Coos County

Millsfield 1888 History

The surface of this town is uneven; the soil is strong and when cultivated is quite productive. The climate is cold and settlements have not been made here to any considerable extent, although there are a few good farms. This town was granted to Sir Thomas Mills, George Boyd and others, March 1, 1774. In 1858, there was but one house in town. In 1870, there were twenty-eight inhabitants; in 1880, sixty two with a valuation of nearly sixty thousand dollars; in 1887 thirteen families were resident. There is only one person in town who takes interest enough in town matters to keep any record thereof, and that person is a lady. She records all deaths, births and marriages, and sends copies of the record to secretary of state at Concord (as town clerks are required to do), and all without any compensation. Millsfield contains twenty-three thousand acres, but the northern part is mountainous. Clear stream waters its northern extremity, and Phillips river with several smaller streams the other parts of the town. It is bounded north by Dixville, east by Errol, south by Dummer, west by Odell and Dixville.

Contributed 2024 Jun 23 by Norma Hass, extracted from History of Coos County, New Hampshire by Georgia D. Merrill, published in 1888, pages 955-956.

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