Errol was granted February 28, 1774, to Timothy Ruggles and others; but in three or four
years a large portion was purchased by the gentlemen of Salem and Danvers,
Mass., whose names are attached to the petitions below as proprietors. Very
little was done in the way of settlement until the present century, and the town
contained but twenty-six inhabitants in 1820, and was not incorporated until
December 28, 1836. At the time of the agitation of the highway from Colebrook to
Hollowell, Me., in 1803 and 1804, attention was attracted to the rich lands of
this town as a good place to make homes, and some made camps and located here;
but, in a few years, as the road was not speedily constructed, the lack of
communication drove them to more available localities. It was not until
lumbering had assumed some proportions on the Magalloway that civilization came
to make a permanent occupancy, and, even now, while agriculture has been carried
on to some extent and fine farms have been developed, the lumbering interest is
the preponderating one. The soil in some portions is very good. Fair crops of
oats, potatoes and hay are produced, and the proximity of extensive lumbering
operations affords good market for products. There is some manufacturing; and,
in coming years, there will be much more. W. A. Bragg is a carriage
Errol is bounded north by Wentworth's Location, east by
Umbagog lake and Maine, south by Cambridge and Dummer, and west by Millsfield.
There are several ponds and small streams, which are attractive to the
sportsman. Umbagog lake is about twelve miles long, audits average width perhaps
a mile and a half. From it can be seen Mounts Dustan and Agizcoos and the
Diamond peaks.
The Androscoggin River Improvement Company was incorporated in 1852 by the New Hampshire legislature, and had been previously chartered by Maine. The original capital was $5,000, and the stockholders were E. S. Coe, of Bangor, and L. E. Dunn, then of Old Town, Me. It was created "to construct a series of dams at the outlets of the various lakes, and thus cause an artificial rise of water to enable lumbermen to run timber from the remote logging camps above at any season of the year." Prior to 1858 three dams had been constructed; the "Lower dam" at Errol falls, was 200 feet long, with nine gates and a large sluice-way for driving logs, and of sufficient height to raise Umbagog lake nine feet. [Here the company erected a mill and have made their headquarters.] Seven miles above the inlet of Umbagog lake is "Middle dam," which raises the waters of Allegundebagog, Welokenabakook, and Mollychunkamunk lakes eleven feet above the inlet of the upper one of these. Three miles above is the "Great lake," or Mooselukmaguntic, where was located the "Upper dam," 1,500 feet long, which would raise the surface of the Great lake thirteen feet. The Androscoggin Lakes Transportation Company has steamers plying on these lakes and the Magalloway and Androscoggin rivers, and convenient hotels exist at suitable points.
The "Akers House," John Akers, proprietor, has been a
well-known hostelry for years, and the family has always been a prominent factor
in town affairs.
The "Umbagog House," opened in December, 1886, is
one-half mile from Errol dam, one mile from Akers' pond, and on the highway to
Colebrook, "twenty miles away." At this point has been made quite a settlement,
as it is the base of supplies for the upper country and the place of departure
for Magalloway river and Parmachenee lake, and the depot of the "Errol Dam
"The Errol Dam Company" was organized under the laws of New
Hampshire in 1876 by R. C. Pingree, George S. Bearce, E. S. Coe, David Pingree
and L. E. Dunn, "to provide, maintain, and use a dam with proper gates and other
incidental works across the Androscoggin river at a convenient place in the town
of Errol for the purpose of providing and furnishing water-power and water for
such mills, and purposes as require water, and to acquire suitable rights of
flowage for this purpose." The headquarters of this company and the place where
its business is carried on is at Errol. The original capital was $5,000.
Among those families most identified with the development of the town as settlers are the well-known Bragg family, which has been prominent in affairs from prior to the organization of the town, (the first town meeting being held "at the house of James F. Bragg";) Akers, Sweatt, Davis, Thurston, and others. These all have been active in the formative processes of civilization; good, law-abiding citizens. Population in 1880, 161. Much interest is manifested in education. The Board of Education has for its members John Akers, H. W. Fickett, A. E. Bennett.
