Grafton County

1889 Marriages in Campton

Ewins, George S. & Lynn Mass married 1889 Feb 12
James, Fred O. & Gertrude P. Chase married 1889 Apr 26
Page, Reuben D. & Flora E. Ames married 1889 Nov 13
Philbrick, B. J. & C. W. Russell married 1889 May 15
Pulsifer, John M. & Laura S. Worthen married 1889 Nov 12
Sawyer, Joseph & Mary Gowitt married 1889 Jun 17
Smith, John C. & Dlema C. Wilson married 1889 Aug 13
West, Charles S. & Edna M. Cheney married 1889 Jun 26
White, Lyman C. & Nellie V. Oakes married 1889 Jun 29
Wood, Henry F. & Mary A. Lodge married 1889 Jul 30

Note: There is a great deal of additional information provided, including number of times married, age, occupation, place of birth, names of parents, occupation of parents, .... Simply click on the image to enlarge.

Source: Annual Report of the Town Officers of Campton and the Report of the Board of Educaton for the Year Ending March 1, 1890, contributed 2021 Sep 11 by Norma Hass.

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This page was last updated 12/26/2023