henry E. & Elvira (Smith) Clement
Dow, boy stillborn 1891 Jul 21 to Clarence H. & Emma (Comstock) Dow
Ellis, Nellie May born 1891 Jan 19 to Henry J. & Margaret A. (Lawrence) Ellis
Furlong, boy born 1891 Jul 12 to Augustus L. & Loel__ (Smith) Furlong
Holmes, boy born 1891 May 20 to Willie B. & Ella (Steele) Holmes
Hutchins, girl born 1891 Feb 20 to Joseph & Emma J. (Elliott) Hutchins
Page, boy born 1891 Nov 12 to Reuben D. & Flora (Ames) Page
Sawyer, girl born 1891 Aug 01 to Joseph & Mary (Grant) Sawyer
Simpson, girl born 1891 Feb 2_ to Austin G. & Kate (Emerson) Simpson
Wilkins, boy born 1891 Apr 29 to George E. & Nettie A. (Avery) Wilkins

Note: There is additional information available, including order of birth, residence, father's occupation, birth places of parents, .... Simply click on the image to enlarge.

Source: Annual Report of the Town Officers of Campton for the Year Ending March 1, 1892, contributed 2021 Sep 18 by Norma Hass.

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This page was last updated 12/26/2023