Petitions of Proprietors, Action of Town, Etc. Petition
of Proprietors for renewal of Grant. — "To the Hon'ble the Senate & the Hon'ble
the House of Representatives of the State of New Hampshire in General Court
convened December 1789. —
"The Petition of the Subscribers proprietors
of Errol & Millsfield in sd State humbly sheweth, That in the year One Thousand
Seven hundred & Seventy Nine, we employed a Committee & Surveyors with Necessary
attendants & at the great Expence of Two Thousand one hundred & Eighty pounds
transported provisions by Packmen through tin Wilderness Sixty Miles Nearly,
without any Road, & laid out sd Towns into hundred Acres Lots. That by reason of
the War, and other difficulties, we were at that time induced to lay aside our
purposes of Compleating the Settlement of Sd Towns, — that we have since renewed
our Intentions, and by our Agent Major Joshua Heath have begun to make
improvements, by felling of Trees, clearing of Roads, & putting up Log Houses in
sd Towns, by raising the Sum of Fifty pounds Eight shillings. — That it is our
unanimous Resolution, to pursue the original Design of Compleating the
settlement of sd Towns with as much Speed as may be; provided we can be
Accommodated, with Roads, & be allowed a further Time, to Compleat the Condition
of our Grant.
"Your petitioners therefore pray the Lands from Conway to
Errol, may be made liable to pay the Expences of making a good passable Road,
through the several Grants, under the Direction of such a Committee as this
Hon'ble Court shall see fit to appoint; & that a further time to fulfill the
Conditions of our Charters may be granted, or that such other proceedings may be
had for the Relief & encouragement of your Petitioners, as to this Honorable
Court shall seem meet, and as in duty bound shall every pray &c. —
"Salem 9th Dec'r 1789
"Benj'n Goodhue - Jonathan Ropes - W'm West
"Jon'a Peele - W'm Shillaber - Abraham Rand
"Jacob Ashton - Edw'd Norris -
Sam'l Ward
"Eben'r Beckford - W'm Vans - Joshua Heath"
Petition for
a Confirmation of the Grant. — "To the Hon'ble the Senate, & the Hon'ble the
House of Representatives of the General Court assembled. —
petitioners humbly shew, that sometime in the Year 1778, we purchased & paid, a
valuable consideration for more than three fourths of the land, in two Townships
in the County of Grafton, known by the name of Millsfield & Errol; & in the Next
Year, the sum of Twenty one hundred & eighty pounds, of the then currency, was
expended in laying out these townships, in lots of one hundred acres each, — at
the time these purchases were made your petitioners together with other
proprietors who were inhabitants of the State of New Hamshire, determined as
soon as a peace should take place between this Country & Great Britain, to
comply with the Conditions on which the grants were made. — Since the year 1783
We have been constantly endeavoring by very advantageous offers to engage
persons to undertake the Settlement of them, but the almost impassable woods
between them and the inhabited part of the country, was an obstacle to the
intended settlement, which we could not remove, but by the cutting & clearing of
roads through other places, at an expence, which we are sure you would neither
expect or desire. — We flatter ourselves, that you will view us as situated very
differently from the proprietors of many unsettled townships, which border
immediately on others, through which there are good roads: for we have been long
expecting that Such proprietors from the comparatively easy Access to their
townships, would at least have opened roads through them; that their Neighbors,
who were disposed to make Settlements, might have had it in their power, without
the additional expence of making roads, for those, who had so long, and so
unreasonably Neglected their duty; at length after repeated disappointments, we
agreed in Septem'r 1789 with Capt. Joshua Heath, to procure a Number of Men. and
cut a road through the woods to Millsfield & Errol; this they effected; they cut
down a considerable quantity of wood in different parts of the township of
Errol, and erected a number of log houses, intending the following year, to
place Several Settlers there; but doubts arising in the minds of some,
respecting the propriety of proceeding, untill we had obtained from Your Honors,
a confirmation of our right to the land in question, put a stop to our
exertions, and induced us to trouble you with this Application; — The attempts
we have made to accomplish Settlements, particularly the last mentioned one,
were attended with great expence, and though productive of but little real
benefit, Yet are indisputable proofs of our intentions to comply with the terms
of the grant; if the Grantees of any lands in the State have a claim to your
indulgence, and to a further time for the performance of the conditions of the
grants, we have no doubt You will consider those of Millsfield & Errol of the
number. We have so much confidence in your wisdom & equity, as to believe, that
as you have the power, so you have the inclination to do us ample Justice — we
therefore pray, that you would grant us such further time to complealt the
Settlement of the two Townships of Millsfield & Errol as to your hon's may seem
meet, & at the same time give directions respecting the clearing of Roads
between our land & the inhabited part of the Country, as shall remove any
extraordinary difficulties, which at present lay in our way. — Anything further
we Neither expect, or wish & as in duty bound shall ever pray &c. —
"Salem January 15th 1791
"W'm West - S. Goodhue Attorney to Benj'n Goodhue
"W'm Vans - Joseph Sprague - W'm Shillaber
"Jon'a Peele - Jonathan
Ropes - Sam'l Ward
"Edw'd Norris - George Dodge - Eben'r Beckford
Ashton - Jn'o Fisk - Elias Haskel Derby
"Robert Foster - Joshua Crippen -
Bart Putnam
"Abraham Rand"
APPLICATION for Call of a Town Meeting. —
"To Joseph Loomis Esquire one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the county
of Coos and state of New Hampshire.
"The undersigned freeholders of
Errol an unincorporated and unorganized town or place in said county
respectfully show that there are in said town or place no town officers who are
by law authorized to call a meeting of the inhabitants of said town or place and
that it is necessary that such officers should be immediately chosen and other
things should be done by the said town or place.
"Therefore the
undersigned request you the said justice to issue a warrant in due form of law
for the purpose of calling a meeting of the inhabitants of said town or place to
act upon the following subjects: "1st, To choose a moderator to preside at said
"2d, To choose all necessary town officers.
"Errol Nov. 20th
"Joseph Abbott - David Sweatt - Daniel G. York
"Luther Sweatt -
David Sweatt Jr. - Jonathan Shattuck
"Eliakim Davis - Abraham T. Sweatt -
James Sweatt
"Sylvanus Larnard - Sylvanus Larnard Jr. - James F. Bragg
"J. T. Wait - Fletcher Russell - Ebin Abbott"
Call for First Town
Meeting. — "[L. S.] State of New Hampshire.
"To James F. Bragg one of the
freeholders of the town or place called Errol in the county of Coos. "Whereas
application has been made in writing to me the undersigned one of the Justices
of the Peace for said county by thirteen inhabitants of said town or place
called Errol to call a meeting of the inhabitants of said town or place to act
upon the following subjects hereinafter mentioned; and whereas there are in said
town or place no town officers who are by law authorized to call a meeting of
the inhabitants of said town or place therefore you are commanded and requested
in the name of the State of New Hampshire to notify and warn the inhabitants of
said town or place qualified bylaw to vote in town affairs to meet and assemble
at the dwelling house of James F. Bragg in said town or place on the fourth day
of January next at ten of the clock in the forenoon to act upon the following
"1st. To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting.
To choose all necessary town officers.
"Hereof fail not and make return of
this warrant with your doings thereon at said meeting.
"Given under my hand
and seal this 13th day of December A D 1830
"Joseph Loomis, Justice of the
Notification of First Town Meeting. — "State of New Hampshire,
Coos, S. S.
"This is to summons and notify the inhabitants of the town
of Errol qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the dwelling house of
James F. Bragg on Tuesday the fourth day of January next at ten of the clock in
the forenoon to act upon the following articles viz.:
"1st. To choose a
moderator to preside at said meeting.
"2d. To choose all necessary town
"By a warrant from Joseph Loomis Justice of the Peace to me
"Errol Dec. 20th 1830. "James P. Bragg."
"State of New
Hampshire Coos S. S.
"I hereby certify that the within notification has been
posted up at my house in Errol it being a public place from the day of the date
up to the present time. "James F. Bragg."
"State of New Hampshire Coos S. S.
"Sworn to this 4th day January 1831 Before Me Joseph Loomis, Justice of the
Action of First Town Meeting. — "State of New Hampshire Coos 8.
"At a legal meeting duly notified and holden at a place called Errol
in the county of Coos on the 4th day of January 1831 agreeable to the warrant
for that purpose the meeting being opened the ballots being called for for a
moderator Joseph Abbott was chosen and sworn before Joseph Loomis, Justice of
the Peace. The ballot being called for for a clerk Luther Sweatt was chosen and
sworn before Joseph Loomis, Justice of the Peace. The ballot being called for
for selectmen, David Sweatt. Ebin Abbott & James F. Bragg were chosen and duly
sworn. "Luther Sweatt, Town Clerk."
The whole number of votes, March,
1831, was eighteen.
An Act to Incorporate the Town. — "Section 1. Be it
enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened
that the tract of land now known by the name of Errol shall hereafter be a town
by that name.
"Section 2. Be it further enacted that the inhabitants of
said township be and hereby are made a body politic and corporate with all the
right, powers, privileges, immunities and liabilities of similar corporations in
this State. And the said town of Errol shall be classed for the purpose of
electing a representative with the same towns and places with which it has been
heretofore been classed and shall be annexed to the same councillor and
senatorial districts as said Errol was previous to the passing of this act.
"Section 3. Be it further enacted that for the purpose of duly organizing
said town a meeting of the inhabitants therefore legally qualified to vote in
town affairs shall be holden in said town on the second Tuesday of March next at
which meeting a town clerk, selectmen, and all other necessary town officers may
be elected to continue in office until others are chosen and sworn agreeable to
the laws of this State, and that James F. Bragg, David Sweatt, and George W.
Garland or any two of them be authorized to call said meeting of said
inhabitants by giving such notice as is required for annual town meeting and it
shall be the duty aid James F. Bragg, David Sweatt or George W. Garland or some
one of them to attend and open said meeting and preside therein untill a
moderator be chosen and sworn.
"Approved December 28th 1836
"A true
Warrant for First Town Meeting after Incorporation. — "State of
New Hampshire Coos S. S.
"Pursuant to an act of the Legislature passed the
28 December 1836 authorizing James F. Bragg, David Sweatt and George W. Garland
to notify and warn the inhabitants of Errol to choose all necessary town
"You are hereby notified and warned to meet at the school house in
said Errol on Tuesday the fourteenth day of March next at nine of the clock A.
M. to act upon the following subjects viz.:
"1st To choose a moderator to
preside in said meeting.
"2d To choose all necessary town officers for the
year ensuing.
"3rd To raise any sum or sums of money for the repair of roads
and the current expenses and schools. "4th To Bring in your votes for Governor,
Councillor, Senator, County Treasurer, and Register of Deeds. "5th To transact
any other business that may legally come before the town when met.
the 17th Feb. 1837
"James F. Bragg
"David Sweatt
"George W.
First Town Meeting after Incorporation. — "At a legal town
meeting holden in Errol on the fourteenth
of March, 1837, chose Eliakim
Davis, moderator, sworn by Samuel Akers, justice of the peace. Chose James F.
Bragg, Samuel Atkers, Jared Cone, selectmen, sworn by the moderator. Chose Geo.
W. Garland constable and collector, sworn by S. Akers, justice of the peace.
Chose Nicholas Sweatt, highway surveyor of upper district, and David Sweatt for
lower district, sworn by S. Akers, justice of the peace. Chose Jared Cone,
school agent. Voted three months schooling in the summer and two in the winter.
Voted to raise twenty-five dollars for the support of schools. Voted to raise
ninety dollars for the current expenses of the town. Voted to raise three
hundred dollars for the repair of roads. Voted that the resident money be laid
out the north side of the Androscoggin River. Voted that a good laboring man
have ten cents per hour and oxen ten cents per hour. Voted that the Revenue
Money should lay and should be put out at interest by the State treasurer.
"Votes for State Officers. — For Governor, Isaac Hill had 8 votes; for
Councillor, Samuel Burns had 8 votes; for Senator, Nathaniel P. Melvin had 8
votes; for County Treasurer, William Dodge had 8 votes. For Register of Deeds
Reuben Stephenson had 8 votes. For members of Congress: Samuel Cushman had 8
votes; James Farmington had eight votes; Charles G. Atherton had 8 votes; Joseph
Weeks had 8 votes; Jared W. Williams had 8 votes.
"James F. Bragg, Town
List of Voters. 1837. — ''An alphabetical list of all the
persons in the town of Errol in the county of Coos qualified to vote in the
choice of state and county officers, representatives in Congress, and electors
of president and vice-president of the United States made by the undersigned the
17th day of February, 1837.
"Akers Samuel - Maxwell James - Shattuck
"Bragg James F. - Sweatt David - Shattuck Jonathan
Chancey W. - Sweatt Abraham F. - Sargent Enoch
"Davis Eliakim - Sweatt John
P. - Taggart James
"Garland George W. - Sweatt Nicholas - Wait John T.
"James F. Bragg
"David Sweatt
"George W. Garland
"James F. Bragg
Town Clerk."
Civil List. —
1831. Luther Sweatt, clerk; David Sweatt,
James F. Bragg, Joseph Abbott, selectmen; George W. Garland, treasurer.
1832. Luther Sweatt, clerk; J. F. Bragg, Samuel Akers, Geo. W. Garland,
selectmen; the selectmen, treasurer.
1833. Luther Sweatt, clerk; Samuel
Akers, Geo. W. Garland, Eben Abbott, selectmen; Samuel Akers, treasurer;
Brazilla Brainard, representative.
1834. Luther Sweatt, clerk; J. F. Bragg,
Eliakem Davis, David Sweatt, selectmen; Jared Cone, treasurer.
1835. Luther
Sweatt, clerk; J. F. Bragg, David Sweatt, Luther Sweatt, selectmen; Samuel
Akers, treasurer.
1836. J. F. Bragg, clerk; J. F. Bragg, Samuel Akers,
George W. Garland, selectmen; S. Akers, treasurer.
1837. J. F. Bragg, clerk;
J. F. Bragg, Samuel Akers, Jared Cone, selectmen; Samuel Akers, treasurer.
1838. George W. Garland, clerk; J. F. Bragg, Samuel Akers, James Maxwell,
selectmen; S. Akers, treasurer.
1839. George W. Garland, clerk; Samuel
Akers, James Maxwell, David Seavey, selectmen; Samuel Akers, treasurer; David
Sweatt, representative.
1840. George W. Garland, clerk; Samuel Akers, David
Sweatt, Jr., Seth L. Davis, selectmen; S. Akeis, treasurer.
1841. Peter
Austin, clerk; J. F. Bragg, William Dunn, David Sweatt, selectmen; Samuel Akers,
treasurer; Samuel Akers, representative.
1842. Peter Austin, clerk; J. F.
Bragg, Samuel Akers, James Presby, selectmen; William Dunn, treasurer; Clark J.
Haines, representative.
1843. George Graham, clerk; Samuel Akers, J. F.
Bragg, James Presby, selectmen; William Dunn, treasurer.
1844. William Dunn,
clerk; Samuel Akers, William Dunn, J. F. Bragg, selectmen; William Dunn,
1845. William Dunn, clerk; William Dunn, S. L. Davis, A. T.
Sweatt, selectmen; Samuel Akers, treasurer; William Dunn, representative.
1846. William Dunn, clerk; William Dunn, Samuel Akers, A. T. Sweatt, selectmen;
Samuel Akers, treasurer.
1847. William Dunn, clerk; William Dunn, Elliot
Harper, William McMaster, selectmen; Samuel Akers, treasurer.
1848. D. H.
Thurston, clerk; Moses Thurston, A. K. P. Cummings, Enoch Sargent, selectmen; S.
Akers, treasurer; Richard Blanchard, representative.
1849. Joshua I. Bragg,
clerk; E. Harper, S. L. Davis, Wm. McMaster, selectmen; S. Akers, treasurer: S.
Akers, representative.
1850. Win. H. Leverett, clerk; Samuel Akers, Moses
Thurston, Ira Carter, selectmen; S. Akers, treasurer; S. Akers, representative;
delegate to convention to revise constitution, Moses Thurston.
1851. W. H.
Leverett, clerk; Jared Cone, D. H. Thurston, Granville Brown, selectmen; S.
Akers, treasurer; Moses Thurston, representative.
1852. W. H. Leverett,
clerk; Samuel Akers, Jared Cone, Geo. W. Garland, selectmen; S. Akers,
treasurer; Elliot Harper, representative.
1853. W. H. Leverett, clerk;
George W. Garland, T. A. McMasters, W. H. Leverett, selectmen; S. Akers,
treasurer; Elliot Harper, representative.
1854. W. H. Leverett, clerk;
William W. Bragg, Moses Thurston, B. E. Harper, selectmen; S. Akers, treasurer.
1855. D. H. Thurston, clerk; W. W. Bragg, Moses Thurston, B. E. Harper,
selectmen; Ira Carter, treasurer.
1856. D. H. Thurston, clerk; D. H.
Thurston, W. W. Bragg, B. E. Harper, selectmen; William McMaster, treasurer; J.
F. Durkee, representative.
1857. J. D. Palmer, clerk; W. W. Bragg, B. E.
Harper, J. P. Sweatt, Jr., selectmen; Ira Carter, treasurer.
1858. J. D.
Palmer, clerk; W. W. Bragg, J. D. Palmer, W. Garland, selectmen; W. P. Rich,
treasurer; D. H. Thurston, representative.
1859. William P. Rich, clerk; D.
H. Thurston, William McMaster, W. P. Rich, selectmen; William McMaster,
1860. W. P. Rich, clerk; S. L. Davis, William McMaster, W. P.
Rich, selectmen; Moses Thurston, treasurer; M. F. Cooledge, representative.
1861. W. P. Rich, clerk; S. L. Davis, D. H. Thurston, W. P. Rich, selectmen;
Moses Thurston, treasurer.
1862. J. D. Palmer, clerk; C. L. Heywood, B. E.
Harper, J. D. Palmer, selectmen; Moses Thurston, treasurer; voted not to send
1863. J. D. Palmer, clerk; C. L. Heywood, Wm. McMaster, D.
H. Thurston, selectmen; M. Thurston, treasurer.
1864. J. D. Palmer, clerk;
W. McMaster, J. D. Palmer, W. W. Bragg, selectmen; Moses Thurston, treasurer.
1865. J. D. Palmer, clerk; W. W. Bragg, C. L. Heywood, J. D. Palmer,
selectmen; J. D. Palmer, treasurer.
1866. J. D. Palmer, clerk; W. W. Bragg,
S. L. Davis, Wm. McMaster, selectmen; Moses Thurston, treasurer; Albert J.
Peasly, representative.
1867. J. D. Palmer, clerk; C. L. Heywood, S. L.
Davis, B. E. Harper, selectmen; D. H. Thurston, treasurer.
1868. G. C.
Demeritt, clerk; C. L. Heywood, B. E. Harper, D. H. Thurston, selectmen; D. H.
Thurston, treasurer.
1869. G. C. Demeritt, clerk; C. L. Heywood, B. E.
Harper, D. H. Thurston, selectmen; D. H. Thurston, treasurer; C. L. Heywood,
1870. G. C. Demeritt, clerk; C. L. Heywood, B. E. Harper, M.
F. Cooledge, selectmen; D. H. Thurston, treasurer; D. H. Thurston,
1871. J. A. Thurston, clerk; D. H. Thurston, C. H. Demeritt,
W. M. Thurston, selectmen; D. H. Thurston, treasurer; voted not to send
1872. J. A. Thurston, clerk; D. H. Thurston, S. L. Davis, W.
L. Fickett, selectmen; D. H. Thurston,
treasurer; D. H. Thurston,
1873. J. A. Thurston, clerk; D. H. Thurston, W. W. Bragg, J.
A. Thurston, selectmen; D. H. Thurston, treasurer.
1874. G. C. Demeritt,
clerk; J. A. Thurston, John Akers, G. C. Demeritt, selectmen; George Ilsley,
treasurer; John Akers, representative.
1875. G. C. Demeritt, clerk; W. W.
Bragg, J. A. Thurston, G. C. Demeritt, selectmen; G. C. Demeritt, treasurer; W.
W. Bragg, representative.
1876. G. C. Demeritt, clerk; John Akers, George
Ilsley, J. A. Thurston, selectmen; G. C. Demeritt, treasurer; W. W. Bragg,
representative; delegate to convention, John Akers.
1877. G. C. Demeritt,
clerk; J. A. Thurston, L. H. Grover, M. F. Cooledge, selectmen; G. C. Demeritt,
1878. G. C. Demeritt. clerk; G. C. Demeritt, Quincy B. Davis, W.
W. Bragg, selectmen; G. C. Demeritt, treasurer; W. W. Bragg, representative.
1879. G. C. Demeritt, clerk; J. A. Thurston, J. Akers, J. P. Corbett, selectmen;
Quincy B. Davis, treasurer.
1880. G. C. Demeritt, clerk: J. A. Thurston, Q.
B. Davis, E. D. Thurston, selectmen; D. H. Thurston, treasurer: John Akers,
1881. Lewis C. Bragg, clerk; E. D. Thurston, G. H. Heywood,
L. H. Grover, selectmen; D. H. Thurston, treasurer.
1882. L. C. Bragg,
clerk; J. P. Corbett. G. C. Demeritt, N. N. Ferren, selectmen; D. H. Thurston,
1883. L. C. Bragg, clerk; J. P. Corbett, G. C. Demeritt, J. L.
Bragg, selectmen: S. R. Hanscom, treasurer.
1884. L. C. Brag, clerk; E. D.
Thurston, A. W. Fickett, W. M. Thurston, selectmen; D. H. Thurston. treasurer;
Ernest D. Thurston, representative.
1885. L. C. Bragg, clerk: E. D.
Thurston, W. M. Thurston. A. E. Bennett, selectmen; D. If. Thurston. treasurer.
1886. L. C. Bragg, clerk; A. W. Fickett, A. E. Bennett, George Ilsley,
selectmen; H. W. Fickett, treasurer.
1887. Lewis C. Bragg, clerk; S. R.
Hanscomb, G. C. Demeritt, A. L. Davis, selectmen; H. W. Fickett. treasurer.
Contributed 2024 Jun 23 by Norma Hass, extracted from History of Coos County, New Hampshire by Georgia D. Merrill, published in 1888, pages 948-955.
Copyright © 1996 - The USGenWeb® Project, NHGenWeb, Coos County